Mike Hitchen had ASRA grant to research spanking

I have done quite a bit of research into this matter, I have analysed all my contacts and created socio-economic profiles, personality profiles, educational profiles and emotional and psychological profiles.

Using advanced analytical software programs, I have created various graphs and comparitive studies to compare vast amounts of relevant data. I have done this with the aid of a grant from The Australian Social Research Agency, and it has taken me over a year to complete.




Anonymous said...

What the fcuk?

Anonymous said...

The Australian Social Research Agency have more money than sense. Did they know what this grant was for? Maybe they should be told.

Anonymous said...

You also research everybody you come into contact with too, don't you maggot?

Is the whole of ex Team H on some kind of analytical software programme? Are we all looking like graphs now?

Anonymous said...

News travels fast! On my daily Google News Alert for Madeleine McCann articles, today under the Blogs Alert section appeared this article with a link to the blog. The power of the internet...

Anonymous said...

This claim is rubbish. Ludicrous even!

You cannot possibly create socio-economic, personality, educational, emotional and psychological profiles of people you meet on the www because:

- either you don't know any relevant details or
- you can't trust those given by the people in question.

Vast amounts of relevant data? Rubbish! Take "Team preparation H": he knew some people's email address / country of residence,
perhaps their age / family situation and
sometimes a little about their profession.
No way is this enough to even attempt to make one, let alone half a dozen profiles! Rubbish I say!

And finally, judging by his own admitted computer-illiteracy in many areas, I doubt he would be able to make a simple graph using MS Office Word or Excel, let alone advanced analytical software programmes!

Everything else being complete bullfrog, I conclude that the claimed grant is the same.

I rest my case.
