You heard it here First
For several weeks Mike Hitchen has been claiming he had new ventures ahead, systems in place, ready to unleash at the right time. He claimed that with these new ventures he would make alot of money.
To quote Hitchen from his secret forum
"I will not be neglecting Madeleine McCann, in fact over the last few weeks I have put several systems in place ready to unleash at the right time."
(Yup, been very busy Hitchen, buying five dollar domain names)
"you've got to be in it to win it"
(Oh of course, $$$$$$$)
Over a period of a few weeks, it will bring in enough until I am 55, at which age I can retire and collect my Super"
(We have always known you were in it for the money, at long last everyone else will now know)
And again
"As for the other one, that's under wraps for now, wouldn't want the little non-achievers shuffling around in the slums of their little slum cities getting jealous"
Opppppppppsssssss Maggot, did we just reveal your big secret? Us non-achievers? Hehehehehehehe
Us so called non achievers have discovered Hitchens plot to make money off the name of Madeleine McCann and others.
Mike Hitchen has purchased domain names in order to resell to the highest bidder.
For several weeks Mike Hitchen has been claiming he had new ventures ahead, systems in place, ready to unleash at the right time. He claimed that with these new ventures he would make alot of money.
To quote Hitchen from his secret forum
"I will not be neglecting Madeleine McCann, in fact over the last few weeks I have put several systems in place ready to unleash at the right time."
(Yup, been very busy Hitchen, buying five dollar domain names)
"you've got to be in it to win it"
(Oh of course, $$$$$$$)
Over a period of a few weeks, it will bring in enough until I am 55, at which age I can retire and collect my Super"
(We have always known you were in it for the money, at long last everyone else will now know)
And again
"As for the other one, that's under wraps for now, wouldn't want the little non-achievers shuffling around in the slums of their little slum cities getting jealous"
Opppppppppsssssss Maggot, did we just reveal your big secret? Us non-achievers? Hehehehehehehe
Us so called non achievers have discovered Hitchens plot to make money off the name of Madeleine McCann and others.
Mike Hitchen has purchased domain names in order to resell to the highest bidder.
conquistadorial.com $300
gladette.com $300
herdad.com $300
hilaryclinton2012.com $25,000
ionglobaltrends.com $600
therobertmuratstory.com $50,000
themadeleinemccannstory.co.uk $90,000
themadeleinemccannstory.co.uk $90,000
He created most of these in May of this year and immediately put them up for sale here
Here is where to find the individual Ads that Hitchen has made, Just click on the "Link" to go directly to the ad.
Janetanner.com $49,000 Link
Themadeleinemccannaffair.com $15,000 Link
themadeleinemccannstory.co.uk $90,000 Link
themadeleinemccannstory.com $350,000 Link
karenmatthews.com $20,000 Link
hilaryclinton2012.com $25,000 Link
ionglobaltrends.com $6,000 Link
We have always known that Mike Hitchen did his best to make money from the innocent name of Madeleine McCann while at the same time fuelling hatred to others for doing the same thing. Did you want it all for yourself Hitchen?
It is clear that M Hitchen purchased these Domains recently and immediately put them up for sale for a massive profit. The domain, themadeleinemccannstory.com AND .co.uk were created on 17th May 2008 as you can see here in this Link. Probably purchased for $5 or less. He is selling themadeleinemccannstory for $350,000 for the .com domain and $90,000 for the .co.uk domain.
The term used for con men as such, is "Cybersquatting" according to the United States federal law known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act, is registering, trafficking in, or using a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. The cybersquatter then offers to sell the domain to the person or company who owns a trademark contained within the name at an inflated price. Link
What Mike Hitchen is doing is illegal. Madeleine McCann is a trademark as far as I am aware and I would advise everyone reading this to please inform the families of the above domain names so that they can take the appropiate action against this known pervert cybersquatter, Mike Hitchen.
Perverts and con men who make money from the sad misfortune of others need to be stopped today.
It has now been proven that, Hitchen, the self acclaimed voice for Madeleine McCann, is trying to make a Massive Profit for selling her Name. A massive profit that he hopes to retire on.
Well Hitchen, I hope you can sleep at night, with your pockets full of those dollar signs you love so much, the dollars you will make from the sale of an innocent, still missing, Little Girl, Madeleine McCann, The little girl you have claimed to be a voice for. Now we have proven without a doubt what you really think of Madeleine McCann.
A Fan/Maria from Ireland
So, he's bought a few websites which are almost exactly the same as websites bought by a million other greedy opportunist people, give or take a character here or there, and he expects to make a mint out of it?
He is off his rocker f he thinks this was a wise move.
All it shows us is that Mike hitchen wants to make a fast buck out of Madeleine McCann for absolutely no effort. Much as he has been trying to do since the poor child vanished.
I really do hope this blog is being monitored by the McCann family. Anybody have a contact for Jane Tanner?
The article and comments some it up beautifully. I have another thought regarding this greedy saga. Hitchen has been claiming poverty for some time and his loyal members have forked out $6 - I bet they are glad to know that their money has been used by his purchase of domain names of which only he would profit.....he's conned them too! ah, so sweet a thought.
This is such a well laid out article with links. THANK YOU. I've taken my time looking through all the links and there is NO DOUBT that this is true. This is not a spoof.
There's a thread over on the 3As about it now. Nobody's put them right and directed them here but I think I know why.. the minute one of the well-known Hitchen protestors rears their head over there and mentions his name, the thread will be locked, deleted, dead and buried.
Interestingly, one of his biggest supporters BJR deleted a link because "We do not promote or endorse websites like this". I bet they change their minds when they find out their lord and master bought it and is trying to sell it for retirement funds.
I thought about the 3A's too! They are anti K&G because they (K&G)turned Madeleine into a money making machine so it will be very interesting how they view Maggots dispicable act.
I expect Maggot having made the bullets for others to fire will simply treat this news as free advertising. Unfortunately he does not seem to realise that the advertising/notifications will be the wrong type of notoriety. he has trashed his reputation world wide and has only himself to blame.
Well folks, it was a nice try over on the 3As, but they just will not get the point, will they?
I particularly liked the attempt to set up the scene for a 'how awful is that' outpouring of righteous indignation, only to reveal the purveyor as Hitchen.
Great idea, unfortunately it didn't work...because too many of the people contributing to that thread are basically not very smart.
Oh well, at least it didn't get pulled.
There is even a link to here from there that hasn't yet been removed.
They banned me for that :-))))
Some of them are so wilfully stupid that they think this site is pretending to actually BE Hitchen's....there really isn't anything you can do for such folks.
There are a lot of airheads over there at the 3As, don't you think? Even when they have unbiased sources showing that Hitchen is the owner/seller of the domain names in question, some posters still refuse to accept it as true and choose to depict the story as a smear campaign against Hitchen.
I hate to think what the personal lives of these people are like when they can't comprehend simple information like this and make sound judgments. They're sitting ducks in life working with thought processes like that--so easily swayed by emotion but bereft of real intelligence.
The thread has just been locked down by janz1956 at the 3As:
"This thread is now being locked before it degenerates any further."
The 3 Arguidos = Hypocrites
That's one arrogant fecker there. He's been caught so he ups the money to make it look even more offensive because that's how his mind works. That is his way of showing people that he doesn't care he's been caught. Even though he really really cares - remember he was keeping it a big secret even from his trusted minions in case us slum dwellers got jealous.
By the way blog owner - did you have to enlarge that B&W photo of him. That is one ugly ugly SOB. *shudder*
The pic is gross. Hitchen you are gross and a prat.
Disgusted at what you have done now.
You are a liar a thief and a con man.
Your gang of hand maidens are just the same as you, Tell me how much BLOOD MONEY has the slut MARIANA made off BN.
Who needs the biased 3A's when there is the world's media and various other links, some of whom are currently undertaking their own research into Hitchen. At best he faces total ruin and at the very best he faces fines and imprisonment it would seem.....done your homework Hitchen? feel safe do you? Hahahahaha - you didn't do either because its not like you to leave yourself so wide open, and you have Serves you right, you gormless greedy prat.
Burn in Hell Hitchen.
No way is that ugly twOt 52.
If he is then he's a boozer thats for sure just look at that face YUK.
The tw/-\t has got a comb over LOLOLOL.
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