"I am Santa Claus, Virginia. Think of me the same way you would a doctor or a genealogist"
Virginia managed to figure out what he meant.
Soon, Santa had Virginia across his knee and was spanking her like she had never been spanked before. She did wish he wouldn't keep saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho" though. It was a pity he didn't have his red suit on, but then again, it's not every girl who gets put across Santas knobbly knees for a good smacked bottom.
Mike Hitchen 30 November, 2002
Read the rest of this knicker-gripping bestselling novel here:
does this doctor/genealogist search for birth canals as well as birth certificates?
This is such crap I wouldn't have believed anyone could have written it if it wasn't there in black and white.
Hope you're showing a cross-section of your spanking stories to your supposed new 'date' Hitchen. Y'know just so she's given the full picture.
Mind you all she needs to know is how to do a Google search and she'll have plenty of background, never mind lots of surprises. All brought on by yourself of course.
I wonder if Starbucks know the sort of thing he's accessing on their computers when he goes there to try to be anonymous.
Heya Maggot! How's it feel to be so popular?!
Just think! A year ago you were a NOBODY! A common deadbeat so broke and broken you had to move in with Mummy! Wowsers! Now look at you now! LOL! INFAMOUS!!!
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