During this period of my life, I often asked my brother how teachers in school caned. Occassionaly, and this is the first time I have told anyone this (and that includes Jane) I asked my brother to spank me, which he did. I have never had any sexual feelings for a man, or any desire to be spanked by a man, apart from those occasions.
Mike Hitchen 19 October, 1999
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I knew it, I knew there was some incest in his past. There had to be. He is obsessed with father daughter stories. Sick bastard
This sickening piece of writing also tells us that his desire for revenge is as deep-seated as his desire for spanking.
Is it true? This is slightly incestuous if I'm reading it right. Shocking.
It's maggot that wrote this, so it's hard to tell but one thing is for sure, he thought of it. He has an evil horrible mind
Once a perv, always a perv.
Mum Hitchen needs to seriously get her boy in for help. Hard telling what her son has been involved with for 5-plus decades.
Don't they have free mental-help clinics in Sydney? sheesh...
I'm beginning to wonder if MH lives under his mothers' care because nobody will give the creep a job to support himself due to his obvious problems (past and present).
I hope to god his mother doesn't know about how he gets his kicks, because if she does its just too awful to contemplate.
She does know.
The she is either scared to death of him or is happy for her little boy to persue his guilty pleasures - if he's happy she's happy.
Ya know, every day he gets more disgusting. It's time to unplug your computer maggot you are not a fit person to even have one. Are you even who you say you are. I think I will go and investigate your birth. Maybe you are not even you.
Maybe its safer for everyone for him to be on the net cos if he didn't have a pc lord knows what he would be up to.
Doesn't bear thinking about.
no wonder Hitchen never sees his brothers.
he said "on those occasions" which means it happened more than once. His brothers are older than him. Were they abusing him? they can still be jailed for this.. Do his brothers know about all these spanking stories? Does anyone know where his brothers are? are they still alive?
Michael is his second name isn't it? Hitchen surname. Born on a February 29 about 51+ years ago and here are a list of leap years so I'd say maybe 1956 .... in Wales ... was it Cardiff he said?
Mother with a Germanic surname.
I haven't got my ancestry account to hand but maybe someone else has?
Then one could work backwards to find other children by the same parents and then google for them now?
But that would be sinking to the same level as him.
Why would you want to find his brothers?
Registry-1st quarter 1956, page 135
Michael A Hitchen (mother's maiden name-Koits)
District: Cardiff
Volume 8b
Page 266
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