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"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
He has weird views as to what is legal and what is not. Oh well, he'll soon find out the hard way won't he? Serves the twat right - a grown man who can't find a home of his own and still hides behind his mummy's apron strings (and we all know why) WIMP
I remain anonymous Mike because I am one of your biggest trusted fans on your forum. You will never guess who I am.
"the only people to have attempted to make mega bucks out of a tragedy are Kate and Gerry McCann..."
Closely followed by 'The Voice for Madeleine McCann'... Mr. Michael Hitchen. Only difference being that he admits it.
Shame on you Hitchen for using the name of a probably dead little girl for your own ends. You seem to be making quite a habit of that. Cheap and nasty aren't you.
Is that Mandy one stupid or what. She has just read what slum boy hitchen is doing, trying to sell Madeleines name and she said the only people trying to make money from her are her parents! FFS Mandy are you for real. Please tell me you are not a kid.
As for you Primate vera, Jealous of what exactly? Please tell us because we are lost here on what we could be possibly be jealous of. Would it be that slime ball maggot bought Madeleines name for $5 and has it for sale for a million? Naaaaa you wouldn't be stupid enough to think any moral human being would envy that one. In fact, most of us here have been watching for domain names to be purchased in Madeleines name for a long time now, waiting to see what scumb bag would stoop so low. Why on earth we never thought of maggot doing it himself is beyond me.
Maggot is an impotent single allegedly 52 year old perv who lives with his mother. He is only 5ft 5, bald with no teeth. He writes ill stories about spanking school kids for sexal pleasure. He has no money and is unable to father a child. He has never held down a job for any length of time and has no qualifications. He has no friends and no one cares for him. He begs from gullible women who he lies to. He takes great pleasure in others suffering. He threatened his mother with misery for her few remaining years, right on the internet for the world to see. I could go on and on and on and I still wouldn't find a quality in Hitchen that was remotely human. So tell me Primate vera, exactly what is there to be jealous of?
Primate vera. Love it! But feeling a little sorry for the primates, who are blessed with more intelligence.
Opppsss He has upped the price of Madeleines name to 2 million dollars. Is that all a little girl is worth these days?
All the poor little love's worth is to him is gratification. Financial or otherwise.
Come on then Hitchen - if we lack the intellectual capacity to understand the reason for your doing this, please spell it out for us. Words of one syllable if you prefer - we're listening!
Tell us what's the reason other than hush, hush, secret plan (but now blown wide open) which "Over a period of a few weeks will bring in enough until I am 55, at which age I can retire and collect my Super"
I can't wait!
Hitchen gets more of a kick out of what happened to MM than the money.
You sick Bastard.
all power to michelle
I take it you don't really like Primate vera then Michelle :) :)
Michelle, were you a member in Maggots "secret" forum? If so, I hope he doesn't have any information on you because the evil sod would publish it now that he sees you have turned.
Perhaps it is a different Michelle.
Anyway, welcome aboard, we hope you stick around and post more.
Welcome Michelle
Unfortunately, after careful consideration, I've had to delete your posts, though, due to the swearing. I realise you must feel angry at what we are finding out about Hitchen after we were all taken in by him. You're welcome to post here if you can tone it down a tad ;)
I don't wish to start having to moderate comments and I also don't want to dissuade people from posting their opinions on this very serious situation we find ourselves in - especially people who have had first hand experience of Hitchen.
But I ask you all to consider that the police are looking at this blog from time to time.
Thank you!
Someone (mercredi) started another, new thread at the 3As entitled "Domain Names" and copied and pasted Hitchen's admittance to purchasing and trying to sell Madeleine-related domain names.
Of course, people there still refused to believe they were Hitchen's words because the link is to a members-only forum and registration to it has been disabled.
And, of course, this thread has been locked. http://www.the3arguidos.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14101&hilit=Hitchen
The admins are so far up Hitchen's butt. And I can't believe there are still posters willing to identify themselves as part of 'Team H' !! I certainly don't believe these same people have any true compassion for Madeleine's fate or a desire to know the truth. They fight tooth and nail to avoid the truth.
The 3As is a ridiculous forum run by people who behave like children, not responsible adults.
I must be into self-inflicted pain to keep going back there to see if the light has dawned on those dim bulbs.
Glad to see you back!!
What happened?
No one reads her blog so she's touting for business.
by Primavera on Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:21 pm
I kept getting server error at Google when trying to moderate the vile comments on my blog. I've done it now...anyone interested, I am publishing some of the vile comments, by moving them to a specially set up area called, "Michelle's litter tray."
She is a lunatic. I'm convinced of it now after reading the glowing support she gives to an axe murderer.
If "all" the McCanns are guilty of is leaving their children alone at night why is she baying for their blood but letting the axe murderer off the hook, even going so far as to say he should not waste his time feeling remorse for what he did.
She is not the full shilling, she's mentally ill.
did you read the 'vile comments' in her litter tray?
I found just one, and it was well argued and inoffensive.
Primavera finds people who disagree with her offensive, that's the problem.
Oh he's so bloody witty is he not.
That latest post is just ridiculous.
Ummm - NOT!
If Primavera thought for one moment another blogger was winning the war then she would change sides. She is lonely and needs recognition to spout her venom so will take any side that allows her posts.
her career is with children but her posts are anti children or abusing children so WHY IS SHE STILL IN HER CAREER? High time she was reported and sacked for gross misconduct. She has abused her position of trust and it is high time she was outed.
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