The Daily Mail online published this article

Following outraged comments from British readers of Daily Mail online, Mike Hitchen defended the paedophile saying, "Grow up readers! Glitter has done his time in a country not noted for its truth in determining guilt and as such is a free man whether you like it or not. He's entitled to go and live where he wants unless one of you wishes to step up and take his place in the ludicrous feeding frenzy of half-truths that passes for 'news' in tabloids!"
Yes, Mike, we all know what you think of the British tabloids and the feeding frenzy of half-truths relating to the McCann's don't we? And we also know that you've been a fan of Gary Glitter since the 70's, so are we really surprised to see you pop up on the Daily Mail defending this despicable man?

Maybe 'Michael' of Sydney approves of paedophiles, Mary? After all, you can find a wide selection of his perverted stories right here on this blog with links to the originals, written by his own fair hand.