This is an actual story written by Mike Hitchen on 5th February, 2000 (link to original) in which he describes tying a child to ladder before whipping her and having sex with her.Another story where he describes putting his hands down the pants of a young boy to squeeze his testicles can be found here.
These are just two of his many, often copyrighted, child sex stories that can be found in various spanking and porn sites on the internet. These child abuse stories, plus his hate campaigns against a stillborn and a newborn baby, are why these blogs exist: to expose him, and his supporters, but most importantly to collect evidence for the people he is attacking in order that the police can carry out their investigation so that Hitchen can be stopped from destroying peoples' lives. One woman has already tried to kill herself because of the abuse she received from Hitchen - how many more people are going to be destroyed before he is stopped?
As Hitchen says: "People who have hurt or crossed me have attemped suicide, have suffered nervous breakdowns and marriage breakup as a consequence of my actions. I view those as positive results and any harm done is of no interest to me. I find people's weak spots and twist the sword. As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." (Link to original)
All evidence on this blog links directly to Hitchen's own words. We have been accused by Hitchen and his supporters of being "pro-McCann" - when we are actually 'pro-Madeleine'. This blog has nothing to do with the McCann's, but it has everything to do with Mike Hitchen's exploitation of Madeleine McCann's name and, more recently, his 'Child at Risk' campaign which he links to Madeleine's name. We are here simply because we are trying to stop Mike Hitchen from trying to have a newborn baby taken from his parents because he doesn't like the baby's father. Mike Hitchen is orchestrating vigilante action against the father and we aim to get this stopped before the baby is harmed. If you seek justice as we do, particularly for babies, then please read the evidence contained in this, and the second evidence blog, and join us with your support... Thank you.
"Oh child, if only you could have seen your face as you brazenly walked into the stable. You did not expect to see me did you? How your heart must have sank at the sight of me awaiting your arrival. I noticed your eyes transfixed by the riding crop I tapped against my leg. What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!
You stutter an explanation, and inwardly I laugh at your feeble attempt. Bend over child, bend for my eyes to have the pleasure of seeing your riding breeches, stretched tightly across your beautiful bottom. My eyes are pleased and a message is sent to my loins. Alas, for now my manhood must wait for the pleasure to be found in your Garden Of Eden; for I have other matters that need my attention.
You flinch as the crop strikes across your thighs, first the left, then the right. Foolish child, your buttocks were clenched in anticipation, a futile defence against the onslaught of pain. You did not know that I had no intention of marking your bottom whilst clothed, that I want your flesh unmarked as it lies across my knee.
Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. Let me hold you in my arms to show my love for you.
A smile crosses my face as I point towards the ladder. You remember the ladder well, tilted at about 45 degrees, leading to a loft covered with a bed of hay. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. Your eyes glow with terror, "surely not" you are thinking. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer. Come my child, let me walk behind you, as you lead me to the Garden of Eden. "
Mike Hitchen Feb 5, 2000
I don't want to admit reading that made me cry. He'd probably get off on the thought. But to hell with it. It did make me cry.
It would be sick enough if he was talking about a woman, but a child for pity's sake. A child. It goes beyond sick, beyond indecency, beyond human.
I hope and pray these sick writings are just imaginary on his part, as if that wasn't bad enough. To think there might be reality to them has made my perception of the world very much darker.
It made me cry too. I feel stunned. I feel sick. I want to see this man investigated by the police.
Very disturbing. I feel much more shocked reading this than all the other stuff put together. My husband read some of Hitchen's 'works' and he said "Man, that guy should be locked up" (and he hasn't even read this latest yet). I think the police should search his home for child pornography although he's probably burned it all by now and erased all the kiddie porn from his computer. I'm quite DISGUSTED and SICKENED.
You really really are very sick.
There are no words to discribe you, even if this is just his imagination he should be locked before he makes it reality.
I agree , even if its just his imagination he still writes this porn online, for other perverts to fantasize and maybe act out on his literature....its horrific!
No wonder he's cleaning his computer of 32,000 files this weekend.
The bastard.
You are half a step away from being a peado Hitchen thats if you're not already there.
I feel sick to the very pit of my stomach
I want to kick the shit out of that sick pervert.
I don't know how his supporters can defend him on this one.
32,000 files of porn no doubt.But what kind.
He's spent all weekend with a hammer in his hand trying to get rid of the evidence.
Anonymous said...
I don't know how his supporters can defend him on this one.
06 April 2008 21:12
Especially Primavera and Marianna how could they.
Isn't there some kind of internet law against posting this abuse of children, or is that just for posting pics of children?
Good job all his spanko posts are copied and saved, how about printing a few of these out and passing them round the pubs in sydney. Didn't arse hole threaten to similar with TFA. Only difference is, maggot was making everything up and trying to ruin innocent lives.
We would be telling the truth. Time to get some of these perverted stories together and send them off to a few businesses and publishers, priests nuns and schools in lane cove and surrounding areas.
virtual spanking between consenting adults is one thing, but sexual acts and violence against children is...well..I'm speechless......
FGS, this post goes back to 2000 - what else is there to find in the eight years since then?
It's very scary.
32,000 files he's getting rid of? Who the hell keeps 32,000 files on their computer?
Do they have a sex offenders register in Australia? He should be on it . Parents should be warned! I wouldn't want him living next door to my child would you?
Sorry Marianna you did you call a TWAT.
How the hell did he ever think this wasn't going to come back and haunt him I will never know.
Thought he was supposed to be intelligent,
Because he's got no bloody shame!
I'm horrified, and this is from "the voice of Madeleine McCann".
This Guy is a danger with a capital D.
After everything he said about tfa (which of course was unture) he is getting up to this kind of thing.
Well Mr Hitchen you sure turned out to be a nice guy didn't you.
You are not safe to be on the streets of Aus or anywhere else.
Blog owner please keep that post visable at all times as a warning to people.
The more poeple know what this vile creature is the better.
Your wish is my command.
I am never ever ever reading his blog ever again and I have read it daily, even since discovering this blog. Never ever again. I have removed his link from my favourites and i am going to post a link to this post on my website and my husband is going to do the same on his website, as his is much more active than mine. I will email a few others and ask them to add this link to their websites and blogs. I am sure someone somewhere will read this and be able to do something about this man.
Thankyou bruce the spanking genie.
Well done to the blog owner for uncovering what a nasty piece of work this man is I applaud you.
We need more people like you doing the same to uncover internet perverts.
Hi Lee!
Thanks for that. ;)
Yeah thanks for that Lee.
We have all got to try and get this message across
hicthen = scum of the earth, you are beneath comtempt.
Hi Lee, I have the link to this website on my blog too. I hope other members do the same thing.
Morning Maggot
Just can't keep away can you.
G/day maggot. Like the new evidence posted?
Bet you have no evidence for anything you claim. I bet you $6 you have NO EVIDENCE.
Everyday more comes to light to show just what a perverted sick bastard you are. And the funny thing is, It's your own words that prove it.
Great news Lee. Please email as many people as you know. The more people who are aware of the evils that prey on the web, the better. The sort of evil Maggot wrote needs to be exposed and brought to justice.
He wont need the $6 anymore Afan, there is no one left in his spankbox to talk dirty to him. He is all alone in the world and only has himself with his multi usernames to chat to.
Why don't you just go away Hitchen? take yourself off the radar.
These people here mean business make no mistake about that.
Just look around! Look at what they have found.
I don't care what you get up to with consenting adults but Jesus Man KIDS???? WTF is all that about?
You wrote it all Hitchen no one else, you cannot defend what you have written.
Amazed you have a teacher backing you...Maybe you Brits should do more checks on Teachers etc.
They are KIDS.
Nature works in very strange ways at times sometimes for the best and sometime not.
I am so glad nature got it right this time.
I am going to bed and I am going to thank God you never had children.
'What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!'
Wonder if Maddie had fear in her eyes Hitchen? I'm damn sure she did. Did the thought of that turn you on?
I have read your blog and this one for a while now and now I know why these pple are right in what they are doing.
'What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!'
That one line Hitchen will never ever leave me.
'What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!'
That one line has made me sob my heart out.
It turns you on to see the fear in a childs eyes?
My God what a world we live in.
'What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!'
No one knows what happened to Maddie but to think she succumbed to a man like you, a man who likes to see fear in a childs eyes is just the worst thing imaginable.
And you hold yourself up to be the voice of Maddie? how could you do that?
How can you be the voice of Maddie and yet like to see the fear of a child?
'What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld'
To think the last person this poor baby saw was a THING like you.
Blog owner & supporters please don't ever give up.
With the greatest respect to you all
You screwed with the wrong people, Hitchen. As evidenced by this blog, now you pay. If I were you, I'd stay far, far away from minors. Maybe you've already been ordered to do that by your local law enforcement, I sincerely hope so.
Sorry to the blog owner I respect this blog is not about Maddie but just had to get my point across.
Please delete if you feel it necessary.
this is real bad/nasty stuff.
hard to see how anyone can stand by him.
no doubt his die-hards will but lets hope when you lot bring him down the rest will follow.
Hate the bastard with a passion just can't begin to tell you how much...
BUT! his supporters, all I think Women you deserve whats coming.
Theres only one place for these people to go and that's DOWN
Bad move Mr Hitchen.
Did you never learn to play chess.
tut tut.
This blog is one thing, albeit one fantastic thing. But if this particular piece of "writing" is not actually reported to the police then he gets away with whatever crimes he has committed. Pure and simple. I know, according to this blog that the West Yorkshire and West Midlands police are now investigating, so whoever it is who's in contact with them you MUST let them see this piece, and it must be the direct link on the spanking site.
Nobody should be able to post such things and not be checked out thoroughly. Does the Headmaster of the boys school he likes to wander through know about this? I doubt it. He should be sent a copy of it plus a photo of Mike Hitchen. I don't know the name of the school - anybody?
By the way, that "32,000 files" tale does not sound real to me. Nobody does that kind of thing by accident. Sounds like the makings of an excuse for a new PC. Somebody above said something about taking a hammer to it. By the time the police get there it might be too late for that PC which could be a disaster.
I just found this website called Child Wise that is fighting internet porn in Australia - just wondered if blog owner knew about it or had reported him yet?
Should definitely be reported there. Blog owner seems best person to do it with all the knowledge and evidence at hand.
Somebody has mentioned that one of his supporters is a teacher. Another of his supporters has websites dedicated to a child who went missing in Greece. It is very noble to devote time and effort helping a family recover their lost child but a lot less noble once you realise that the owner of the sites backs a man who describes violent acts towards a child.
Email them on their Blogs. I'm not doing it as a Random Reader but the Organisers should do it. This is the Final Straw and if they Xcuse it they are Evil.
so why do'nt you do something about it instead of just moaning on here and see what hapens, if theres good reason then something would get done but you'l be finding you do'nt get nowhere all talk no real action
To Tinman -"if there's no good reason"????? So I guess you think there's no good reason what about this latest discovery ? Maggot's child porn literature? Most of us never realised he was actually into child sex for real, until we saw this latest piece of vomit. I'm sure 'real action' is already underway, don't worry your tin head about it.
How can this pervert set up a blog called 'protect the children now' when he writes filth like this?
Everything he accuses other people of he's doing it himself. It's not the other people who are guilty of his claims - it's himself!
He is one scary and dangerous man who needs to be stopped.
Protect the Children ?
That's exactly what the people on here are trying to do Hitchen - protect them from scum like you.
keep up the fantastic work everyone on here -you're doing a great job informing us of the cess pit that passes as this man's mind.
He wrote " Come my child, let me walk behind you, as you lead me to the Garden of Eden. "
IMHO this can only mean one thing. The Garden of Eden was home of the forbidden fruit. He knows what he's doing is illegal (the forbidden fruit) therefore gives the GoE reference.
Sicker than I ever imagined. I trust the blog owners have added it to the list of things they show to the police, although from what I gather, the police are already here searching.
When you put it together with that probable grooming attempt on that teenager's website (bonding over a kitten of all things), it makes me feel scared for the children around.
Has anyone got the link for that teenager's website?
Here's the link to it
Silly Cat
His comment on that page is this
There is a perception overseas that American school-kids know bugger all about the world around them. This blog proves that you are more informed than most adults either in your own country, or in my own. I am sure there are many others like you, although it’s rare to even come across so-called adults with so much insight. If you would like to do a guest post, let me know.
She then replied with
Thanks both for visiting my site. Have you seen http://YouThinkLeft.com where I blog with other teens?
I've not ventured into YouThinkLeft but maybe somebody can find out if he visited it?
Local schools in Lave Cove
Hunters Hill High School
Chatswood High School
Killara High School
Riverside Girls High School
Willoughby Girls High School
North Sydney Boys High School
North Sydney Girls High School
Uh, the person who posted the links using AC wasn't me (a convert) which seems a bit odd, but thanks for the info anyway!
Notice how, for the first time, he hasn't posted his pic on that teenager's site?
Wonder why that is? Didn't want her to know how old he was perhaps?
I've had a look around YOUTHinkLeft and no sign of his mucky prints, at least not using any of the usual names.
I'm surprised though because they have a section on child abuse which no doubt he'd find very exciting.
Dear oh dear Tinman, you're not too bright are you?
"do'nt get nowhere"
But ironically you're right, we will find we "don't get nowhere". If you don't get nowhere then you do get somewhere.
Too much for your small brain to comprehend though.
I think the few that like to post backing up Hitchen should be acknowledged as being members of soc.sexuality.spanking or alt.spanking.reality groups. They obviously share his fetish and he always has been someone to get other people to do his dirty work on his behalf....so why waste your breath on these perverts and bother to answer them?
No problem hitchen hater if you want to ignore them - that's fine!
Two of his female supporters happen to run blogs on children I find that hard to ignore.
Two of them? I know that Mariana does. Who is the other, please?
The other one is Pamalam.
And Primavera is a teacher for goodness sake and is supporting this creep.
That is very disturbing to my mind.
You really would think these women would know better.
Primavera the teacher also runs a blog on children.
Must be like minded people.
All pervs together.
How very quaint for them.
This literally made me sick. To think that he was probably fantasizing about Madeleine when supposedly seeking justice for her. Sick, sick, sick.
That thought is just to much to bear.
Hitchen did you clean your hard drive or take a hammer to it?
Somehow I don't think it's as easy as you think.
This is so damn sick, but I take it somebody has given it directly to the police. So why's he been allowed time to destroy his pc? Why have they not swooped on him?
Sick Bastard
Just though i'd say it again...
Sick Bastard.
And this is why we must fight on.... he is one very sick bastard.
Obviously Primavera condones this kind of behaviour from Hitchen.
You are a bloody disgrace Primavera and have no right in being a teacher and I thank god you don't teach my kids.
Wonder what her right-on yoghurt knitting compatriots from the peace camps would make of the (not) just cause she supports these days.
Is she a dike then?
This blog seems have taken on a life of its own, it's great.
Its just a shame you can't 'OUT' the rest of the internet perverts, you do a better job then the police.
Long live the Internet Pervert Busters.
Hopefully this blog will show others how to corner a pervert and bring the bastard down. There's a long way to go yet, cos maggot is still on the net. Maggot has gone underground into his dingy cave with his larvae, but it's not enough. We won't stop until the police have sorted him out.
the police HAVE to sort him out, don't they?
Is this pervert still on the loose. Has he not been arrested yet?
3As-Gang of tossers the effin lot of them.
MH-(At least one person can give a little girl dignity)
You're an effin tosser as well of course someone knows what happened to her.
Nothing like stating the bleedin obvious. Hitchen you tosspot.
You Michael Hitchen are a tyrant.
He keeps calling this blog vulgar and obscene...Mr Hitchen have you not read the stories you have written? you know the one about tying up a young child - the child with FEAR in her eyes...Now thats what I call VULGAR & OBSCENE.
The trouble with the perverse is that they do not see their behaviour as anything other than normal.
In maggot's eyes anything that does conform to his 'norm' i.e., his vulgar and obscene obsession with inflicting pain and suffering.
His vendettas against TFA and JKH are, in my humble opinion, just another sick means by which he gets his rocks off. He can't physically 'punish' them so he does by distance.
He's attempting to punish them for achieving something he hasn't - an honest, decent and fulfilled life.
Anonymous said...
The trouble with the perverse is that they do not see their behaviour as anything other than normal.
In maggot's eyes anything that does conform to his 'norm' i.e., his vulgar and obscene obsession with inflicting pain and suffering is vulgar and obscene.
His vendettas against TFA and JKH are, in my humble opinion, just another sick means by which he gets his rocks off. He can't physically 'punish' them so he does by distance.
He's attempting to punish them for achieving something he hasn't - an honest, decent and fulfilled life.
Still at it I see Gov writing your dirty little stories, isn't it about time you packed it in?
At last! there is someone to bring you down. Someone bigger than you.
Even if you had never played out what you have written about you are still an abuser, you have abused all the kids that have been abused by just writing about it.
You nasty vile little man
Anybody who has been abused or raped, YOU M Hitchen have abused them AGAIN just by writing your vile and nasty stories.
I am sure one day you will burn in HELL.
You are finished Hitchen.
Bye bye.
That black and white photo of him is H o r r i b l e.
Pure ugly isn't he. Look at the state of him. Old pervert
That's a right boozer's nose he has. Hic!
LOL hes got a comb over sooooooo funny.
Blog owner,
very pleased to see your disclaimer as I have noticed that another blog is a paste and copy idea of your original documentation "sexed up" as you say to embellish facts and gives absolutely no proof as to any origin of their so called facts.
The original articles as researched and proven can be found HERE folks, not with a paste and post wannabee blog that jumps on the bandwaggon and posts articles only originally found here. The wannabee who does not even ask permission before posts are taken from here and embellished with lies and with no links to any original source whatsoever....the blog that Hitchen is convinced is run by Jeremy Young or Jill Havern (pity them both as I know for a fact that they do NOT run/own this blog, but get the blame all the same)a blog where members do all the donkey work simply to find someone else sets up a blog and takes the details from here and makes the details ten times worse (no links/ no proof)the TRUTH is here! Links are HERE! We don't need to lie as the truth is bad enough without journalistic embellishment from someone who simply wants to jump on our bandwaggon - ignore the wannabee bloggers and stay here where the honest truth - with proof - with links - are available for all.
I see he has got rid of his avatar and put that vile black/white photo of himself back up LOL.
Why on earth would anyone so pug ugly want to do that?????
Stick to the avatar its a lot less sickening Hitchen.
LOL, I know what you mean. I just about jump out my skin every time I open this blog to see such an ugly mug staring out at me with such a CREEPY smirk on his face.
Sort of face only a mother could love.
And we know how much his mother loves him.
The sort of face a mother would have adopted.
very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
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