Yep, I have already put plans in place to make damn sure of that. Every second of every day, I want her to know why she is left old, alone and unloved by anyone - especially her children. And when I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds. Yes she is scared, and yes, she is ill, but I no longer care. Every time I look at her, I see the look on Mel's face at the hurt she was subjected to. Of all the evil things this bitch from the gutters of Vienna has done to her family, this was the worst. I have one brother who I have seen once since 1964 - and that was in 1967, and another who I haven't seen since 1980. By the time I was 11, she had kicked them both out - the oldest at 16. I have nephews and nieces now in their late 20s and 30s, who I have never met. My dad a former director, died a broken man looking like a refugee from Belsen or shuffling around like a down market Arthur Haynes. He was only 66. She did that. She will never ever get my forgiveness. It's payback time. Mike
1 – 200 of 303 Newer› Newest»Oh my goodness. LOL!!
L O V E it!
Many thanks, sweetcheeks :)
The best thing is, these are all his own words!! LOL
You sick bastards, this is not Mike Hitchen.
Not very bright are you? But I am.
Anon at 03:33 - who would you say this is then eh? Bearing in mind your very own Mike Hitchen has confirmed on his own profile his input to the spanking sites :)
Mike Hitchen must have seriously rattled your cage, whoever you are, for you to put so much effort into this sick clone site. What a pathetic excuse for a human being you must be.
Aw, many thanks sweetcheeks :)
Hmmm, not quite as much effort as he himself put into writing hate about his own mother and about spanking schoolgirls ;)
Considering all this stuff was written by Mike in the first place, why aren't you saying he's the sick individual???
• Mike:aske how he failed her
8:55 PM 4/2/08
• Guest: Loser Hitchen. TFA has nothing to do with me
or this at all. This is about YOU, claiming to care
about Maddie when you have such an evilness
8:55 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:What did we do for you to leave us clueless
8:55 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:sad loser who failed his sprog
8:55 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Just a jealous guy..
8:55 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Yes sweet cheeks..
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• Guest: your "success" ahahahahahahahahahahahah
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Good. I don’t need you to maintain my success.
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• Guest: too late - I've got it all. I’m nothing to do
with TFA. I just can’t stand to see you project
yourself as this caring character.
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:TFA, just a blogger jealous of my success
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• chilli link
8:54 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Oh I do hope so..You see my audience do not
read blogs like his or the 3agudis
8:53 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:The oout of work drunk failed his daughter
8:53 PM 4/2/08
• Guest: You're right it's being saved and will crop
up everywhere
8:53 PM 4/2/08
Mike:I’m closing this down now. No doubt I’ll be the
talk of the town again.
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Guest: Sorry, are you saying TFA killed his child?
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Guest: Everyone, see how nice and child-caring your
"friend" Hitchen is
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Mike:They killed her. What were they taking. Junkies.
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Mike:What did he do to her...after all, he himself ask
the question
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Just think..poor TFA, let down dear old Ethel
8:52 PM 4/2/08
Mike:He failed her didnt he...he betrayed her, thats
why he is bitter with guilt
8:51 PM 4/2/08
Guest: FAMILY??? After the filth and hatred you
publically wrote about your own mother? You claim to
care about family?!
Mike:I don’t give a f**k. Nobody attacks my family and
gets away with it.
8:51 PM 4/2/08
Guest: You have such a charming mouth don't you
Hitchen. And you are fooling NOONE when you claim to
care about Maddie
8:51 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: What a charmer you are Hitchen. You are
claiming to care about Madeleine yet you joke about
8:51 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Is that why Ethel died..is that why he asks what
did they do
8:51 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Is she also an out of work hjunkie?
8:50 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: Keep it coming Mike. It would do some people
good to know exactly what type of “friend” they are
8:49 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Is she a junkie like her shag?
8:48 PM 4/2/08
Mike: What about your slag mummy?
8:48 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Did daddy dig you up again
8:48 PM 4/2/08
Mike:Hi Ethel
8:48 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: He’s using you to get you to donate money. The
shoutbox is virtually free!
8:47 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: If Hitchen claims he cannot afford it he is in
a right fix.
8:47 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: The shoutbox costs peanuts.
8:47 PM 4/2/08
Mike: $6 for 3 months
8:45 PM 4/2/08
Guest:: Warning ladies. He’s roping you in…
8:44 PM 4/2/08
Pearl: I’m sure we wouldn’t mind all pitching in and
making donations to you.
8:44 PM 4/2/08
Pearl: We could all chip in to help you. There are 6
or os of us who use it.
8:43 PM 4/2/08
Mike:I can’t afford it.
8:42 PM 4/2/08
Mike:The shoutbox has to be public just now until I
can afford to pay for the Premium Service
8:42 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Next renewal is May 4
11:49 PM 4/2/08
• Mona I made that suggestion to Mike this
morning...it is a good idea
11:49 PM 4/2/08
• Mona oh! Haven't seen mandy today..perhaps she came
in when the free was on and hasn't returned.
11:48 PM 4/2/08
• grandma from ireland Hey girls we should pay
towards shout box I would hate to loose it as Mike
paid for it for us
11:48 PM 4/2/08
• Mike I thought we may lose the membership list, and
all the configurations..and smilies!
11:48 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Except our minds...we kept our sense of
11:47 PM 4/2/08
• Mona what do you mean lose Mike?
11:47 PM 4/2/08
• Mona hobnob has just popped in from Finland
11:46 PM 4/2/08
• Mike I am glad we didnt lose anything when the SB
went back to the free version
11:46 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob spotps em riiinimg awau
• hobnob i have never been there and have no
intention either
11:07 PM 4/2/08
• judyo Sorry but that crap wouldnt get published in
the school mag in a 'failing' comp. What an idiot.
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• Mike I know To some they may be...When they are
let out on day release
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob in g his opinion
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• Mona lol judy..have you read any of the rubbish? I
did and was almost sick!
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• judyo his poetry page is subtitled 'the very best
in modern English poetry'.
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Bye Susie xx
11:06 PM 4/2/08
• Mona well a monster would need one judyo!
11:05 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Bye Susie!
11:05 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Oh yes...and a fictious daugfhter to hide
• Susie Got to go - sorry - later
11:04 PM 4/2/08
• judyo one thing TFA does have is a monster ego.
11:04 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob have to remember they post on thier own
blogs to keep the hits up how sad is that ?/ LOL
11:03 PM 4/2/08
• kimsam well I know it has nothing to do with me,
what I hear here stays with the people on here
11:03 PM 4/2/08
• Mona oh Mike this is getting complicated!
11:03 PM 4/2/08
• Mike He is an out of work jubnkie in
Bradford..formerly from Norfolk.
11:03 PM 4/2/08
• Mike They wouldnt know the McCann thread exists!
11:02 PM 4/2/08
• judyo I read TFA's latest blog he pretends he has
not been contacted by blogger but I think that is
another untruth.
11:02 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Oh they dont read the McCann stories..they
come for the others!
11:02 PM 4/2/08
• Mike It takes more than a retarded junkie to get to
• Mona Mike it's a true old saying then...no
publicity is bad publicity!
11:02 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Becasue whatever they publish, the hits still
keep coming
11:01 PM 4/2/08
• Mike I like stirring the bastards to see how
quickly it gets out
11:01 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Personal attacks or alleged defamation etc etc
11:01 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Oh yes Im always do And I know exactly what
I say when I know when they are on
11:00 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Here are some examples of content we will not
remove unless provided with a court order:
11:00 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Mike do you have any knowledge who was here
when you said it?
11:00 PM 4/2/08
• Mona court order!
10:59 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Thats what EGCMG stands for, and I only
mentioned it on here
10:59 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Even God Calls Me God. We've already laughed
at you for that one elsewhere• Mike Now this is
interesting..another attempted post
10:59 PM 4/2/08
• Mona yes, but it was worrying judy! Especially
when toe rags managed to get here!
10:59 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob link
10:58 PM 4/2/08
• judyo hi Mike
10:58 PM 4/2/08
• judyo hi mona how are you - told you it would be
10:58 PM 4/2/08
• Mona judy and kim are not showing in my list
10:58 PM 4/2/08
• Susie whoops full list
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• kimsam susie and judyo I have showing
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Hi Judy
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• Susie Something wrong with your list then Mona, I
get the fully list
• Mona I think this happened once before...
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• judyo i have just logged in and I can see myself on
the list
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Mind you, SB is odd!
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• Mona who are the other two ..I can see kim posting
but she is not in the list
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob i see mike and kimsams
10:57 PM 4/2/08
• Mike Mmmm, thats odd
10:56 PM 4/2/08
• Mona yes, but the llist says you, susie hob and
10:56 PM 4/2/08
• kimsam I am loosing the plot is there still ghosts
around I don't have a clue what is going on
10:56 PM 4/2/08
• Mike six online..I check every few seconds
10:56 PM 4/2/08
• Mike I know, but they reply that they merely
provide the tools
• Mona lol
10:39 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Dont know, but the Anons are claiming they
shut me down
10:38 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Same here...and will be all week!
10:38 PM 4/2/08
• Mona good mike...now tell us why...it's cold, wet
and miserable here!
10:37 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Wonder what the next thing Clarrie will bring
10:37 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I feel happy
10:37 PM 4/2/08
• Mona back...from outer space...you just walked in
here with a smile upon your face...
10:36 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I'm back
10:36 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Following a link a while back I read some of
the so-called poetry...I think Kate McCann is more of
a beauty than he is a poet!
10:35 PM 4/2/08
• Mona I haven't seen Mandy since Friday..I couldn't
come here till last night as was busy over the weekend
though Imanaged to leave a message on Saturday about
Wales beating England!
• hobnob a very bad one i hear
10:34 PM 4/2/08
• Mona and as for being a poet! lol
10:32 PM 4/2/08
• Mona only he makes himself look very bad!
10:32 PM 4/2/08
• Mona but the thing is they say such awful things
about people they don't know...why? Jealousy..jealous
of people they have never seen...people who use an
alias ..it's mad!
10:32 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob n more than likely if you can;'t make
yourself look good why have a blog? LOL specially if
no one else posts on it
10:32 PM 4/2/08
• Mona I think that it is tfa making most of the
posts on his blog anyway!
10:31 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob i know i see it day in day out in chat some
are plain nasty and want attention no matter what
kind, others have a failed vp relationship and want
10:31 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob get a coffee proof keyboard
10:30 PM 4/2/08
• Mona hob I just am amazed how many horrible people
there are who chose to vent their bile on forums etc
• Mike:BRB
10:28 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:aaaw
10:28 PM 4/2/08
• Mona have now sent nasty email and awaiting a
10:28 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Careful Hobnob nearly spilled my coffee
10:27 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:And I cant help being an international sex
symbol, so they would be hurt being rejected by me
10:26 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob i see it all the time, i however have a big
stick and will use it mwahahahahahahaha
10:26 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Oh yes
10:26 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:then the three sheilas joined in
10:26 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob he is attention seeking Mike:imagine a
toddler throwing a tantrum to get attention and thats
what he is doing
10:26 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Nope, Gran isn’t
• hobnob i see sina
10:25 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:TFA made two complimentry posts to my
blog..then the next thing I knew, he was attacking me
10:25 PM 4/2/08
• Mona is gran here?
10:25 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Mike:it says 5 on line but the list only shows
10:25 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I have no idea how it happened.• Mona they
are totally fixated with Mike:on there...and filth
just spouts from them.
10:24 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Great!! I appreciate that
10:24 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob but i think that shows the server so you
should be able to contact them and make a complaints
and if they are any good and the comments are in
breach of theirt tos they should take it down
10:23 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Leicester
10:22 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:When I started on the McCanns, I had one good
client..it wall I needed...they were in...wait for
10:22 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob not sure if that helps any
10:22 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:thanks Hobnob
10:21 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:doesnt leave too many to charge!
10:21 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I wont charge friends, students, school
children, or people I know read but dont post..or long
time readers
10:21 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob link
• Mike:In some cases yes.
10:20 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:so I need to recoup some of the losses I made
focusing on the McCanns, and the blog gets about 2,000
new readers a day
10:20 PM 4/2/08
• Mona so those who want to comment on the blog
except knkow friends will have to pay...botht he blog
and SB?
10:20 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:The ads pay bugger all...my account now stands
at 96 cents - up from 94 cents
10:19 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I wont be allowing comments, but there will be
off-blog comments
10:19 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Nope, no one I know will have to pay
10:19 PM 4/2/08
• Mona I can't get on the blog try as I might..and I
have spent a good while typing very interesting posts
and not getting through!
10:18 PM 4/2/08
• Mona getting to the SB?
10:18 PM 4/2/08
• Mona so they won't affect us Mike?
10:18 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:LOL..thats annoying• Mike:that should be NONE
10:17 PM 4/2/08
• Mona I have been promised an email and I am still
waiting eventhough the message says we have sent an
email ...grrr
10:17 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:one of the changes will affect people I know
10:17 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:lol
10:16 PM 4/2/08
• Mona my email is sloooooow!
10:16 PM 4/2/08
• Mona and no child by that name has died either!
10:16 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I know
10:16 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:thanks
10:16 PM 4/2/08
• Mona There has not been an ethel born to anyone in
the UK for decades!
10:15 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob gicve me a couple let me do some bingoogling
• Mike:link
10:15 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob i never go there so i don't know it
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:et me find it..I never visit it
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I know, but it was fun
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob whats their url mike?
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob never lower yourself to their level you are
far above them and by reacting you give them what they
want which is attention, something they sadly lack in
real life
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Yep, I know my remarks about Ethel wont please
10:14 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I cant find out his ISP
10:13 PM 4/2/08
• Mona Mike:you shouldnever care what people think
and as for TFA and the so-called people who are
supposed to support him...well...they are foul-mouthed
10:13 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:He has made fun of my late dad, made fun of
the death of a very special friend who was confiend to
a wheelchair...saying how easy it was for me to shag
her...so I dont have qualms
• hobnob still think you shoulf write to their host
and complain about their comments any good isp will
close them down LOL
10:13 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I feel free!
10:12 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:Nope...and I no longer care what people think
10:12 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:As soon as TFA attcked me - out of the
blue...I had an email telling me not to attack him
becasue of that effing poem
10:12 PM 4/2/08
• hobnob tfa whole life is a work or fiction and not
good fiction at that LOL
10:11 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:I showed the poem to a doctor, he said
mediaclly it was rubbish
10:11 PM 4/2/08
• Mona and never did!
10:11 PM 4/2/08
• Mona imho
10:11 PM 4/2/08
• Mike:She doesnt exist
10:11 PM 4/2/08
• Mike And no one else is to either • Mike ok
11:27 PM 5/2/08
• Mona So bye for now
11:27 PM 5/2/08
• Mona so I'm going to do that now...if I'm still
here let me know by email Mike?
11:27 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I just logged out and in using the logout and
then password etc.
11:26 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I dont know how that works!
11:26 PM 5/2/08
• Mona so even clicking out of the blog as well?
11:25 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I can see you
11:25 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Nope
11:25 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I think you have to log out from both the SB
and the blog
11:24 PM 5/2/08
• Mona did it go?
11:24 PM 5/2/08
• Mona did it go?
11:24 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I'm back!
11:24 PM 5/2/08
• Mike ok
11:23 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I'll do it again...and I'll wait for a minute
before Icome back
11:23 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Still there
11:23 PM 5/2/08
• Mona did my name go?
11:22 PM 5/2/08
Mona I'll test it with the x I'll do that and you can
tell me if my name disappeared from the list..I'll
come back fo ryou to do that ok
11:22 PM 5/2/08
Mike Yep, just log back in
11:22 PM 5/2/08
• Mike It must have been when I changed the setting
11:21 PM 5/2/08
Mona and I don't want to be like sina...imprisoned in
the list God bless her!
11:21 PM 5/2/08
• Mona MIKE!!!!!!
11:20 PM 5/2/08
• Mona oh I see you have puta log out at the top now
Mike...well if I just click on the x will I go? cos I
can't remember how to get back in!
11:20 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Bye for now
11:20 PM 5/2/08
• Mike And I will take my break!
Mona I should be getting some work done Mike...I have
to find a good garage for my car to go to!
11:19 PM 5/2/08
Mona He says he learned his art while studing in
11:15 PM 5/2/08
Mike LOL!!!
11:15 PM 5/2/08
Mona I know a priest who said that if he wants to
worry anyone he calls them very late at night and just
say "call to see me tomorrow"...he said it works
everytime. They don't sleep until they find out what
it is he wants!
11:14 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Everyone has their weakness, you just identify
it, target, and stick in the sword
11:13 PM 5/2/08
Mike By putting pressure on people
11:12 PM 5/2/08
Mona um what do you mean you have caused?
11:11 PM 5/2/08
• Mona lol mike
11:11 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Are we family too Mike! ?
11:10 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I have casued an attempted suicide, a marriage
break up and a stroke..and they were cleverer than
some clown from effing Bradford Smiley face
11:10 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I don't knkow how they manage to sleep at
night. But then...if they did have faces and were
known to us they wuldn't do it because they are
11:10 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I know...and when someone crosses my family,
they end up paying.
11:09 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I'm not a bad person either and I do take
exception to the "people" and I use the word loosley
who take our "names" even though they are aliases and
bandy them about the internet with abuse and filth
11:08 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I know, its just a handful of retards.
11:08 PM 5/2/08
• Mona You are not horrible Mike, that I beleive.
Otherwise I wouldn't be chatting to you. Neither would
all the other lovely people who come to the SB.
11:07 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Oh there are , and too be blunt, I knew what
the Brits were capable of sorry!
11:07 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I didn't realize (but should have not being
naive) that ther were so many poisonous, jealous
people in the world who were waiting to pounce.
11:06 PM 5/2/08
• Mona When I first commented on a forum it was
because of Madeleine and all that seems wrong. I
thought I was with like-minded people who were open
for debate.
11:05 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I will be in bed
11:05 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Mike when we leave the SB today will you
delete it?
11:04 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Good!
11:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mike others more than me..I sailed through chemo!
11:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Oh heck yes!
11:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I think that happens...
11:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mona but you are better now aren't you?
11:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I think there must be something wrong with the
list Mike...Sina has been listed all the time and I
don't think she is here. so prob couldn't log out
11:02 PM 5/2/08
• Mike 1991/1992
11:02 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Oh Mike I didn't know you had been ill
11:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL, yep
Mona a pity their fathers hadn't popped in a few years
11:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Like when I had chemotherapy, it never sank
in..just blocked out
11:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mike When "bad" things happen, they are somehow
blocked out.
11:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mona The fact that he is allowing this to continue
and inhis name is because there was no child...at
least no Ethel!
11:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Nope, it actually doesnt bother me a bit
11:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike If they popped to the nearest chemist, they
would find a permanent solution to all their problems
11:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mona oh Mike..that is awful fo r you.
11:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Bit hard to do as he was cremated
10:59 PM 5/2/08
• Mona If that child had existed Mike then TFA would
have put a stop to this nonsense.
• Mike I know..they are psoting about my
father..asking if Ive dug him up
10:59 PM 5/2/08
• Mona ghouls!Mona Lord have they nothing better to
do with their lives? Aren't there a few Chruchyards
that need haunting?
10:59 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I see keywords and just reject and delte
10:58 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Nope, the Dead Ethels are still psoting
10:58 PM 5/2/08
• Mona the anons gone quiet now Mike?
10:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I just stirred in a few chillies...they loved
10:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mona lol
10:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I did spag bol fo r them last night ..they had
never had it before and they said could they have it
10:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Can I pop over
10:56 PM 5/2/08
• Mona the curry would suit my history students
10:56 PM 5/2/08
• Mona chicken curry followed by pancakes with sugar
and lemon
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mona lol a plate of wheat!
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mike What did you decide?
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mike What did you decide?
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mona what!
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I was just sitting here deciding wheat to do
for dinner tonight...
10:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Welcome!
10:54 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I am back
10:53 PM 5/2/08
• Mona That should be Mr Mona!!
10:51 PM 5/2/08
Mona thank Goodness...email is working again! It sort
of sticks sometimes Mr Mike tells me I don't clear it
out enough!
Mona and they take out their frustration on the rest
of the world..well when they are doing what they are
doing at the keyboard it is keeping lunatics off the
streets I suppose!
10:44 PM 5/2/08
• Mike BRB
10:44 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Faggots and Peas nobodies
10:43 PM 5/2/08
• Mike They are intellectual and emotional cripples.
a life time of failure and rejection behind them
10:43 PM 5/2/08
Mona Are they totally sick? They must be! Also
childish in the extreme!
10:41 PM 5/2/08
Mike I hops she likes the blog I have created for her
10:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mike The Dead Ethels are having fun trying to post
my address ]
10:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Hi again
10:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mona can't open OUTLOOK!
10:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mona damn email is now playing up!!!
10:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I managed to clear my airing cupboard
yesterday! I really should do something else too
10:38 PM 5/2/08
Mike Im back
10:34 PM 5/2/08
• Mona yes WSF...speak soon take care
10:32 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I wouldn't say I was a beach person...a little
goes a long way with me. However I love walking and
history and culture...
10:32 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I had better get on with some work,
as I have my end of the month villa accounts to
finalise, so bye for now, hope to talk again later
10:32 PM 5/2/08
• Mona and some much needed sun!
10:31 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower A trial run with no risk!
• Mona And I love Portuguese people too..so friendly
and homely. Very family orientated as I am. Yes, I
think that will be a good idea. The rental I mean.
10:28 PM 5/2/08
• Mona A friend of his developed a property there and
lives there too and he loves it. In fact his sister
and her family are sellilng up to go too.
10:27 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower You could try a long winter rental
to see how you like it as rentals are very low at this
time of the year and it is also nice and quiet
10:27 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower It will be 41 years in July, Mona,
and yes it is. It was almost biblical when I first
came but inspite of all the development it is still a
wonderful place to live and I feel very privileged
10:26 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Mr Mona and myself were thinking a little
while ago about it. Buying a house ther. but I can't
at the moment seriously thik about it...I'm a bit
scared of burning boats.
10:26 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Changing the subject...how long have you lived
in Portugal WSF? It sounds idyllic
• Mona And I won't shop with NEXT onlilne because
they want to do credit checks on everyone even though
you are paying by card!
10:19 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I don't think M & S export so I've
never used them
10:19 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower typical!
10:18 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Now I get annoyed with M&S online shopping
because they say they have the items in stock but
after waiting a while I phone them to be told they
were out of stock when I ordered!
10:18 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower that's true Mona, but I find if I
stick to certain catalogues I am pretty safe
10:16 PM 5/2/08
• Mona the only problem I have is if I don't like it
it's the messing around sending things back!
10:16 PM 5/2/08
• Mona online shopping...love it!
10:15 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I may be a few moments
10:14 PM 5/2/08
• Mike BRB
10:14 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower Probably n age thing, don't like
exposing the lumps and bumps in the shops!
10:13 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower It's weird but I am not a clothes
shopper in the physical sense but am addicted to it
10:13 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower bless 'em!
10:12 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I liked the clothes one, can't
remember the name, but I think they were international
and would probably have an interesting spring
10:12 PM 5/2/08
• Mike the anons are busy posting
10:11 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL
10:10 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower really, that's pathetic!
10:09 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower Just bully Prestat into extending
their market!
10:08 PM 5/2/08
• Mike The ads dont actually pay - $1:02 so far! but
they add to the blog
10:08 PM 5/2/08
• Mike They look gorgeous
10:07 PM 5/2/08
• Mike multi-national companies agaion like Adidas
10:07 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I have a passion for violet and
rose creams, so it was right up my alley
10:07 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I shall have to change the ads to more
international ones.
10:07 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Aaaw I'm sorry WSF
10:07 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I tried to order some chocs from
Prestat Mike, but sadly they only cover UK, or perhaps
that's a good thing on reflection!
10:06 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Take care!
10:06 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Bye everyone x
10:06 PM 5/2/08
• judyo I will try not to but I think it may be a
late night.
10:06 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Bye Judy xx
10:06 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower bye Judy, don't work too hard
10:05 PM 5/2/08
• Mona see you judy take care
10:05 PM 5/2/08
• judyo right I have to go I am really skiving being
on here. I will pop in later.
10:05 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower thanks a bunch Mona!! lol
10:04 PM 5/2/08
• Mona and for you too xx
10:04 PM 5/2/08
• Mona ah thank you WSF
10:04 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I wonder where Jack H is? He has posted on the
blog but I've not seen him here for ages!
10:04 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Aaaw I like those
10:04 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower cheer up Mona, these are just as
10:03 PM 5/2/08
• judyo still here, just got a phone call and didnt
have sign to sign out.
10:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL..I mean them silly!]
10:03 PM 5/2/08
10:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mona What? your harem retarded junkies! lol
10:03 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL, I dont think I need help from retarded
10:02 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I bet it is WSF and I would love to be there
and see it all. Ah I can dream.
10:02 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I love Mimosa WSF
10:02 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Mike why are they so concerned about your
well-being and redemption? They keep on telling you
all the time how bad you are but don't offer any help
in your re-habilitation. It's all down to us!
10:02 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower sorry Mona, but it really is lovely
10:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I stuffed up that joke didnt I!
10:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Infamy, infay - theyve all got it in for me!
10:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mona oh WSF...you make me so envious!
10:01 PM 5/2/08
• Mona lol mike!
10:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL
10:00 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower I am going up to Monchique later
this week because all the mimosa is already out so it
is blanketed in yellow, whereas down here we have the
almond blossom which is just beautiful as well
10:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike John Hampson has left a new comment on your
post Hitchen you're a disgrace
10:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mona but the daffs are coming up!
10:00 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Set for the week
9:59 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower Yuk, sorry to hear that Mike
9:59 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I'm really looking forward to spring...this
has been a horrible bleak, wet winter.
9:59 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower OOh yes, forgot about that, silly
me, will have to do them lunch time as I am out for
9:58 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Cold and wet here WSF
9:58 PM 5/2/08
• Mona just pancakes here this evening!
9:58 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower lovely sunny day here and it'
carnaval, so plenty of eggs and flour throwing no
9:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mona how are you?
9:57 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL..Hi WSF
9:57 PM 5/2/08
• wild sun flower Morning all, nice to see the gang's
all here and peace reigns once more!
9:56 PM 5/2/08
• Mona WSF is here!
9:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mike The new fromat wont be complicated, but more
9:55 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I'm here
9:54 PM 5/2/08
• Mona judy are you still here?
9:52 PM 5/2/08
• Mike BRB
9:49 PM 5/2/08
• Mike That sounds nice and relaxing Mona, I like that
9:49 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Well, it will be peaceful and no kids
around..we have booked a nice hotel so plenty of walks
and then cosying up with a good book and a glass of
9:49 PM 5/2/08
• Mike LOL, a good time to have it
9:48 PM 5/2/08
• Mona our half term is next week that is why we'll be
away for 4 days! four lovely long days..in the middle
of winter!
9:47 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Not sure...Our school term has only just
9:47 PM 5/2/08
• Mona when is half-term in England? is it this week
ornext week?
9:47 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I hope she is OK.she is a lovely lady
9:46 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I miss Mandy!
9:46 PM 5/2/08
• Mona as I said perhaps she is busy with her mum. her
chidlren are quite young too.
9:46 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Sorry Judy
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mona
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Nope, no response which is unusual
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Mike LOL, that is awful.
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Sorry Judy
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mona
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Nope, no response which is unusual
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Mike LOL, that is awful.
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Oh hairbrushes Mona!!
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Did mandy reply to you Mike?
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mike In Australia, grooming consists of "well that's
nice dear, now get your knickers off"
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I have the hair brush and judy has the
9:45 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Mike I am honoured but my Britney Spears
outfit is at the cleaners.
9:44 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Thank you Judy, you can pass on to the next
stage of my grooming
9:44 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I know judy..we are just the adoring harem
9:43 PM 5/2/08
• judyo well you know what its like with us
9:43 PM 5/2/08
• Mona the tongues will no doubt be wagging...• Mona
oh yes...emailing mike eh...?
9:42 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I emailed Mandy last night
9:42 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Just got it..Just need to find your email
9:42 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Mandy hasn't been in. I hope all is well with
her. Her mother hurt her ankle last week so perhaps
she is tied up there.
9:42 PM 5/2/08
• judyo you were just going to fast for me plust I
was away emailing Mike!
9:41 PM 5/2/08
• Mona yes but she hasn't posted
9:41 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Yep
9:41 PM 5/2/08
• Mona once a prat always a prat
9:41 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Judy is stoill showing on mine
9:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Makes him sound like a working class prat,
trying to sound arty-farty
9:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mona where is judy gone!?
9:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I think he is trying to be clever Mike...in
his poetry. He thinks that writing like that makes him
sound deep and intellectual! lol
9:40 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I said it becasue I knew who was on, and what
would happen
9:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mike shows how stupid and unthinking they are
9:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mike d it wasnt me who posted what I said all over
the net - it was his own supporters
9:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I agree.
9:39 PM 5/2/08
• Mona because, god forbid, if I was t have endured
the birth and death of a child, sharing that with
millions and using her as bait to goad a fellow
blogger would be the last thing I would do!
9:38 PM 5/2/08
• Mona If he had a child and that child died, I
believe he is acting in a very strange way, giving a
silly name and then saying awful things , it doesn't
add up.
9:37 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Shes not dead, just pining for the fjords
9:37 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Isnt it lovely
9:36 PM 5/2/08
• Mona what about her death cert?
9:36 PM 5/2/08
• Mona that's nice for them
9:36 PM 5/2/08
8q; 0.0193s
• Mike I had a post telling me they had a copy of her
9:36 PM 5/2/08
• Mona mine is almost up todate...I had the surname
too but no births or deaths of children with that
christian name.
9:35 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Funny Mona I checked that too but I dont have
data that is recent enough. there were Ethels though,
mostly in London I think and quite a few with African
sounding surnames.
9:35 PM 5/2/08
• Mike "JaneMike i'm embarrassed at how i've hit on
you in such a sexual way - i've need that to make me
move "
9:34 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I wonder if Jane recalls this
9:34 PM 5/2/08
• Mona I checked again Mike...no child certified as
Ethel born for a long while!
9:33 PM 5/2/08
• Mona yep judy...me too...ta mike!
9:32 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Oh no, I will have that song on the brain all
day now.
9:32 PM 5/2/08
• Mona there are a lot of daft people out there
Mike...they are not all locked up!
9:32 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Mona, Oh Lord Its Hard To Be Humble
9:32 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Mind you, thats understandable
9:31 PM 5/2/08
• Mona wow Mike we'll have to get ear muffs on with
all the filthy language!
9:31 PM 5/2/08
• judyo Which I bet Jerry the Poet couldn't spell!
9:31 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I know..Thats what my mother says...they cant
give me up
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• Mike They will be complete..unedited..
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• judyo They even call themselves things like 'a
convert'. And their messages to TFA are flesh
creepingly sycophantic.
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• Mike They will be complete..unedited..
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• Mona they also worship at the feet of Mike too
judy...otherwise they wouldn't go on and on and on!!!
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I know but we have a few more active brain
9:30 PM 5/2/08
• judyo It is funny how they go on about us
worshipping Mike when the TFA people are practically a
9:29 PM 5/2/08
• Mike And all the chat trancripts with Jill Hvaern
and Jane in Fife
9:29 PM 5/2/08
• Mona a room 101
9:29 PM 5/2/08
• Mike I intend to do that
9:29 PM 5/2/08
• Mona Mike you should have a separate section where
you could all the rejected posts then we could all
have a laugh!
9:29 PM 5/2/08
• Mike Byes!
1:24 AM 6/2/08
• Mona I'll try and get in later! lol WSF...that is
what is needed...Bye for now
1:24 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower me too, going going gone, bye
1:24 AM 6/2/08
• Mike Goodnight ladies
1:23 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower yeah, but if they are on the
streets there's a chance they might fall into a big
black hole
1:23 AM 6/2/08
• Mona I'll be off now too WSF..I have to get some
work done!!
1:23 AM 6/2/08
• Mike I will do..going to be a busy day tomorrow!
1:23 AM 6/2/08
• Mona Good night Mike, sleep well
1:22 AM 6/2/08
• Mona they're
1:22 AM 6/2/08
• Mike I had a late night last night, so i am going
to head to bed • Mona I said earlier WSF..while their
busy with the keyboards it keeps themoff the streets!
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mike No problem
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mona sorry about the language there...that's about
as bad as it gets!
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower some people are just sick in the
head so there is no helping them
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mike oh
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mike I know, and they suddenly turned
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mona and I think he's knackered my car but that is
another story!
1:21 AM 6/2/08
• Mike LOL, that does not sound very nice!
1:20 AM 6/2/08
• Mona temptation Mike..temptation..I have my trusty
darts here...
1:20 AM 6/2/08
• Mona Because you have not been unkind to
anyone..noone here has..we are all friendly. all of a
one mind as to poor Madeleine..we talk about
everything under the sun...• Mike Why!
1:19 AM 6/2/08
• Mona *turning Mr Mona's picture to the wall*
1:18 AM 6/2/08
• Mike I know, it does not make sense at all
1:18 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower that's my girl!
1:18 AM 6/2/08
• Mona this evening WSF...just finishing off the
temptations before Lent!
1:18 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower Mona you should be having pancakes
not crisps, it's Shrove Tuesday
1:17 AM 6/2/08
• Mona lol..yes Mike..but still why? Why lie to
us..why be nice to us? and the deceit is rotten
1:17 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower unhelpful too Mona!
1:16 AM 6/2/08
• Mike LOL
1:16 AM 6/2/08
• Mona sorry but the word naive gets to me..it is so
hurtful!• Mike I know, thats what I can not quite
figure out...it was almost planned..set to go off at a
predetermined time
1:15 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower or can you control them better by
leaving them in here?
1:15 AM 6/2/08
• Mona lol
1:15 AM 6/2/08
• Mona don't be ludicrous WSF
1:15 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower why can't they just be kicked off,
or am I being naive?
1:15 AM 6/2/08
• Mona and disappeared into the ether too Mike
1:14 AM 6/2/08
• Mona what I can't get my head round is why? Why
come here for so many months be so friendly and then
turn...beats me
1:14 AM 6/2/08
• Mike They already have
1:14 AM 6/2/08
• Mona they will trip themselves up though, they
can't be so deviious as not to
1:13 AM 6/2/08
• Mike Oh yes, they are still around• Mona oddjob
1:12 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower Oh Gawd don't tell me 007 is on
1:12 AM 6/2/08
• Mona oh good...that's just the job
1:12 AM 6/2/08
• Mike And easier to ban and trace people Mona
1:11 AM 6/2/08
• Mike In here it is - apart from the spies!
1:11 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower bugger, my tea's gone cold again,
have to make a new brew!
1:11 AM 6/2/08
• wild sun flower OK, Mike but I guess I must be
missing something as I thought everything was under
control now...
1:10 AM 6/2/08
• Mona and it will be secure?
1:10 AM 6/2/08
• Mike Nope, you will be well informed
1:10 AM 6/2/08
ohhhh mike! i loves ya
THESE ARE ALL HITCHEN'S OWN WORDS. Every single last one of 'em. If you think this is sick, then you have to think Hitchen is sick since it's all him, him, him.
As for that fookin dancing banana. It is MAGIC. Get it Isabel, get it? STUPID!!! Just like you.
Great blog. Almost as if Hitchen had written it himself. Oops I forgot - he did!!!
You don't dare say who you are.
Just a "convert".
You are all lunatics.
hehehe... it's not til you put all this shyte together that you realise just how weird that hitchen bloke really is!!
Please tell us guys.
Who has put you up to this?
When you do tell us, go to hell.
Anonymous said...
Please tell us guys.
Who has put you up to this?
When you do tell us, go to hell.
Oh ok then, if you insist. Mike the wanker put us up to it. He needs more exposure. He told me in an email that he is no longer popular since he went into hiding and needed something to bring his name out into the world again :) Hey, you never know, he might even get nominated for another blog award ROFPMSL
> Some of you will remember me as a former moderator of SSS before I
> became moderator of ASRM.
> I now run a news blog and since blogging about a particular issue, I
> have made many enemies in the UK. The campaign includes researching
> spanking newsgroups and reposting my posts on other blogs and forums
> of UK national newspapers.
> Now, they have created a spoof site that includes my photograph and is
> designed to mislead readers into thinking it has been published as me.
> The URL is almost the same as my business blog.
> It contains many spanking images obtained from other sites. It
> portrays us in a very negative light.
> The site in question ishttp://mikehitchen-ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com/
> "Mike The Perv"
> Best wishes
> Mike (The Guv'nor)
Mike has made it into Time magazine and Sphere you fool.
How can you be so stupid?
Well I'm disgusted. I was a member of Mike's new blog and thought it was going well until he posted a link which brought me here. I am stunned that he could write these things and I for one will not be going back to his blog site.
I don't approve of this kind of thing but Mike obviously brought this on himself with his comments about Jill Havern. If he had been professional and ignored that lunatic, none of this mess would have happened.
You should ALL be having an inward look at yourselves.
Mike, can you tell me exactly what it is you get out of first inflicting and then subesequently seeing such violent damage to the female form?
Please help me to understand
Anonymous said...
Mike has made it into Time magazine and Sphere you fool.
How can you be so stupid?
Yes, indeed he did, with his copy paste articles from elswhere online. Now who is the fool? You stupid fucker.
Yes Mike, I'd really like to know as well what pleasure you get out of spanking? Is it because you can't get sex in a normal loving relationship that you have to resort to it?
Hey anon at 06:47 :) Take a look at the link at 06:43. A posting made by Mike Hitchen today!
Proof if you ever need it of this oh so professional business blogger's spanking activities.
Oh dear, I didnt know Mike said these things. I cant believe it. He has always been very nice and polite to me. I am never going back to our discussion centre again. On second thoughts I will stay there and post here from time to time, keep you up to date on what he is talking about. I feel a little sick reading the things he said. im not impressed with him.
so so sad
Aw, thanks sweetcheeks.
Can I please ask you to refrain from saying the 'fuck' word on this blog please?
Anonymous said...
Mike has made it into Time magazine and Sphere you fool.
How can you be so stupid?
And how can you be so blind? Hitchen is a fantasist and a liar. Ask him where his wife Jane is buried. Wait, that was a lie because he's never been married never mind had a wife that died.
Ask him how he got on in East Timor. Oh no, wait a minute, that was a lie. He never went, nor was he asked to go.
But if he can copy and paste things and get into Time Magazine, well that makes rthe world a beautiful place to be !
> Some of you will remember me as a former moderator of SSS before I
> became moderator of ASRM.
> I now run a news blog and since blogging about a particular issue, I
> have made many enemies in the UK.
The campaign includes researching
> spanking newsgroups and reposting my posts on other blogs and forums
> of UK national newspapers.
> Now, they have created a spoof site that includes my photograph and is
> designed to mislead readers into thinking it has been published as me.
> The URL is almost the same as my business blog.
> It contains many spanking images obtained from other sites. It
> portrays us in a very negative light.
mike the photos in your photo blog are simply stunning(ly bad). I am sure they are just the tip of the iceberg and are not the only ones you take on your walks. What else do you photograph on your way through the school grounds?
And what's with that tacky one of the tacky madonna a child. Cheap souvenier from bendidorm orsomewhere wasnt it.
Its horrible I have to say. Council house taste.
All those years in the travel industry. Not much more than a jumped up travel agents clerk in a backstreet cardiff or somewhere else welsh biddy coach trip shop I be!
aw, many thanks sweetcheeks :)
How do you know my cheeks are sweet? You have never seen them. So I guess you sit there in your lonely room in string vest, yellow-stained pants and suspender socks whipping yourself up into a frenzy over how you imagine my cheeks to be after you've taken your rotten gum tree paddle to them.
How very vile.
Do you mind stretchmarks or do the marks have to have been inflicted?
And which emminent university did you graduate from my little chookadee?
"Hitchen is a fantasist and a liar. Ask him where his wife Jane is buried. Wait, that was a lie because he's never been married never mind had a wife that died.
Ask him how he got on in East Timor. Oh no, wait a minute, that was a lie. He never went, nor was he asked to go."
and while you're asking him all that, ask him about all his important contacts, who were working with him to bring Justice for Madeleine; all the secret
investigations he had ongoing, but he couldn't reveal yet as it would jeopardise his contacts, all about the contact with a journalist in the US which would reveal important information.
Ask him all that will you, but don't hold your breath for the answers.
I downloaded a certificate off the web...some Ugandan bloke let me have it cheap.
I imagine you've done similar things with all your so-called training qualifications.
So tell me, how does a busy international business magnate (and sex symbol) like yourself find time in your days to spend so much time glued to your computer cutting, pasting, plagiarsing, and thinking up new ways of torturing women and school girls.
Ever been to Jersey?
correct. international sex symbol.
In your dreams, pisspot, in your dreams!
Maggot said
And which emminent university did you graduate from my little chookadee?
Firstly Mike, there's only one "m" in eminent.
Secondly I graduate from Cambridge. Eminenet enough for anyone, even you'd have to agree. Mind you, it's given me a huge superiority complex, particularly in relation to you.
Which University did you graduate from again? The School of No Hope, I have to assume.
Mike Hitchen
Posts: 290
To be willing to march into Hell
Re: Spoof porn site on me
« Reply #4 on: Today at 04:36:21am »
Quote from: Isabel on Today at 04:26:17am
And so the show goes on.......I must be a VIP for someone to spend so much time talking about me....I can not even say that I am disgusted, because as long as they talk about me the bigger I get and more powerfull..........SO............go on subjects. The Queen is giving you orders, JUST OBEY... TALK, WRITE IT IS AN ORDER.
The issue is in hand:) I don't make enemies - I make people wish they had never been born:)
Report to moderator Logged
And I won't be laughing at the lies when I'm gone
And I can't question how or when or why when I'm gone
Can't live proud enough to die when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here
Quote from: Primavera on Today at 05:00:19am
Thanks: a few other people know too:)
Posts: 29
Re: Spoof porn site on me
« Reply #8 on: Today at 05:38:47am »
You sick bastards, this is not Mike Hitchen.
01 March 2008 03:33
I wrote this comment there on this post "Bitch from the gutters of Vienna (aka momma in the attic)"
Thanks Mariana:) they didn't realise what they had started:)
To be willing to march into Hell
Anonymous said...
You sick bastards, this is not Mike Hitchen.
01 March 2008 03:33
Gee Thanks for letting us know Mariana...We know what the sick ba----d is. We don't need you to tell us. We know what you are as well. tut tut
I heard m hitchen is really a girl pretending to be a man. It cant be hidden on the phone. its so obvious it is a female voice, or perhaps a little of both.
thanks sweetcheeks :)
you are welcome my little lady
Posts: 290
To be willing
to march into
Spoof porn site on me
« on: Today at 12:16:10am »
It seems my enemies - the usual suspects have created a spoof blog about me
containing pornogrpahic images designed to make it look as though they were
posted by me. How charming.
http://mikehitchen-ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com/ warning - contains
pornogrpahic images[size=12pt][/size]
At least, unlike a failed poet, Social Services have not handed a file about my blog to
the police child protection unit.
Anonymous said...
I heard m hitchen is really a girl pretending to be a man. It cant be hidden on the phone. its so obvious it is a female voice, or perhaps a little of both.
01 March 2008 12:10
Sheesh! Now we know what he really needed the $6 for....the installment on his loan for his sex-change op was overdue! Gee!
Hi Ethel
Even God Calls Me God
BTW, thanks for the extra hits to my award winning blog. I very much appreciate it - not that I need them.
Even God Calls Me God
Morning Maggot.
Good. Maybe now you won't have to beg for money from your larvae.
After all, it's high time someone of your age let go of mummy's apron strings and tried to make a go of it by yourself in the big wide world.
But then, having been born on a leap year makes you, what, 13?
BTW, I believe God had a cold when you thought he called you God.
What he actually said was "Something smells a bit fishy around here. Smells like it could be Cod."
Who's Ethel?
will the real Mike Hitchen please bend over - whoever made this site its too funny, thanks for giving me a good laugh before I go to bed....(and thanks Mike for putting the link on your 'other' site) -ROFLMAO~!
I remember how annoyed Maggot was when he found out Sarah had turned to the other side and let slip about the pathetic EGCMG thing. That was really funny.
Thanks very much for giving us your new blog. It's rather funny - didn't know you had it in you Mike to be amusing as well as be a serious professional.
When you went underground and closed off your comments site, us chimps really didn't know where to turn, we missed you so much. We really believe you when you say you don't visit other blogs. So for you to set up a brand spanking new blog (see what I did there?) purely to allow us chimps to exchange comments with you is just beyond generous.
Thanks Mike.
No wonder EGCYG!!
That Time Magazine thing is just a joke. It's up there with the laughable Blogger of the Day Awards. Fools are taken in by people like Mike Hitchen. He fooled me once but I'm proud to say I saw through him PDQ and got out of there, just like most other normal, caring, compassionate people.
Those left over in his new blog have mainly, by all accounts, changed their names. Queen Isabel of PDL has not of course, as her ego is too big to allow for a name change. Most of those still there relish in their anonimity knowing they can sell him down the river and he won't know a damn thing about it.
Clever is he? No, he's a clown who struck lucky for a month or two then the bubble totally burst.
Here's a big wave out to his spankettes - we know you visit. Hiya Hobnob (don't leave crumbs on your way out), her with the questionable video-making "skills", Primavera (most of us know your other username, and you should be ashamed), and the rest of the crew.
Maggot is going round all the groups where people know him to try to muster up a bit of sympathy. Aw diddums, did the big nasty person gather together all your own words and put them in one place for all to see? Pat pat pat on the shoulder. Never mind.
Maybe you shouldn't be such an arrogant scumbag thinking you are untouchable with all the evil you spread around the world.
The amusing thing is that in the places he's crawling back to, there is always somebody who remembers the bad bits about him. More proof that he is NOT taken seriously at all.
This new blog has quite made my day! Well, it is a quiet Sunday after all!
Thanks Mike for making another blog and this one is so much more entertaining than ionglobaltrends. I really admire you for being able to poke fun at yourself....well done sweetcheeks -a really clever move on your part!
aw, many thanks sweetcheeks:)
Mike Hitchen is holier than thou. That is why he thinks even God calls him god. Don't ever forget that. No matter what anybody does to him, in his perception if not in reality, he will always see himself as the hard-done-by individual. He will always turn it round so that it looks like he is being wronged, attacked, defamed, whatever.
Then all you need to do is read all the venom he has written himself (and I'm not talking about his spanking fiction, as cringeworthy as that is), about finding people's weaknesses and twisting the sword, his boasting about marriage break-ups, strokes, mental breakdowns, causing suicide attempts etc, his attacks on the grieving parents of a still-born child (accusing them of killing the child as a result of their drug taking - who says they were taking drugs?), his hatred for his own mother, and everything else.
That is why Mike Hitchen has never been hard-done by. Except maybe as a child, if he missed out on parental kisses and hugs for which reason we should really desperately pity this lost individual.
We should. Really. We should. I can't bring myself to do it but maybe somebody can?
erm... let me think about that for a mo.
I'll think about is as well. Nope, me neither. That's three "no"s so far.
Did Maggot cough up the 6 bucks for his pissy shoutbox, paid for by the gullible idiots in there, only for them to vacate the premises? What a waste of somebody else's 6 bucks. You could have bought yourself coffee and a cake Maggot. Bet you wish you'd done that now.
Did you bully the other kids at school?
Did teacher catch you out?
Did you go running to mummy in tears crying, "snot fair, snot fair, them nasty kids at school is being nasty to me?"
A bit like you've done in running back to your long-abandon spanky wanky newsgroups?
Anonymous said...
A bit like you've done in running back to your long-abandon spanky wanky newsgroups?
Have you seen him over there? Boy, did someone rattle his cage. He's freaking out and making himself look more of a div than normal. He's on self-destruct.
Three cheers!
Wouldn't it be awful if a link to this site was sent to Gerry McCann? How on earth would he feel to know what sort of person the "voice" for his daughter has turned out to be.
Simply shocking thought. I do hope no one does that.
Do I feel sorry for him? nope! he's brought it all on himself and he deserves all he gets.
I hope he enjoys now what it is like to give so much grief and anguish to others, he's pushed people too far with his vendettas and now he is on the (excuse expression) receiving end and as they say "what goes round, comes round" pity he never heeded that a long time ago.
No - I feel no pity, no remorse, no sorrow and I take delight in seeing his besmirched name plastered everywhere, a sad sick apology who can dish out the dirt but can't take it. May he burn in hell for the upset he has caused to so many who simply made the mistake of letting him into their lives as a person who runs a tacky paste and post blog. Who pleads poverty, gets donations then turns on the donators and those who believed in him - bans them, ridicules them, tries to ruin their private lives, libels them etc., and when people have finally had enough he runs back to his spanking sites and tries to post on his own blog that what we are saying is an invention.....plenty of proof Hitchen.....plenty of proof.
For a man born in Wales and probably a ten pound pom - I am ashamed that you are British by birth.
I hope nobody's already stirred up the McCann camp against Hitchen. That would be sleeping with the enemy. But it would also be for the greater good. Which is why I did it weeks ago :-)
They're watching him. Maybe they need a reminder?
Let's get something straight shall we. The real reason you and Young
hate me is that I have a successful blog that has won several awards
and nominations. The blog became known as "The Voice" for those
seeking truth and Justice for Madeleine McCann. As soon as I made a
post, people would flock in their thousands and I would get hundreds
of responses in a matter of hours.
Along comes Jeremy Young, a man who had previously attacked other
blogs. He starts blogging and launches an out of the blue attack on
me. He was then joined by two sluts that I had rejected - Jill Havern
form Birmingham author of "Silent Treatment" for whom I had written a
book review, and Jane in Fife, who admitted she tried to hit on me
straight away. That sick bastard wanted to pack up and come to
Australia before she had even talked to me!
As soon as Young starts attacking, his lackies send out emails and
posts saying "before you attack TFA, take a look at this" referring to
a badly written, grotesque poem about a stillborn baby he alleges is
his daughter.
You then escalated the attack on me planting spies and hacking into my
private forums, then reposting in your own fourth rate blogs and
forums - often altered.
Then you attacked other bloggers connected with me, alleging for
example the following "PROFILE OF MIKE HITCHENYour only commenter
here: Moderator of soc.sexuality spanking. NSW Police investigated
complaint against sick nutter Mike Hitchen. Also uses several
different aliases CarlyMichelle, who is a known drug abuser. Also Mike
Farmer alias, the Realtor who is pretty sick of his name being used
for the purposes of dredging his name through forums. "
In addition, Young's supporters even tried to post sexually oriented
remarks to my blog about Lorraine, known to people here as Madeleine
Brownlowe, and who died in 2006 (a fact referred to in the attempted
posts) after being confiend to a wheelchair all her life.
The report to the police was an allegation that I beat up my mother.
It was lodged by Jill Havern who even boasted about it on Young's blog
My mother was there when the police arrived and told them the whole
thing. I showed them what I had received, and they referred to Havern
and Young as a "hoax: by "sick nutters".
So if you want truth, I suggest you, Havern and the Bradford rock
spider, start themselves. As for destroying lives, yes, and it is
something I am proud of. It happens when people cross myself or my
loved ones. You may not be family oriented, but I am.
Mike (The Guv'nor) who uses his real name and does not hide behind
"anons" or use anonomous emailers such as ratmail.com - I leave that
to your little band of two-bob cowards.
Um, that Madeleine Brownlowe he refers to is not the same person he was claiming was his wife. More damned lies. The guy is a psychopath, no doubt about it.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! He is really losing it. Seeing his hopes and dreams dashed along National Route 1.
Come in hitchen, your time is up!
Anonymous has left a new comment:
I hope nobody's already stirred up the McCann camp against Hitchen
I think its quite possible that CM has already received a cd of all 182 maggot posts and also his and members replies to his original posts, which are not limited to bringing in other comments (TFA, abuse, smacking bottoms etc) all under the headings of Madeleine.....It is quite easy for anyone nasty enough to have copied all posts and replies and whether he has sent it to CM or the McCann's remains an unanswered question.
aw, many thanks sweetcheeks:)
Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me!
Mike Hitchen - this is your life...
No happy family, no happy childhood.
Adulthood, no chance of a normal relationship so you turn to kinky fetishes. You write, let's be honest, totally juvenile fiction. You cannot form an opinion about public affairs because you do not have the intelligence, so you start a copy-and-paste blog.
You are so lacking in self-esteem that you genuinely believe these silly blogging awards mean something and you genuinely think others are jealous of this so-called success?
I'm published across the globe academically but do you hear me bleat on about it? I would love 5 minutes debate with you on a subject of your choice. I could even take you on a spanking conversation. I mean, how hard can it be (oo-er)?
Sorry sunshine, you are on a loser and more people recognise this with every passing day. Most will not come out and say it publically but they are rolling their eyes.
But you are such good value!
Just think! maggot is (thankfully) the other side of the world so he is asleep when we post, muwahahah - do you sleep maggot? sleep well do you? you don't know what you'll see here when you wake up do you, and there's LOTS more stuff to come about you (all with links, and all with proof) and its all being done while you are asleep - I find that thought so very amusing.
What an utterly vindictive bitter old man he is.
This really is an eye opener and I thank you for that.
Anonymous said...
You sick bastards, this is not Mike Hitchen.
01 March 2008 03:33
Oh Yes it is...100% Mike Hitchen
Remember this one Maggot? Oh, it's a goody......
"I run two businesses in which emotional issues are very much part and parcel of the work. If those involved in small business or "start ups" are experiencing personal, financial, family problems etc, that will affect their business. A great part of my work involves listening and trying to help solve those problems.
I get at least one client a week telling me they are contemplating
suicide, and as yet, no one ever has. It is not something you can detach yourself from easily, especially when you have the experience and judgement to gauge the potential of such an act, and care about the people concerned. "
Remember that? All a complete crock of bull, isn't it? Because we know you do not give a shit about anybody other than yourself.
Because you may also remember this one:
"People who have hurt or crossed me have attemped suicide, have suffered nervous breakdowns and marriage breakup as a consequence of my actions. I view those as positive results and any harm done is of no interest to me."
Mike Hitchen, September 10 2001
Mmmmmm-hmmmmmmmm. No wonder your business is such a failure. Might tell some of your so-called clients just how concerned you are about them............
Isn't it funny, The great lengths Maggot went to, to set up a private chat forum so that we couldn't see what they were saying, only to end up inviting most of us over there. LOL. The good thing is, he hasn't a clue who we are.
The stupid maggot has only 3 followers who are loyal, possibly only 2 but I will go for 3 for now. FACT
Isn't it funny, The great lengths Maggot went to, to set up a private chat forum so that we couldn't see what they were saying, only to end up inviting most of us over there. LOL. The good thing is, he hasn't a clue who we are.
The stupid maggot has only 3 followers who are loyal, possibly only 2 but I will go for 3 for now. FACT
Oh hang on here! Mike has very loyal followers! he has a dozen who want to see him damned and he has three who back him up. Judging by reports and emails to me I can say that Mike should not trust anyone of his Dream Team members as none of cannot be trusted, lololol (apart from about 2 names)
Hope his new dream team like their names in print. Maybe this is why they are all hiding their personal details as to not being available online? I reckon a lot of these names are invented by maggot - those that are genuine are too embarrassed for anyone to email them! Does his dream team consist of only fellow spankers - I think who he has as members are all perverted. Named and shamed.... Isabel, Linda, Ann, Isabelle, Mariana, Hobnob, Wild Sun Flower, Tales from Vienna Wood, Jack H, Primavera, Bobo, vera, justice4children, Spanner, bluejay, tanglewood, JJ, Cassiopia, Sina, A/USA, juliewales, Mandy, sick-of'-the-circus, Mona, GFI, Susie, Ann*, Sandie, A.London, Maz2007, weegran, Thegasman, Jenny G, chox, stephoebe, Marianne, Jeg, Ally (Wales), pamalam, Anne, Miss Lisbon, Ben...........do you people really exist or has maggot invented you? I know a few genuine names but you genuine ones won't make your blog details public (running scared that you are going to be associated with being a member of a spanking site are you?) the rest I think is a figment of maggots imagination.
Let's get something straight shall we. The real reason you and Young
hate me is that I have a successful blog that has won several awards
and nominations
Mmmmmm, yes sweet cheeks. Most of us don't even have blogs so what's to be jealous of? But you go right ahead and think that, old chap, someone needs to think you are important, it might as well be yourself.
The blog became known as "The Voice" for those
seeking truth and Justice for Madeleine McCann. As soon as I made a post, people would flock in their thousands and I would get hundreds of responses in a matter of hours.
Some of that is true, yes you did get hundreds of responses. All of those responses, in the beginning were from roughly 20 different posters and most of the posts were from yourself. As for people flocking in the 1000s, LOL, Pull the other one. ;)
You then escalated the attack on me planting spies and hacking into my private forums, then reposting in your own fourth rate blogs and
forums - often altered.
Planting spies?? hacking your forum?? No need for us to do that sweet cheeks, most of us have free access to your private forum and always have had, so nothing has been planted.
In addition, Young's supporters even tried to post sexually oriented remarks to my blog about Lorraine, known to people here as Madeleine Brownlowe, and who died in 2006 (a fact referred to in the attempted posts) after being confiend to a wheelchair all her life.
Oh come on Sweet cheeks, we KNOW Madelaine Brownlow was another alter ego. Remember Mel and Irene? LOL, Mike dear, they were only real in your head, you would kill one off with cancer and invent a new one when you got lonely. Believe me dear, most of the spanking crew KNOW this too. Tut tut tut.
My mother was there when the police arrived and told them the whole thing. I showed them what I had received, and they referred to Havern and Young as a "hoax: by "sick nutters".
We believe you, really, we do. PMSL
As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of. It happens when people cross myself or my loved ones. You may not be family oriented, but I am.
We are all from close knit families but none of us would ever take pleasure or be proud of destroying a life, unlike you. How you connect being family oriented and being proud of destroying lives is quite worrying, meantility wise.
Mike (The Guv'nor) who uses his real name and does not hide behind
"anons" or use anonomous emailers such as ratmail.com - I leave that
to your little band of two-bob cowards.
Whatever you say sweet cheeks. Whatever you say ;)
Mike Hitchen
Posts: 310
To be willing to march into Hell
Re: Spoof porn site on me
« Reply #15 on: Yesterday at 10:57:32pm »
Quote from: bluejay on Yesterday at 06:07:55pm
Another work of fiction from the sticky keyboard of the UK's worst poet?
Or more vanity publishing from a publicity-crazed driving instructor?
The pair of them make Barbie and Ken look like striving intellectuals - and their grip on reality is just as strong!
Clarence, whatever you are paying them is too much.
It's funny that all those involved posted compliments to my blog. Havern, The Fake Ftaher, that sad little man Elmer Goose-me. Then when the Grubs were made arguidos, and Clarence appeared on the scene, the Bradford poet with an unhelathy interest in children, suddenly became active. Whoosh - over goes a suicidal emotional freak from Fife, the Melted Barbie Doll and a few others:)
Elmer Goose-me. Melted Barbie Doll LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :)
How do I keep coming up with these brilliantly funny names?!!!
I should really be on the stage:)
I'm just SO fantastic! :)
Mike the Maggot was bullied at school, he admitted himself on one of his spanking posts that he had a face full of spots and craters and all the kids and a few teachers picked on him because he was ugly. Booo Hooo Hooo.
At home he was no better off. There was no "spare the rod and spoil the child" in his house. His mama spanked him daily with her hairbrush.
He grew up a loner, no friends and no family to care about him. Coming of age, he got out but found it difficult to make real time friends. He found it much easier online where he could invent his own personae.
Living this existence, with his online multiple personalities and being withdrawn from society so much, was eventually lead to his Paranoia.
Paranoia is a term used by mental health specialists to describe suspiciousness (or mistrust) that is either highly exaggerated or not warranted at all.
An unmistakable sign of paranoia is continual mistrust.
They tend to confirm their expectations by latching on to any speck of evidence that supports their suspicions and ignore or misinterpret any evidence to the contrary. (he thinks that all his enemies amount to Jill and TFA, even though we have told him many times that many people don't like what he did)
People suffering from paranoia cannot abandon their fears. They continue to expect trickery and to doubt the loyalty of others. (Setting up his new private chat room)
Because persons with paranoid personality disorder are hyperalert, they notice any slight and may take offense where none is intended. As a result, they tend to be defensive and antagonistic. When they are at fault, they cannot accept blame, not even mild criticism. Yet they are highly critical of others. Other people may say that these individuals make "mountains out of molehills." (remind you of anyone?)
In addition to being argumentative and uncompromising, the people with paranoid personality disorder are often emotionally cut off from other people. They appear cold and, in fact, often avoid becoming intimate with others. They pride themselves on their rationality and objectivity. People with a paranoid outlook on life rarely come to the attention of clinicians--it is not in their nature to seek help. Many presumably function competently in society. They may seek out social niches in which a moralistic and punitive style is acceptable, or at least tolerated to a certain degree
While persons with paranoid personality might suspect their colleagues of joking at their expense, persons with delusional disorder may suspect others of participating in elaborate master plots to persecute them. They believe that they are being poisoned, drugged, spied upon, or are the targets of conspiracies to ruin their reputations or even to kill them. They sometimes engage in litigation in an attempt to redress imagined injustices. (Isn't that Hitchen?)
Persons with grandiose delusions often feel that they have been endowed with special powers and that, if allowed to exercise these powers, they could cure diseases, banish poverty, ensure world peace,or perform other extraordinary feats. (Remember he thinks he has solved the Madeleine McCann Case and knows all inside info)
Whether or not persons with delusional disorder are dangerous to others has not been systematically investigated, but clinical experience suggests that such persons are rarely homicidal. Delusional patients are commonly angry people, and thus they are perceived as threatening. In the rare instances when individuals with delusional disorder do become violent, their victims are usually people who unwittingly fit into their delusional scheme. The person in most danger from an individual with delusional disorder is a spouse or lover. (or mother perhaps)
Nice one A Fan.
There you go Maggot. You were wondering what was wrong with you, why you couldn't keep meaningful relationships. Now you know!
Well, if no one's going to chat to me and tell how wonderful I am, I might aswell go to bed and dream some more about Jack:)
Mike's biggest mistake in life is that he continually bites the hand that feeds him. I wonder how many people in his real life have been sucked dry by this leech.
Mike, want this to end?
Up to YOU.
Instead of flying off the handle (which is your usual reaction) take some time to reflect on why you're in this situation. Then, make the appropriate apologies.
Oh, and Isabel, The Desperate?
Un-Hitch yourself from this guy's wagon. It's rotting as we speak. One last word for you, silly old woman: ~ Therapy ~
xoxo, ~Madam Z :)
Sad but true. When she finally gets off his pillion she really will be in need of therapy.
I'm sure she had good intentions but a bit of flattery here and there from an international sex symbol has brought senilty on thick and fast.
Athough, maybe she's eyeing up this particular international sex symbol as husband number 3.
PDL's very own black widow perhaps?
No way will Maggot ever sit back and reflect, take note of his wrongdoings and apologise. His mental illness prevents him from doing this.
Paranoid Delusional
"When they are at fault, they cannot accept blame, not even mild criticism. Yet they are highly critical of others."
Maggots life will never improve until he seeks the appropriate medical help and unfortunately, it is very unlikely he would ever seek help because in his mind, everyone else is at fault and he is the victim.
The bas*ard deserves everything he gets.
if he has a mental illness which prevents him from getting help, should we not feel sorry for him?
Anonymous said...
if he has a mental illness which prevents him from getting help, should we not feel sorry for him?
Should we heckers like.. His mental illness is only part of his problem.
Many people suffering from paranoia don't set out to ruin peoples lives, causing strokes, marriage break ups and causing people to attempt suicide while at the same time taking pleasure from it and being proud of it. No, that is all down to MAggots twisted mind.
Hey Hitchen? This wife of yours who died - there's no marriage certificate to be found, know that? You were not and have never were married. post a marriage and death certificate to prove it.
This Mel you were engaged to - I question that too. Can you prove it - of course you can't (hotel receipts will suffice)
The fact you had chemo I question that also (you are far too much one to brag about things to not constantly remind us about a silly thing like undergoing chemo) you were never ill just sick in the head and craving attention by inventing something guaranteed to get attention/be noticed/pay pal payments.
You really are a bloody big liar aren't you? All this crap you come out with!
Hotel receipts...yes he could probably produce them but they'd probably be from a night he booked a hooker in to physically abuse.
mmmmm - recordatte...@googlemail.com (of Mikes spanking group) you think we are lying about East Timor and so on? sheesh! he told us - we saw his posts and I expect someone can give you a link. Posted ages ago and recently found, Hitchen never retracted it - who are you going to believe then?
I hope you like the publicity that Hitchen has brought on you all!
Anon at 9.46, what do you mean? recordatte... is the one accusing Mike of all the lying. You're implying the opposite. Have you read it wrong?
I love the comments on that spanking group. Maybe now he will listen to reason? I don't care for that sexual inclination but each to their own, but now he is bringing unwanted publicity to these people who are sensible enough to see proof offered and make up their own minds. They also are getting advertising that I don't think they want or need.
Hitchen, you are grasping at straws now. People don't have patience with you any more and don't trust a word that flies from your fingertips onto your keyboard. We can't all be wrong. We individually have copies and proof and I don't think that we can all know each other and gang up on you world wide.
Have a good day y'hear? sleep well and wake up to a new day and more new revelations. Shall we start with who owns the property that you and mommie dearest live in?
You say you own it - really?
You were married? - really?
You are a widower - really?
You had chemo - really?
You were engaged - really?
You have no money so need PayPal donations - really?
Your father was a Director - really?
You went to East Timor - really?
you are an accredited business man - really?
You are a journalist - really?
Credentials and proof of all of this Hitchen please. But you can't can you because its a whole load of lies!
As I said, have a nice day.
These awards. For starters, I was one of many who delayed our cookies and voted for Mike last year (which he encouraged we did) this year he prefferd people to not to do that ('cos he was being watched)
The blog of the day award - he can nominate himself for that.
News Now - you join up and submit articles, these news people don't find them, Hitchen has to submit them to News Now...oh I split my sides at his ego and his need to publicise awards that mostly he has arranged all for himself and nominated himself to achieve.
Tells it like it is
is mikey in bo bo's??
get up mikey i wanna spankin
Quote from: bluejay on Yesterday at 06:07:55pm
Another work of fiction from the sticky keyboard of the UK's worst poet?
Or more vanity publishing from a publicity-crazed driving instructor?
The pair of them make Barbie and Ken look like striving intellectuals - and their grip on reality is just as strong!
Clarence, whatever you are paying them is too much.
Not sure why I'm bothering to reply to this message from bluejay but I will anyway.
Mike can slag my book off all he likes. The fact is, the book was co-written by a ghostwriter called Peter Heyrman who writes articles for The Twilight Zone magazines and has also published books of his own. I had never written a book before and he taught me, with online tutorials, how to structure the book. Peter also has his own publishing company and he, with the help of Charlie Hankers, a professional editor, both helped me get the book to print. This book was not my own work and I have made the suitable references to these people at the back of my book.
For you all to slag off my book is to slag off published authors too. I doubt very much that Peter will be pleased to see his work linked to child abuse when it is about the NHS.
It really doesn't matter to me if you don't like my book, Mike, because I don't much care for Bruce the Spanking Genie either. Or any of the other short stories you have penned, for that matter.
I'm also not desperate for publicity - if I was I'd have let Peter Heyrman publish the book and have it sold in shops in the USA. I didn't want to do all that book-signing stuff. I just wanted to have the book in print for myself, but to make it available for anyone who came across my NHS website, if they wanted it. Whenever anyone contacts me about the book I always ask them if they'd like a free PDF of it first. That way, if they don't like it, they've lost no money. The message on my NHS website about helping people to find information for their so-called 'inoperable' illnesses is far more important than selling a book.
The way I make my living is by being a driving instructor and running a driving school - it's something I've been doing for the past 19 years since I left the military police at RAF Alconbury.
The book was written purely because I had a story to tell.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Nice blog by the way.
you dont have to explain anything jkh, your book is great, end of,
after all i dont see hitchen having a book published, do you??
says it all really...
why so many anonymouse?
Move over for the VIP. Hi Queen Isabel. Lovely to see you.
Now then Queen Bee, I believe the last time you and I had a little chat you had just been extreeeeeemely rude to a very pleasant poster who asked in a very nice way how you could be so sure you knew exactly what was going to happen to the McCanns. Hmm, now let's think, what did you call her? Oh yes, that's it, she was an IDIOT wasn't she? I believe your delightful friend Michael joined in and told her to go back to the rat hole she'd crawled out of.
Now, that was about 4 months ago. So were you right Isabel about your so-called knowledge? So right that you could call someone who was interested in how you could be so sure, an idiot? Idiot.
lol Isabel. You really do have a thing about bunches don't you?
Isabel the IDIOT is nothing but a failed artist. Her so called art is as ugly as her face, with her stupid photoshop added boyfriend. Do you think we are stupid Isabel that we can't see how you photoshopped your make believe boyfriend in there? You're no good at art and you're no good at cropping. You and maggot have alot more in common than I thought, both your lives are makebelieve.
YUK. Is that really Isabel??? She is much MUCH uglier than I even imagined. Her spirit and soul are ugly and now you can see why - having to live with that awful face. Get your hair cut as well issy - you look like an idiot!
LOL at the photoshop husband!
YIKES!! That old fat Portuguese prostitute is the magic ISABEL? What a hag! I agree with anonymous, she's much UGLIER than I ever imagined!! Maggot and the Magic Banana are made for each other! Revolting - UGH!!
That is Isabel? Ugly face and ugly personality to match then.
LOL at the photo of magic Isabel and Maggot Hitchen! I didn't know they'd met in the flesh ;)
Thanks for putting it onto your new blog Mike, I only had a picture of Queen Issy in my mind. Even though I pictured her as a bitter old hag, I'd no idea how witch-like she actually was!
How could anyone ever have taken her seriously?
Great to see she's still commenting on Anons. As if we're going to put our real names on here by choice. Tut!
Proud to be Anonymous since it pisses off the Queen of Idiots.
aw, many thanks sweetcheeks.
I have an open mind on that one. However, I think it is more likely given the fact that they are intellectually challenged, that they are just inadequate little people trying and failing to make a name for themselves. Everything I do, they fall for, as they are not used to operating at levels where strategy is involved. They just make themselves looks stupid, as they did when I lured them into posting on soc.sexulaity.spanking.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, I seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. That was a cunning plan to lure us into the spanking site was it? How we must bow down to your intellectual superiority!!!
Trouble is, you wrote the snivelling little message looking for support, making yourself look like you were crying to mummy about the big nasty bullies. Only they didn't buy it.
What you lied about over there had to be challenged. The moderators let the challenges go through which seems to suggest they think you are a bit of a liar.
You were surprised to find you had been tracked down over there and made yourself look a proper twat with all the schoolboy nonsense.
You only made yourself look stupid Maggot. Some clever plan that was. Gimme a break!
You, Hitchen, are a moron. Plain and simple.
many thanks:0
Well Mike, you're full of bull* as usual.
Go on - twist it inside out, upside down and back to front.
Yes, of course you lured us into posting on soc.spanking didn't you? It wasn't the case of course that you mistakenly believed it was your one safe haven where you could drum up support away from our prying eyes and now you're well embarrassed over what they're all reading about you!
Another own-goal. *Big cheer*
And now I really must get back to work and stop reading all your cr*p.
Oh God...that pic of Isabel...What a Witch.
I will have nightmares for ever more. YUK
I just love the way google finds Mike Hitchen's new blog site.
Don't worry about it affecting your good name and your business Maggot. Because your name is MUD and we all know you haven't got a business. Nothing to affect.
Simple innit? Just like you. And Isabel. And everyone else you've listed on your new site.
Oh Isabel, so your name is Isabel Nogueira. Are you the person who absolutely despises the PDL priest? I think so. Remember all the things you used to write about him in the shoutbox? Not very Christian of you, was it?
You were convinced the Priest was posting things on Mike's blog calling you a black heart. But if it wasn't him you thought it was Paulo Reis. Until you changed your minds again and decided it was TFA.
You lot haven't got a brain between you.
Oh how nice.
I see all the undercooked smoked haddocks are here. All the little rejected slags have come to talk to the international sex symbol:)
Is Queen Issy stuck in a wheelchair? My school-level German is a bit rusty but I'm sure that's what she says. She also gives her full address, telephone number and email on that site.
Maybe the mind as well as the body has given up?
You are all a bunch of IDIOTS. Just jealous that Mike and I enjoy nice webcam nites and he has not picked any of you.
I give ones my full address, telephone number and email on my site so I can get business. I have also leave name and phone number in phone boxes - how else can I prostitute myself? IDIOTS!!!
LOL. But can you fit your wheelie inside phone boxes, or does your photoshop hubby have to put your business cards in there for you?
Chorlton and the Wheelies.
I'm glad I found your new site Mike because I had been posting on your old one then when you moved I could no longer get through to you or your readers.
So I will say it again, the McCanns are NOT going to be charged with anything at all because there is not enough evidence to throw at them. Suspicions are not enough. Hard evidence - zilch!!
I have it from a good source. I've posted this many times on your other blog and was met with derision. I said I'd come back to you after a few months to show you they had not been charged. They haven't have they.
Mike, why is it that only you are allowed to have sources? I'd change yours if I was you because they are obviously non-existant or wrong.
I come in peace
Chorlton and the Wheelies ROFLMFAO
Thats the face of one hard drinking woman.
Actually, she looks a bit like a Weeble too.
Weeble's wobble but they don't fall down
Except after they've been tippling the J&B
Bet her cheeks ain't so sweet either
Crusty bum seems more appropriate.
Not a nice thought I know...But imagine Hitchen bending Isabel over his knee for a bit of spanky action...Crikey she would flatten him...
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Spank a Wife for Jesus?
Original question on author’s blog:-
Just when I thought I had seen it all, I come across this website. "Loving wife spanking in a Christian Marriage”??? Please tell me it is a joke! When fundamentalist want to talk about how "depraved" the "Gay Agenda" is, just send them to this site.
Follow up question from author:-
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Spank A Wife For Jesus Part 2
There has just been a rash of hits on my page "Spank A Wife For Jesus." Now the searches that are bringing the people to my page are "Mike Hitchen and Spanking." Mike posted a comment on the post so that is why it is coming up. But I wonder why this sudden interest? Has Mike done something? Most of the hits seem to be coming from England and France. Anybody have any idea?
Posted by Benton Quest at 5:38 PM
Labels: Boring Post
Seems that wherever maggot posts he is dragging other bloggers/websites down! Maggot must have a homing device to any website that mentions spanking, even if it’s mentioned innocently!
This is the maggot who feels the need to make a post on his business blog address as an apology/disclaimer but his address links to him/The guv'nor/Mike hitchen/ mhitchenconsulting/ionglobaltrends.blogspot.com/mhitchen/mikehitchen/........and many many more!!!!
This is the maggot that was supposed to have been married but no details of any marriage certificate can be found.
This is the maggot that encourages his few members to look up a stillborn death (under BMD's) when we all know that there is a separate register.
This is the maggot who retracts his forward to an author’s book - that already had a forward and was already in print with the original forward showing long before he read it, so he simply had a free copy of a book but decided to print a comment on his blog and then a retraction to a book that someone else had already written a forward for and long after the book was in print and on the book shelves?
This is the maggot whose Father was a director and was hounded out of the uk by the government - no details of any government interference and RP Hitchen was never a Director of the company ( alliance rope attachment or latch and batcheolor)
This is the maggot who goes to east Timor (never does)
The maggot who attacks people like TFA and Jkh for no reason.
The maggot who begs $6 to keep a chat box open? the maggot who submits his articles to News Now then brags that a reputable site have found his article themselves and share it on the WWW and he advertises the fact.
This is the maggot who nominates himself for awards?
This is the maggot who is all talk and can't prove his marriage or the death of his wife, or his Fathers directorship?
This is the maggot - a failure and an apology of a human being, who cannot accept he was wrong but blames other people and he forgets that any crap he comes out with can be researched and proven - and he is a liar! The only honest thing about him is his spanking preference.........
This is the maggot that had more hits on searches about who and what he really is than he does for his “accredited” blog and his business?? I split my sides!
This is the maggot who cannot (thankfully) ever hurt mommie again because there is a report with the police voicing concern as to her wellbeing and welfare. And we know you hate her Mike – you posted it and the link is already here.
This is the maggot that pastes and posts newspaper articles, calls himself a journalist (no credentials) calls himself a business (no credentials – apart from a school leaving certificate) got caught out and found out and simply won’t admit it.
You really are inventive!!!!!
It disturbed me enough that the Gov'nor set himself up to be the justice bringer of Madeleiene. But then, just because he's kinky doesn't mean he doesn't care about children.
Its entirely possible he does, after his own selfish self, that is.
No, what is more disturbing his latest observations on the horrors being unearthed in Jersey.
What went on over there is all about punishment. Gratuitous punishment and isn't that after all what he's into?
Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years?
Dear Mike Hitchen
Go, prick thy face, and over-red thy fear, Thou lily-liver'd boy.
You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe, Sweetcheeks!
Thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb!
A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen as you are toss'd with.
Dear Hobnob
Thine breath stinks with eating toasted cheese.
Paddle in hand, Mike whispered seductively in Isabel's ear, "Thou tottering elf-skinned canker-blossom!"
Dear Mike Hitchen
Thou art a most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.
But All's Well That Ends Well!
Oi Mike!
Hence, horrible villain, or I'll spurn thine eyes like balls before me; I'll unhair thy head, Thou shalt be whipp'd with wire, and stew'd'in brine, smarting in lingering pickle.
Mind you, you'd enjoy that wouldn't you!
Methink'st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.
Now that would make a welcome change from you beating the crap out of women.
I love ole Willy Shakespeare.
Anonymous said...
I love ole Willy Shakespeare.
He was a man ahead of his time wasn't he? You'd think everything negative he ever wrote was written specifically for Maggot-features and his spankettes.
Hobnob really needs to wash her mouth out with soap - that cheese and toast smell does not mix well with her already-fetid aroma.
What now, poor Isabel, thou art as fat as butter.
Yeah, she's right unmuzzled clapper-clawed wagtail! And in the world's wide mouth lives scandaliz'd and foully spoken of.
Ladies, ladies! Please form an orderly queue in alphabetical order. I cannot be an international sex symbol for each and every one of you!
You will all get your chance, but please be patient. There are so many of you, and only one of me! :)
Ooo! Thou little reeky malmsey-nosed horn-beas, thou art!
Actually, that Isabel is a bit of alright.
I definitely would.
Maggotty Maggot
When I was just a little lad
No One cared for me
My face was full of spots and sores
I was ugly, that's plain to see.
When I grew, I knew I was odd,
I wore frocks and knickers of Lace,
I'd pose in the mirror and smile at myself,
Ignoring the puckers on my face.
I love to dream of getting spanked
Upon my spotty bum,
A Male master is my preference,
Ohhhhh yeaaa ohhhh yum yum yum
I wish I was somewhat taller
And had some hair upon my head
I wish each night I didn't have to
Remove my false teeth before going to bed.
I wish I had a talent,
Why do others have so many,
I wish I could write a book or two,
Just like JKH or TFA who's known as Tranny.
Maybe I should just be happy,
With the little I already know,
Be content that I'm not clever,
And get used to being slow.
Elmer, Me thinks you need to pay a visit to spec savers :)
Get off her, Elmer, she's mine, all mine!
Maggots "wife", Jane
Many of us know from maggot himself that he was married and his wife Jane died. Very interesting that there is NO RECORD of any wedding regarding a M.A.Hitchen at all! He does however talk about a Jane as a friend........he is a batchelor,never has married and has never had a wife lolol.
How many more lies Mike?
The Guv'nor View profile
More options Nov 1 2001, 3:38 pm
Newsgroups: alt.spanking.reality
From: "The Guv'nor" newperspecti...@dingoblue.net.au
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 02:39:16 +1100
Local: Thurs, Nov 1 2001 3:39 pm
Subject: Letter To A Friend
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I hope you excuse a bit of self indulgence, but some of you will know
Nov 2nd brings back a few memories for me. A few of you will remember
Jane and I am sure she remembers your kindness.
Letter To A Friend.
Other people, well other people meet in offices, bars, social clubs. Not
us. We met in the corridor of St Vincents Hospital, Sydney. Hardly the
most romantic place in the world, especially when one considers the
reason we were always both there at the same time.
Coincidence followed coincidence. Both having chemo, both from Wales.
Perhaps it was Kismet. I hope so, because I always liked that word and
somehow it seems to convey what followed for the next eight years.
Eight years hey!
Hardly seems that long. It's funny isn't it, I have been around for 45
years and for most of that time I have not been with you. But it seems
like you have always been part of my life.
Maybe we met in a previous existence - Mark Anthony and Cleopatra, Samson
and Delilah, Mork and Mindy.
Now I know you don't want me to go all soppy on you - and I'm trying
sweetie, I really am. But as I look back on this day two years ago, and
the years preeding it - well, it's kind of difficult to avoid.
Hey, do you remember the first time I spanked you? Duh, dumb question,
but you have to admit, it's an upbeat convenient intro.
That moment was like a dream come true. But as you lay across my knee,
expectant, exposed and vulnerable, I thought, "Can I really do this to
you? Can I take a proud, capable woman and
turn her into a sobbing school girl?
I wrote a story based on it, I remember that line because I felt the
image it conveyed wasn't as powerful as what I experienced for a few
moments all those years ago.
But you know me, I never keep things. Sometimes I wish I did. At least I
keep memories, and they are locked away in a safe place.
It would have been easier if you wanted to be spanked for sexual reasons,
but your needs were disciplinary.
So, I spanked you, and spanked you hard. Why? Because I understood where
you were coming from. That's another thing we had in common.
And I didn't want to let you down.
I didn't want to let you go either sweetie.
But though you handed over control to me...well, things were out of my
hands. I always say "things happen for a reason" and that negatives can
be turned to positives.
Wanna know something? Go on, course you do...always were a nosey bugger.
It's bloody hard to do that in this case:)
Yes I know....cut the corn and put in a few jokes, that was always our
way wasn't it and still is.
Tell them about the other spankings I hear you say.
I will. But maybe next year hey kiddo. Not today. I want to do them
justice and well.... well todays not the day. You understand don't you.
Oh thats the way you feel is it - whaddya gonna do - spank me! I remember
the first time you did that too ya know!
Love you sweetie.
Go on - Look at life from a New Perspective - UPDATED!
New Perspectives Online - The Guv'nor Speaks!
How on earth do you find these gems!! Kudos to you, whoever you are ;)
But what on earth makes him think anybody wants to read that for any reason other than having a reet good chuckle at his expense!
We tops and bottoms over at soc.sexuality.spanking realise Mike Hitchen is a liar and a fraud but he has been quite amusing in the past. He won't be welcomed back in with the open arms he hopes, at least not with some of us.
And let's not forget this piece. He said he dicrated this from Jane 2 days before death.
Let me get this straight, a woman is in the final stages of cancer, a matter of hours left, and he dictates a a message from said dying woman, to a fuc*ing spanking news group? Is he for real? FFS.
Jane passed away at 2am Nov 2 Australian Daylight Saving Time. She had been
ill for some time. Over the weekend, she dictated a post to me, which I
include later in this post.
People who know our address, are reminded that I am now at the Randwick
address of Janes mum, though our phone number 61 2 0413 553 943 remains
the same. I will be contacting all who have written or posted offering
their best wishes, personally during the course of the next day or so.
May I thank all who have offered their support and kindness. I can assure
you, we were touched by the thoughts and sentiments expressed in posts and
I would like to also point out, that the Moderators have been informed that
certain posts are now in the hands of New Perspectives legal advisors, and
of the reasons for doing so. Therefore I will be unable to personally
answer allegations or attacks against our integrity.
Dictated Friday/Saturday Oct 29/30 by Jane Michaels. Typed and posted by
Mike Hitchen
Well my dears, the time has come for me to report to the great Headmaster.
I am not sure which direction I am heading, but both seem to have their
If I go up, well I should think it will be nice and peaceful - can't see St
Peter saying to Gabriel "All you do here is blow your own trumpet". to
which he replies "Oh yeh - and who made you Gatekeeper"
On the other hand, if I go down, I will get the chance to mix with past
members of The Tennis Club. And and at least if I go the Inferno, I will be
accustomed to the Flames!
I am glad my stories bought fun and happiness to many people. To those who
did not like them, from the bottom of my heart, and in all sincerity -
tough titties
Please live in peace and happiness, life can be shorter than you think.
Jane Michaels
Mike H
What a fecking liar that man is. So even then people were questioning his lies, and he was doing the usual "legal action" bit. Yawn yawn, heard it all before.
MIKE HITCHEN IS A LYING CHEATING SCUMBAG. How much more proof do people need. HE IS A FRAUD.
Despite the laughs it's given us (laughing at the thought of being in a wheelchair ?!, I'm ashamed ;) ), Queen Isabel Chorlton of the Wheelies is not actually in a wheelchair.
I mean to say, jeez, she's disabled enough wandering around with that boat race without her losing the use of her legs as well!!
I am an employee of Blogger and I was drawn here by a small number of "flag as objectionable" alerts. The number of objections to your page here is far outweighed by the number of flags raised against ionglobalchange.
We at Blogger do not interfere with such content. Blog wars are extremely common and if we intervened in them all we would have no time to do our "real" jobs.
Best wishes
Blogging Crew 98???6
Hitchen,Fraud and Liar - part 1001
So - who has heard that Daddy was hounded out of the UK by the Government? Who has heard that Daddy was a Director?
.....so far Government sources tell me they have no record of any Hitchen.
......Daddy was a Director for alliance rope attachment company (also links to latch and batcheolor) there's no record of any past director with the surname of Hitchen. Of course, I am sure if this is wrong then Mike will supply written evidence to prove it!
So - lets have copies of your wedding and wife's death certificate Mike eh? Let's have proof of Daddy's directorship can we, eh? You can't supply them because its another load of bullshit that you come out with.
I know it's true that blogger don't give a rat's ass about Flag As Objectionable. I've been flagging Hitchen's poor excuse of another blog for months, and I'm not the only one. However, the message above is obviously not from a blogger employee. ionglobalCHANGE? Ha ha.
I would like to also point out, that the Moderators have been informed that
certain posts are now in the hands of New Perspectives legal advisors, and
of the reasons for doing so. Therefore I will be unable to personally
answer allegations or attacks against our integrity ...gawd, he's always crying legal proceedings and threats - does he think he sounds important and frightens people? Silly git!
They laughed at him over on the spanking blog as well over his lies and threats. He's a joke.
New Perspectives legal advisors...
FFS this is a weird little twaty pervert who sits in his bedroom in his mommy's flat, on the computer all day and he wants us to think he's got freakin' legal advisors!!
Anyone would think he's running some kind of global empire in this mommy's flat.
Piss off, Mike, just piss off.
Oh I split my sides! Look on the right as to what this businessman has written on his buisness blog.....
Comment like that is guaranteed to NOT get you work you silly sod.
Isabels is in a wheelchair? That sure must have been a BIG banana. Maybe if she extracted it she would find she could walk again?
She's not.
She's some kind of lap dancer... or table dancer. :)
That would have to be some kind of reinforced table, would it not ?
Not to mention a giant's lap..!
Yukkkkk, Can you imagine her floppy bits jiggling in some poor blokes face, the mere thought is giving me a dose of the sh*ts.
Maggot sure loves talking about himself. Those long winded speeches are full of fantasy. PMSL, dictated a message from Jane my eye. You are Jane you Idiot.
D'ya reckon Maggot's still in bobos right now. Must be getting on to 7.30am. Wake up ya lazy bugger - you've got lies to tell!
Extract from the business blog -
" E-mail containing inappropriate content can have disastrous effects if forwarded to the wrong person. "
Damn right, cobber, damn right!!!
ELMER - if you think I'm sexy you can find me here -BUT I'M SURE YOU COULD NOT AFFORD ME YOU IDIOT!
Streetwalker / Cheap spots:
Intendente: (Largo Intendente Pina Manique) If you are into fucking fat, old pigs loaded with STD and pay for it, then this is the place for you. The most obnoxious grandmothers are around this site, hanging around a few bars (let’s make it SHITTY bars) trying to make a commission on a few beers and then take you to some piss-smelling hotel and let you fuck her for 2000 escudos (10 usd) or something like that. This is one of the worst areas in Lisbon; the usual costumers of this shit hole are the construction works that illegally live in Portugal. Take my advice: don’t come here unless you want to puke your dinner.
Cais do Sodre: (Rua Nova Carvalho near Rua São Paulo) this is in every aspect like Intendente. There are a few bars (almost all with names of cities since this is a saylor hang out place, and some very ugly and dirty women work there. Stay away!
Hey Isabel, Get back on your table and dance bitch. Wash your foul mouth out with soap and water too you ugly melted barbie creep
Isabel - do you charge double for a 3-way with your Antonio Banderas cardboard cut-out husband?
Where's kimsam/womble. A prize to the first person to give us her new blog name. I bet nobody knows it
And Natalie ?? Where is she
WARNING: Please have a vomit bucket at hand for the protection of your monitor and keyboard.
WARNING - LONG - but it gets there eventually!
Sorry about this, but the background is important to the understanding of
the Tome Jones reference - especially as were both from Wales!
When I lived in Wales, my dad worked for a company for over 30 years,
originally as a junior clerk and ending up as a director. Now dad was a very
mild bloke, (never heard him raise his voice to mum or any of us kids) and
even a bit of a dreamer. At one stage he and a friend were working on an
idea to put movies onto discs the size of 45 rpm records - that was in the
late fifties and I still have his worksheets and drawings. No one was
interested of course and they were considered a bit weird.
When he became Director, he discovered not everyone was as ethical as he
was. I could have told him what they were like, but he believed the best of
everyone. He started to refuse to sign checks or authorisations, or sign
contracts that involved standards for material lower than he considered
necessary. This of course made life very difficult for him and in the end he
resigned because the situation became unworkable. That's when he came to
Australia to start his own company.
His old company used every dirty trick in the book to undermine him, even
spreading false stories about my mother. In the end they won, (for now, some
of the key players are still in charge and when my mum has gone, I am going
to unleash the dogs of war, I already have quite a dossier on these bastards
and a network and systems in place. As one of these toerags was former
mayor, should be quite interesting:)). When he died he was 66 looking 80,
broken, disheartened and a packer for a charity organisation. Ironically,
the day before he died, he cleared his things away in work.
That is why, though I am a pretty easy going sort of guy and willing to help
anyone - even in business, if anyone hurts or trys to hurt my business,
family or close friends, when it comes to screwing such people, as far as I
am concerned the word "ethical" doesn't exist. All I am interested in is
getting a result - whatever it takes - and I am pretty good at doing that:
as our building manager has discovered:)
At dads funeral we chose the original Broadway recording of "Impossible
Dream" from Man Of La Mancha. Pretty apt as he was always tilting at
One night a few weeks ago, I was chatting to a friend. I was telling her of
my doubts and concerns for my consultancy business. During that conversation
I told her about my dad, and the song. I mentioned that I had asked myself,
am I too tilting at windmills. I can teach others to run a business
successfully and efficiently, and many have done very well - but I don't put
into practice what I teach. Am I going to end up the same way as dad?
At the time I was downloading a few Tom Jones songs for my mum when I saw,
The Impossible Dream. Neither of us had ever listened to that record since
the funeral on Oct 6 1994. If it comes on radio, one of us will turn it off.
For some reason not only did I download it, but I listened to it as well -
the first time in nearly nine years
Now as far as I am concerned, Tom Jones was a great singer and performer who
has now turned into a mediocre, crotch holding shouter. However, this was
recorded during his prime, and he had a way of acting a song and singing
with his heart, not just singing words through his mouth.I listened to it -
again and again and again - and thought, "Bugger this for a game of tin
soldiers, I am NOT gonna end the same way as dad."
Three days later, I was contacted by someone from an employment agency who
specialise in helping long term unemployed. She had heard about me from
someone I met via a series of cock ups! Would I be interested in training
staff and perhaps counselling clients. Of course I was!! A regular
consultancy focused on helping others who are in a place, I too was in the
late 80s (see my post about Xmas 1987).
The problem was, I needed the fairly recently implemented national
accreditation for training organisations. We have never been a great country
for fancy names for the bleeding obvious, we just go and get the job done!
She had a word with her manager and came back and told me they needed good
trainers and counsellors to help (they have a new government contract), and
they would be willing to pay for the course.
She managed to get me on a course starting three days later. When I phoned
her during the middle of the following week to thank her again and tell her
how it was going, I was told she had left!
I had met her via a series of negative incidents that were the catalyst for
my doubts about the future. Had these incidents not occurred, the path would
not have led to her door. It was as if she had come into my life, offered me
the key, then disappeared! Sounds like a TV program doesn't it. Ironically
she had exactly the same name as a well known film.
But wait - there is more!! Remember I said in my post that myself and the
lady who asked me for coffee were the only two outsiders on the course?
Guess who placed her on the course - and for the reason that they needed
good trainers and advisors - especially for people of our age group and
above who may dislike being given advise from someone much younger.
Even weirder was the fact that the next day, a member of the topic related
business emailed me to tell me that for weeks she had been praying for
something to come along for me.
I can hardly believe myself I am saying this, but it seems factors beyond my
understanding are at work here, and somehow I was meant to listen to that
Tom Jones record that night.
Yes, this is The Guv'nor you are reading!!!!
New Perspectives R.O.D.
Realistic Online Discipline For Adults
In other words Maggot, you were on the dole and were sent on a course to get the unemployment numbers down. Is that where you learned to read?
FFS Maggot, you do go on about yourself alot you stupid crazy F*ck Head
Isabel, wash that muck off your face, you look like a hooker. Though you do act like one too, doesn't she maggot?
And what does that Tom Jones nonsense have to do with spanking??? No wonder they got hacked off with him over there.
Also, I thought his dad died as a direct result of what his mother did to him. But now it's his old employers who are responsible.
Hitchen, as you say yourself, if you're gonna lie then at least remember the lies you're telling to which people.
LOL, he's hardly gonna blame God for his father dying 'cause he thinks HE is god PMSL
Apologies in advance for any expletives the following comment might contain.
Spanking stories I can handle. I just laugh at the ridiculousness of them.
Spanking stories about a woman having chemo and then about a dying woman.
Just how fucking depraved can one man get!
But this is the "Voice of Madeleine McCann" you're talking about.
God help the poor little mite.
Isabel, Just thinking, You know the way you joined in with maggot talking about dead babies and murder and such? Remind us, Don't you have two dead husbands? Did they die in mysterious circumstances? Did you drive them to do the unthinkable?
Hitchen you are both ashamed and embarrassed by what you and your Posters have said and done, if you weren't you would be showing your comments and would not have been driven underground.
The mere fact that you choose not to show your face so to speak only leads me to believe what these people here are saying is the truth.
I am throwing down the gauntlet...Lets have some answers Hitchen because all I can see is a very lost and lonely Man who has been defeated in the most public of ways.
Try being a Man for once in your life.
Love the new Dream Team photo on the home page. Maggot looks like he's having more fun than the "real" Mr. Hooker....HILARIOUS!
Oh Dear... from what I have just read Isabel is just as bad as Maggot...
Wanting wheelchair bound people to visit her villa.
How many husbands have you had?????
You get money you don't deserve...Praying on sick and defenceless old men, is that how you get your kicks and your money...Just like Maggot praying on old women.
You are a SKANK WHORE Isabel. don't ever forget that.SLUT
By the way lose the hair and stop bleaching it... and get off the J&B it does nothing for ones skin and lets face it you need all the help you can get.
You are a MESS
A Fan -
"Hey Isabel, Get back on your table and dance bitch"
I cant dance on the table because I would break it - dont you know how much I weigh - IDIOT!
Many thanks, Hobnob, for sending me the hilarious pic of Isabel dancing on the table wearing her nappy over her pantyhose!!
Didn't I read somewhere that she says she is wheelchair bound?
That's weird, because she looked fit and flamboyant to me.
And thanks, Mariana, for the info. It will come in useful!
The spanking community really don't think much of their old Guv'nor do they? Heh heh.
Once you get so majorly exposed as a liar and a fraud I suppose there's no going back. Come to England Mike. There will be a huge queue ready to give you a slap.
Don't forget all the times Maggot put down the Brits, all because of his beloved whore of PDL, and don't forget what she said about you Brits either - people ALL OVER THE WORLD will know you neglect your children....I haven't forgotten how she insulted the Brits - and I'm not even British. This British/Portuguese war is all in Maggot's mind. He should start by slapping those big fat Portuguese cheeks! I'm sure he fantasises about it - GROSS!
How many lives have you ruined today Michael? What?!?! NONE ?!?!?! My my, you really are slipping!
You've lost your reason for living so you might as well give up.
I remember him stirring up hatred for Britain by the British, making them come out with statements about how they're ashamed to call themselves British and they're emigrating the second they get the chance. (What do you mean "they're still here"??)
For goodness sake, which country is perfect? Britain's got a damn site more going for it than many countries and for him to evoke such a mass denunciation made me realise just what a band of sheep he has following him.
Let them all piss off then. Here's your coat, what's your hurry?
Mike is British by birth so he's a great one to talk about the British. Twat
He's welsh and in his case I take the Anne Robinson stance.
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