And you know something? One day I did just that. In fact, I went a bit further..
You know how sometimes things well up inside you? Things you are bursting to say, all bottled up and when you do finally let it all out, you can't seem to stop and go further than intended? That's what happened.
However, I did get her over my knee. She was still protesting of course, but I had gone too far to stop now. Up went her skirt, and down came everything that was meant to come down in circumstances like this.
When I had finished spanking her, I helped her up. I pulled her towards me and hugged her - tightly.
"I did tell you that I would put you over my knee. You should have expected it" I said, with what I hoped was a sort of assertive tenderness.
She pulled away and looked at me.
By heck, I hadn't seen that look on her face since we were 18 and she told me. "You know, mum and dad wont be home for ages and ages".
She stroked my cheek and coyly said....."Yes I know. I am not stupid you know"
Well, I'll be buggered:)
Mike Hitchen April 7, 2004
You know how sometimes things well up inside you? Things you are bursting to say, all bottled up and when you do finally let it all out, you can't seem to stop and go further than intended? That's what happened.
However, I did get her over my knee. She was still protesting of course, but I had gone too far to stop now. Up went her skirt, and down came everything that was meant to come down in circumstances like this.
When I had finished spanking her, I helped her up. I pulled her towards me and hugged her - tightly.
"I did tell you that I would put you over my knee. You should have expected it" I said, with what I hoped was a sort of assertive tenderness.
She pulled away and looked at me.
By heck, I hadn't seen that look on her face since we were 18 and she told me. "You know, mum and dad wont be home for ages and ages".
She stroked my cheek and coyly said....."Yes I know. I am not stupid you know"
Well, I'll be buggered:)
Mike Hitchen April 7, 2004
You are warped inside and out maggot. You have no soul.
With this much stuff penned by him out there on the net, I do wonder why it took this long for anyone to out the guy.
I mean, did no-one know about any of this when he first started touting himself as the voice for M? And if people did know, why did no one say anything?
Just wondering.
It was a shock to me when I found out. Maggot is kicking himself now for using his real name when he posted all this shit. He is so cocky though, he can't think ahead.
I'm disgusted by this so called Man.
It makes for very uncomfortable reading.
And this is the voice for MM.
I am speechless.
Normal men fantasise about Kiera Knightly or Raquel Welch, not their sisters for god's sake.
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