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"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
I find it amazing how clueless some posters are over at the 3As. Some detectives they are, not being able to verify that what is posted here is truthful, using the source links provided, and instead choosing to protect and defend Hitchen at all costs.
Yet, if this blog were written to expose Gerry McCann, you can be sure that these same posters would be all over it, believing every word and then some, without even bothering to check the sources.
Ignorance is not bliss, particularly when it's purposely chosen--then it is stupidity.
Hi Jolie
I've just read your post over there!
I see more lies are being told about me too - I doubt whether that poster will be banned though.
I think it's disgusting that probablynot got banned for speaking the truth.
Rumours???? What Rumours for god's sake?????
Hitchen writes about physical violence for sexual gratification. FACT!!!
f*cking moderators over there have locked the thread.
how typical.
"this forum will not be used as a sounding board for anyone with a gripe."
what the hell do they think the whole f*cking forum is being used for then - they all gripe about the McCann's and anyone else they care to have a gripe about!
(there. it's made me swear now cos that stupid Clarisa won't get the chance to answer my question) How convenient that she was saved by the mods.
It's alright for them to spout lies but heaven forbid anyone who tries to defend themselves from these lies.
Don't you just love the tone used in that post...................very Churchillian for a star struck spotty little no mark.
I wonder if the "respected" posters on that site think he's as big a fool as the rest of the internet do?
the rest of the internet?
unfortunatly, i think we're in the minority here.
it doesn't matter what hitchen does they all think he's god.
I really can't understand what the 3A mods are afraid of. Why are they protecting Hitchen?
jkh - You're right--the whole website at 3A's is dedicated to griping about the McCann case and no detail is too daring to discuss. On that very thread about Hitchen, lightweight Clarisa defames the McCanns, calling them swingers, as if there is any shred of evidence that points to that, other than one Portuguese official who didn't back up his statement with any sources, and Hitchen's writings. Everything is fair game against the McCanns, but because Hitchen has spoken out against them, he is unquestionly revered by some of those posters. Not a lot of gray matter being used by them, I suspect. Very superficial and certainly not interested in discovering the truth, unless it agrees with their preconceived notions.
I can understand your supreme frustration, Jill, and I'm sorry for the trouble that Hitchen is trying to cause you, TFA, and others. He really is a maggot.
Thanks Jolie
Supreme frustration indeed. I just don't understand any of this, it's all too bizarre.
You will recall I defended you on Hitchen's blog when I posted as Psstfairy! You mentioned it on TFA's blog. That was at the time when Hitchen was going off on a wobbler and I didn't dare post as JKH that day! It was me who questioned that "Why" post that kicked the whole thing off.
I still think he's a fake and I'm even more convinced of it now.
We defended each other that day. :)
Not that it seemed to matter to many of Hitchen's followers, did it? I wonder how many who called us pro-McCanners out to get Mike that day have seen the light since then.
I think Hitchen is mentally ill. He certainly is self-destructive and definitely a psychologically unhealthy personality, bent on hurting others, no matter what.
Sorry, Jolie, didn't mean to demean you - you did indeed come to my defence too.
That's okay, Jill; no offense was taken. I appreciated your backing me up at Anorak that day when I explained what was happening on Hitchen's blog. It was that day that my eyes were opened to see behind Hitchen's pretenses and I was shocked. He really is a nasty piece of work. I can't understand why everyone can't see that now, with the real him now exposed for all to see.
Ah yes, that was it! Anorak! I remember chatting to you on a forum I'd never been to before, so thanks for reminding me of it's name.
Glad to see some people can see the real Hitchen. You must be pretty shocked with what he's doing to TFA then? What he's doing to TFA is far worse than what he's doing to me.
I will do whatever I can to help TFA cos he's a nice geezer and so is little piglet.
Hi girls - ProbablyNot here :-))
Thanks for the support. I cannot beleive he banned me for that - I deliberately didn't post the link to minimise offence and look where it got me!
The most interesting thing about that thread is the 'discussion' afterwards - Reperi and others all going 'of course, we weren't taken in for a minute - it's not his blog'. Are they really really stupid or just completely brainwashed?
And as for beachy - lord alive don't get me started!
I couldn't see anything offensive in your post whatsoever.
I also had a thread locked today because I dared to ask someone to prove the allegations she was making against me.
It all stinks.
That shower of creeps on the aol boards think he's God.
Very true. I've never known a bunch of more vile people than those who are on there. They make Hitchen's attack dogs look like Andrex puppies.
They simply will not allow anyone to post who has a slightly different opinion to theirs and they insult you in the most horrible manner.
They've always been the same.
I think they are Hitchens attack dogs.
It's all maggots fault
You're not going to believe this, but I think my membership on the 3As has been banned. Repeatedly, when I tried to log in tonight, I got the following message:
"The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator."
You've read what I wrote there on the Hitchen thread and here on this one. Does that merit being blocked off posting on the site?
Not that it matters to me, anyway. Of the 5 posts I've written there, most were about Hitchen. I used Anorak to discuss the Madeleine case (until the admin. agw banned me more than a month or so ago for pointing out the site's hypocrisy of standards with regards to discussion of the Shannon Matthews case--one standard for the publisher who exploited all related "news" and sordid gossip and another for the posters who were told not to speculate about the case to protect the Shannon's reputation and the pending court cases).
Ahh, the wielding of power by these tiny tyrants that moderate forums--pathetic and annoying.
I think you're right - your name no longer appears in the Members list :(
bjr edited your last post but I would have thought if they were that unhappy with it they'd have deleted your post and warned you.
To ban you with no warning and not even an email to explain is unbelievable. But seems to be inevitable now for those speaking the truth about Hitchen.
jolie, I know many people who have been slung off the 3As over the last 48 hours. They are totally paranoid at the mo' and I'm afraid if you post ANYTHING 'off-message' then you will be shut out. No warning, no nothing.
But the strange thing is that some posters who were slung off for abusing the mods, and making outrageous claims about the site...are back on and posting as if nothing happened.
Go figure!
(Use a proxy. Not all work but most do.)
I noticed your question to Clarisa had been removed JKH and was wondering why they did that. Because they've allowed a thread called "Question for TiredoftheBS" which is not in any way, shape or form, different in style to that you were asking of Clarisa.
Except for one major difference - your question mentioned he-who must-be obeyed-by-the-3As... aka maggot.
The 3A moderators are supreme hypocrits and they actually don't seem to care that it's so obvious. They revel in their hypocracy. We can point out all their double-standards till the cows come home (and there are many examples) but all they will do is ban us and censor us. Most normal people would want to try to improve their style. Not the 3As.
Maggot is the 3As' sacred cow, he whose name must not be seen to be sullied. Makes you wonder really, doesn't it, exactly what type of people these mods are to be supporting him.
We can at least be glad we are not like them.
Hi anon @ 12.01
I couldn't understand it either, but I took the opportunity to send that post to Clarisa in a private message - and she hasn't responded.
I also sent the same post to janz1956, the moderator who removed my thread - no response there either.
Funny thing is, I went into the 3A's chatroom last night, for the first time, and janz was in there and we chatted. She seemed very nice, but there was no mention of the private message I sent her and it didn't jog her memory to respond to it either.
I think they must have been a bit shocked when I went in there, because I think they're looking for reasons to ban me.
Nbrado and perrito and bjr were in there too and I can just imagine them saying "Here she is! Mike Hitchen's stalker and paedophile supporter! That sick nutter driving instructor from Birmingham who must be hung, drawn and quartered for not agreeing with a child at risk campaign!"
I'll wait and see what transpires.
Anon. 11:32
Thanks for confirming what I suspected. After reading your note, I did go to my secondary e-mail account that I use when signing up for forums, etc., and there was no message from the 3As. I did remember late last night that a few weeks ago on another thread about Hitchen I said I would not talk about him any more, that I was done, after everyone was cautioned to stop. I had forgotten all about that, so I suppose, in a way, I was warned back then.
When I saw the latest thread about Hitchen on the 3As, I didn't jump on it right away until the subject of Hitchen's perversions and lies came into play and others discounted those claims as false.
If a site doesn't want me posting on it, the rejection might piss me off, but I no longer want to be there after that, so finding a way around the banning by using a proxy, etc., is not an issue for me. The site doesn't have value for me any more after realizing it's unfairly run.
I used to think that some of Hitchen's ex-posters were going way overboard against Hitchen and had provoked him into the defamatory attacks against TFA, and maybe that's so. However, once he began traveling down that road, you all were right to create this site to expose Hitchen and preserve the truth about him. It is a great defense measure to protect those under attack by Hitchen.
I only wonder what will be the end of all this. Is there any way back for Hitchen? Has a way been left for him to withdraw from the fight and remove the defamatory information he's published and issue an apology? I suspect he wouldn't take the opportunity anyway, but is the only way out of this for one or both sides to be destroyed?
Interesting to read that Anon at 13:38. Certainly doesn't look good for nbrado does it.
How you get to £9000 a month as a forward estimate for the 3As? At the moment their site states donations of £1028.62, with some £345 of that being used to pay Webhosts/Hostgator and I thought this was many weeks worth of donations.
Surely now this is their best time to 'cash-in' with the McCanns being the main draw to the site. Should that all be sorted at some point (hopes) then I'd have thought donations will soon drop.
Or maybe I've missed something!
Jolie said..
"I used to think that some of Hitchen's ex-posters were going way overboard against Hitchen and had provoked him into the defamatory attacks against TFA, and maybe that's so."
Hi Jolie, I would just like to say you have been treated disgracefully on the 3A. You are right to wash your hands off them.
I just want to add something to your above comment.
When many of us abandoned ship on Maggots blog and started chatting and gathering together on TFAs we more or less discussed how horrible Hitchen treated some of us. He was never provoked into saying Jeremy murdered his child. How can someone be provoked into saying such hurtful evil things.
We had spies in his camp and we saw the things he was saying about us. We saw how he believed all of us were one and the same, Tfa. His paranoia had him attacking in the most evil way at the slightest of comments against him. Maggot wouldn't let it go and he festered beyond belief. When he was saying Ethel never existed I honestly thought he couldn't get any lower. How wrong was I. Like many of us here, I knew he was suffering some mental disorder by the way he reacted to posters on the Why post. Of course posters got angry and need to go somewhere to say their piece. Maggot wouldn't allow it on his blog.
Most of what we said about him on Tfas blog was in response to his vile accusations. As he got more evil our fingers got more active :o). If anything, maggot provoked us.
Someone then discovered his spanking fetish and he wasn't too pleased about that :) then we discovered by many many of his stories that his spanking wasn't just a normal fetish, his fantasies involved either him being a school kid being spanked or seeing a school kid being humiliated and spanked. This is a perversion. Not normal. Maggot is a pervert and I can prove it. I have copies of his sick stories.
A pervert = any of various means of obtaining sexual gratification that are generally regarded as being abnormal.
Spanking fetishes, to me, are fine, each to their own. But maggot goes beyond that to involve kids.
He needs to bbe stopped. Now that his secret is out in the open we can do something about it. He have never lied about anything we said about maggot. He has lied about EVERYTHING he has ever said to any of us and about us.
I just wanted to make it clear that it wasn't us who provoked maggot, but him who provoked us, provoked us into investigating him and making available what he said. It is understandable it may have looked like we were going overboard in our accusations at the start, but that was only because people could see what we were saying, but couldn't see what horrible stuff we were responding to because Maggot, being the coward he is, did it behind closed doors. As soon as it was discovered what a fraud he was, he closed and deleted all comments and hid away like a coward, where he remains today.
It's not good enough though, he is still making vile evil accusations and twisting everything round.
Because of his mental disorder, he probably doesn't even realise what a stupid, ignorant, evil, gruesome, appalling, immoral, despiteful, malicious, wicked, vicious, nasty malignant piece of sh*t that he is. Well it's about time he was told. Sooner or later he will have to listen. Sooner or later he will be forced offline by the police and we are here until this happens.
Welcome aboard Jolie, please stick around because there is much more to go on these blogs about maggot, Evidence with proof will be provided, as is the motto of the blog owner. We don't accuse anyone of something without proof to back it up. Your input I'm sure will be valuable and in here, the blog owner does not cast out anyone with a different opinion.
Hope my long post didn't frighten you ;)
Darlings, I think I've discovered why the 3As is protecting Hitchen. This page shows someone by the name of NBRADO as being a member of a spanking forum. I can't tell if it is authentic or if someone is just setting the 3As site administrator up. If it's the real thing, it explains a lot, doesn't it?
Hi again Jolie and thanks for posting that.
We've been here before with nbrado being or not being a member of that particular spanking forum, and I think some others may have been found too.
He said previously that he's been cloned and I think at the time he wove that into the fact that he didn't like Hitchen being slated as one can never tell if it's the 'real' person or a clone.
But I think he also didn't deny that he's into spanking.
If my memory serves me correctly anyway!
The domain is owned by bjr who is ultimately responsible for the forum and running of the forum.
The host provider for the the3arguidos.net is Hostgator
The cost per month is $175 paid for by bjr via her bank account.
The3arguidos.net was registered on a free forum platform hosted by makeforum on the 23rd November 2007 by bjr
The reason was that makeforum were having complaints about certain topics and were asking us to remove these topics. As these were part of the Maddy Forum and referred to another site, namely HTFM, I decided to upgrade and start a domain and pay for a basic package at $8 per month.
The reason that the move was made to a dedicated server was because on the basic $8 per month package we were sharing a server with three other websites and due to high traffic we were affecting their sites, and our Hosts disabled certain parts of the forum and moved us onto a dedicated server.
No, members do not have to pay a fee to join, however, we are setting up a paypal system, where members can, if they so wish, donate to the3arguidos.net. This donation is purely voluntary and will not be enforced and no pressure will be put on members to donate.
The donations will be used purely to keep the forum running, nothing else.
No, Admin and Mods purely do this on a voluntary basis and no payments are made to them.
No. The admin and mods of the3arguidos.net were only members of the Daily Mirror Forum and still are members.
No, we have not idea that the Maddy Forum was being shut down until it was actually shut down. We were never privy to any of the reasons or decisions in closing the Maddy Forum on the DM.
The only domain that is owned is the3arguidos.net, we have no association or affiliation with any other websites, ie. the3arguidos.com, thethreearguidos.com or any other website that has a similar name as to ours.
the3arguidos forum...Here to stay
The truth is out there, and maybe, one day someone will speak the truth, if they have any respect for Madeleine.
P.S. If you don't like my posts Team McCann, tough, learn to live with it, because the truth always hurts.
Thank you, A Fan and Anon. 14:47. I will keep checking in on this site, as I am curious to see how this Hitchen drama plays out, similar to how my curiosity and desire to see justice served keeps me following the McCann story.
BTW, why do you think Hitchen stopped writing about the McCann story? There has been so much happening in the case that he hasn't address. Doesn't this hurt his own precious image among his followers? Is he really in retreat mode or just preoccupied with the obsession of this vendetta? Do you think he has been warned by the McCanns' lawyers?
He will come up with something on 3rd May.
The last I heard, Maggot is doing his usual copy and paste trick in his "secret" forum, copying McCann articles from every UK daily paper he can find. He makes little or no comment of his own, then sits back and lets his flock do all the work. He'll probably produce an Anniversary Post using everything his flock have said in response.
Plenty of activity in his forum, but none of it's original and none of it's particularly interesting.
My guess? He's playing it very safe now because he knows he's being watched. Long gone are the days of him saying whatever he likes and to hell with anybody who doesn't like it.
My second guess? That snotty uppity reply he says he sent to the policeman did not go down very well AT ALL and he got a rather sharp to-the-point response. Otherwise he'd have been very quick to let us know what had happened. Instead it has all gone dead on that front.
Maggot has effectively been silenced and whatever has been threatened to him by the police, he has decided be better take note.
Not so big, clever and brave now, are ya Mikey?
I don't think he has been warned by anyone, though he may try to give this impression.
The idiot bragged about having to hire body guards LMAO because McCann camp were after him. This all stemmed from a poster on the mirror forums saying it was a wonder Hitchen wasn't scared for his life because of what he writes. Maggot pounced on that and turned it round saying his life was threatened and he hired 2 body guards to protect him. It's all in his own head or it's said to make him feel more important and for others to treat him as the almighty.
No, The McCanns have bigger fish to fry than some two bit Welsh reject scrounging on the other side of the world. Maggot is a nobody to them. They probably never heard of him. All other anti forums out there are a much bigger threat than his ever was.
Maggot quit posting on the McCanns for one reason only, we were starting to predict almost exactly what and when he was going to post, almost word for word. Plus the fact that his pervy ways were exposed and he thought they were well and truely hidden.
For months no one suspected him of anything untoward, suddenly it was all out in the open and all but a few of his regulars had abandoned ship and gone to better blogs. You can imagine the embarrassment this would cause to someone with an ego as big as his.
My image of him, is, sitting at his pc, reading our evidence, banging on his keyboard, fists clenched while frothing at the mouth. This has to be the worse thing ever for maggot. No one left to praise him and look up to him. Everything he trived on is gone. He is back to being a little perverted nobody.
When I say he hasn't been warned by anyone, I mean the McCann camp. I'm sure the police have been on to him though
What about Isabel A Fan? is she no longer with him?
I had forgotten about his secret forum. He is one strange bird, isn't he?
Until he takes down his sites to defame TFA, Jill Havern, etc., and the links to them and posts related to them on his regular ionglobatrends website, I don't consider him silenced. His lies are still out there for all to read and which some will believe.
It is curious that the maggot is a protected species in the 3As when he poured nothing but scorn on them in his spankbox.
Jolie at 16.49, agreed! Not silenced till the lies have been taken down, but maybe halted in his tracks. As we have been finding out with our recent visits to AOL and 3As, people out there definitely DO believe his lies. Loonies!
Isabel has well and truely been silenced unless she posts under another name. Wouldn't surprise me though. She seems to be very like maggot, very cowardly rude and obnoxious. She can dish out the insults and vile accusations but cannot accept simple facts about herself.
I wouldn't assume maggot has alot of support on the aol boards. I have studied his writing style on the spanko boards and he has used at least a dozen usernames there and I'm thinking that most of the usernames there were actually himself. Based on that and his copy paste skills, I think he has been a member of aol boards under many usernames for a while now, possibly to steal scripts for his McCann posts and planned book. Most if not all the pro maggots over there are most likely himself.
Guv'omit Said
When someone makes such serious accusations, it is always advisable to be able to cite sources rather more authorative than the heresay evidence of a friend who herself heard it though the grapevine.
Although no doubt the quality of the source is higher, in terms of being an effective communication or debating tool, it is generally accepted amongst those of us who teach such skills, that unsupported information
falls into the, "What Some Bloke In The Pub Told Me" category.
Why don't you practice what you preach maggot and boy, can you preach. If there were awards for someone who preaches, boasts and brags and drones on and on and on, you would most certainly win it hands down.
You have an ability to attack with words and demands but are unable to follow them through yourself.
Privide evidence to back up your sick accusations or shut up. Silly old man.
nbrado on the spanky site was a deliberate wind up, imo.
He doesn't even have the imagination needed to enjoy it - he's not terribly smart, as anyone who has read his petulant posts will have noticed.
But even he wouldn't be stupid enough to go on a spanky site using the same screen name as his website!
There are one or two other inspired spoofs out there :-)
Yes, we believe it was a hoax against nbrado too. He is listed as being 18 on that site. I think the real nbrado is older than that, isn't he?
There may be inspired spoofs out there...
...but not as inspired as the spoofters who are exposing a poofter such as Hitchen -
When there's someone strange in ya neighborhood...who ya gonna call? Pervbusters!!
One year ago Maggot was a nobody.
He should have quit while he was ahead. ;)
Maggot has a new McCann rant, currently receiving rave reviews on the 3As.
Anyone still not been banned from there like to give a contrary opinion?
I am persona non grata there for telling the truth about maggot.
This in nbrado's definition is apparently 'trolling'.
bjr said...Please can you stick to the subject of the OP, the OP and the other members of this thread are discussing what Mike Hitchen has written about the Madeleine McCann case.
Yes we know there are problems and frictions with the TFA and Mike Hitchen bloggers, but we are not going to be used as the sounding platform for these issues.
I suggest you take up your grievences with the relevant parties and DO NOT bring your grievences to this board.
And before you accuse us of siding with Mike Hitchen, you are wrong we would tell Mike Hitchen supporters exactly the same if they wanted to come to this forum and post up about what TFA has supposed to have done.
Take this as a warning that in future these types of posts will be deleted by the moderators and admin.............
bjr you are nothing but a prize one idiot. So glad your posters are leaving in droves soon you'll have no one left to ban.
The attitude of the 3As moderators and posters who defend Hitchen proves they really don't care about justice for Madeleine, in my opinion. They've just picked up on an interesting story to gossip about. Morality and justice mean very little to them when it comes down to it.
I hear Hitler had some very nice qualities, too. He was very fond of dogs, as am I. If he had written heartwarming stories about dogs or journalistic pieces about dog care or overpopulation, etc., that I agreed with, would I speak glowingly about his writing, even if it was exemplary, and choose to ignore his other, less-than-admirable characteristics, defending him? No, I think not. Yet, on a much smaller scale, this is what those individuals on the 3As are doing.
I get angry when I read these words of bjr: "And before you accuse us of siding with Mike Hitchen, you are wrong we would tell Mike Hitchen supporters exactly the same if they wanted to come to this forum and post up about what TFA has supposed to have done."
Again, to awkwardly use the overused Hitler comparison, this would be like saying "Hey, Hitler and his government and the Jews have their disagreements. Let them fight it out. We refuse to take sides and will remain neutral. Oh, but we'll continue to praise Hitler's speeches but you Jews, you shut up about your personal problems. Hitler likes dogs and we like dogs. That's what matters to us."
They are cowards, or worse.
Well said Jolie.
They cannot claim to seek justice for one child and then turn their back on something as vile as what Hitchen is doing to another child via his father. And for what reason? Because TFA wrote a poem whilst in the depths of despair over losing his much wanted daughter.
Make no mistake, Hitchen is attacking TFA's baby. How else can anyone describe Hitchen's actions to campaign to have him removed from a loving home to be put God knows where.
Leave Baby Young alone Hitchen!
To my way of thinking Hitchen, his supporters and the anti McCanns on the 3a's are all blaming the McCanns for their own miserable upbringings.
Hitchen, Isabel, Primavera, Sarah, Mandy, Wsf, Jllegs, Susie Bjr, Nabrado etc, I bet had shit lives and they all want to take their bile out on the McCanns.
What a sad lot they are.
Blogspot abuse report submitted as this site is in breach of their terms and conditions.
Which of Blogger's terms and conditions does it breach, Anon?
Well, anonymous, it's good that you're getting your priorities right and reporting this site for publishing the truth instead of reporting your sick pervert ozzie mate for child abuse.
How pathetic can you get? You must be Primavera.
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