AnnaMay Silvestro, the Warwickshire teacher and supporter of Mike Hitchen's Child at Risk campaign, gets tough with the '3 arguido's'


(Primavera/Anna-May Silvestro) AnnaEsse said...
"Comment from anonymous of today's date has been deleted by me, moi, myself. Reason for deletion: I hate people who bore me, and anonymous' infantile and trivial comment nearly sent me off my chair with boredom. Home from work to that! Jeez!"

Clearly she doesn't think Hitchen is an infantile bore - just those who question her support of him.

Should Etone School supply teachers/'doctors'/herbal suppliers support hate/child at risk campaigns that are started, by someone such as Hitchen, for no other reason than jealousy?

Especially as she wrote this on youtube on a topic about child abuse, yet clearly supports Mike Hitchen who is doing exactly the same:

"annaesse (4 months ago)
I agree! Stop child abuse now! Parents you don't know who your child is talking to on the internet and neither do they. The man your daughter is chatting to may be someone older than she is, grooming her for sex and just waiting for the chance, when she is feeling vulnerable to lure her from your home. This does happen. Your 15 year-old daughter may be the one some numpty, anonymous pervert is chatting with, someone who persuades her that only he understands her."



Anonymous said...

In Mikes own words...

Like attracks like...isn't that right Mike?

Anonymous said...

Very disturbing that a teacher is supporting Hitchen given his liking for young school girls.

Anonymous said...

She is just like Maggot doesn't allow comments unless your singing from her hymn sheet...No free speech on her blog.

Anonymous said...

This woman is 59 years old, and a teacher and she is supporting maggot's child at risk campaign.

She is old enough to know that maggot is a vindictive and malicious old man who deliberately sets out to ruin peoples' lives and she supports him!

She needs reporting because she's assisting an offender.

Anonymous said...

Is it just coincidence that these women who support him just HAPPEN to run blogs on children...

Anonymous said...

The followers are, in a way, even worse than their master. How can they support such a twisted evil campaign? How come they dont see through maggot, unless they are just as bad as he is?

Anonymous said...

All spanky pervs together.

Anonymous said...

That's a pic of primavera? Even she looks like a bloke.

Anonymous said...

To me, her use of the word 'numpty' to describe online perverts is like saying, "aww bless his little cotton socks, he's not all there."

All there or not they are beneath contempt to the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Anybody know which school she works at? They should be warned about what's going on probably because it's not right what she's supporting. Trying to get a baby taken away from it's parents for no reason.

Anonymous said...

Etone school in warwickshire

Anonymous said...

Another one who doesn't know whether she's Athur or Martha.

Anonymous said...

The very people who Primavera warns against she is supporting.

Describes Hitchen to a T.

Anonymous said...

This woman may have the most honourable of intentions and therefore supports Hitchen through myopic faith in his "cause" - however, she has certainly NOT investigated his claims against some people (TFA) and checked the validity of his statemtnts for herself, but simply chooses to believe what/who he writes about.

Dangerous career move for a teacher. She has brought herself, her career and the School into disrepute in the process.

I hope she thinks that Hitchen is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Apparently our Anna also moderates a Yahoo group.

That should be good for a laugh, impartial person that she is.