"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
It's SO funny you should say that because I'd always half-thought he was pro-McCann and just using the general mood to increase the donations coming in. Now you've pointed it out as well, I really think we've hit the nail on the head. Wish he'd just sod off to the pro groups and leave everyone else out of it.
If you want to read a really worthwhile article written by the person claiming it, then TFA has a good one today TFA latest.
Far superior to anything Maggot EVER wrote.
You can tell maggot is bored by kiddie talk in his forum - he only leaves short comments because he can't be arsed. That's why he went 'underground' so he didn't have to keep on publicly trying to care. All he really wants to do with kids is tie them to ladders, spank them, then explore their garden of eden.
Yep, always had a feeling he was pro McCann, well of course the likes of him would be.
It is people like us lot here who put kids first and foremost while people like the McCanns and Maggot put their own desires first.
It has been known from the early days that M H is really a pro McCann.
A couple of his regulars have known from the start. One such person was the one who actually advised him on what to start writing about the McCanns and how to gain the most money.
Maggot was origionally going to make a post about the Portuguese police, in it he was planning to abuse them if they charged the McCanns with neglect when they were suffering so much pain and that the PJ should have the decency to wait until the child was found or else wait until it had all blown over and then they should only get a caution/warning because of their suffering and heartbreak. He had planned to be fully supportive of the McCanns right up until one of his oldies advised him otherwise and they both started up anti mccann posts with the Paypal buttons in place.
They both wrote the posts for both blogs and came up with the best stragety of making friends to make money.
This is a fact.
I realise ths may be just a wind up for Hitchen, but for those of us who are generally labelled 'pros' (although its a label I strongly object to) its really not very funny. You know what? I don't think Hitchen gives a flying fig for that child, one way or the other.
His interest is not in her or her parents, it's in HIM and making his name and his money. Madeleine was only ever a peg to han his hat on, although given what's gone on I thnk 'hook' may be a better word.
The 3as-FOOLS the lot of them.
I have been banned from the 3As for trying to answer honestly a question as to why no-one hears from Hitch any more.
Even though in the past they have allowed a whole thread discussing 'this blog, i was BANNED for offering to give a lnk, by PM, to this site. Apparently I am spreading vile rumours of a esxual nature.'
Would any of you folks who are still friends with nobrain like to point out to him that this is FACT not conjecture?
And point out that someone with his career path might like to get themselves informed of the facts before they rush to the defence of sexual perverts??
None of us are allowed to speak the truth about Hitchen over there. They can slag off the McCann's all they like and even produce spoof pics of them on photobucket to laugh at, but you can't do that with Hitchen.
Hitchen is a pervert and, by their logic, should be on a pedestal rather than behind bars where children are safe from him.
If Gerry McCann was ever found to have done half the stuff Hitchen has, they'd all be baying for his blood.
Damn hypocrites over there. They talk about justice for Madeleine, but what about ALL children?
I just hope none of their kids find themselves being groomed by Hitchen on the internet.
The world has gone mad.
How right you are, anon at 14.39.
If Gerry had been writing spanky kiddie porn instead of articles on cardiac medicine they would probably have deified him by now.
But the 3As is finsihed anyway. It ate itself over the weekend.
What do you mean it's finished? It's still there.
What happened then?
What gets my goat is, amongst other things, is Hitchen being referred to over there a journalist.
Yes, he is a writer, albeit not a very good one, of vile and violent pornography.
A playful spank is one thing, but to inflict the injuries his kind of spanking is nothing less than depraved.
A journalist he most certainly is not. Where are his credentials? His indentures? His degree even?
Not much point looking because there aren't any.
Whether we agree with what is written in the papers or not, it is written by people who have studied long and hard for their craft.
To call a late-middle aged man with a computer and too much time on his hand a journalist is an insult the industry.
Hitchen has no sheep left except maybe one or two barnyard animals who get a sick thrill out of cuddling up with an internet pervert.
I do have wonder what Mother Hitchen knows and doesn't know about her sicko son and why it is Maggots brothers never visit.
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