Mike Hitchen: Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you

This is an actual story written by Mike Hitchen on 5th February, 2000 (link to original) in which he describes tying a child to ladder before whipping her and having sex with her.Another story where he describes putting his hands down the pants of a young boy to squeeze his testicles can be found here.
These are just two of his many, often copyrighted, child sex stories that can be found in various spanking and porn sites on the internet. These child abuse stories, plus his hate campaigns against a stillborn and a newborn baby, are why these blogs exist: to expose him, and his supporters, but most importantly to collect evidence for the people he is attacking in order that the police can carry out their investigation so that Hitchen can be stopped from destroying peoples' lives. One woman has already tried to kill herself because of the abuse she received from Hitchen - how many more people are going to be destroyed before he is stopped?
As Hitchen says: "People who have hurt or crossed me have attemped suicide, have suffered nervous breakdowns and marriage breakup as a consequence of my actions. I view those as positive results and any harm done is of no interest to me. I find people's weak spots and twist the sword. As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of." (Link to original)
All evidence on this blog links directly to Hitchen's own words. We have been accused by Hitchen and his supporters of being "pro-McCann" - when we are actually 'pro-Madeleine'. This blog has nothing to do with the McCann's, but it has everything to do with Mike Hitchen's exploitation of Madeleine McCann's name and, more recently, his 'Child at Risk' campaign which he links to Madeleine's name. We are here simply because we are trying to stop Mike Hitchen from trying to have a newborn baby taken from his parents because he doesn't like the baby's father. Mike Hitchen is orchestrating vigilante action against the father and we aim to get this stopped before the baby is harmed. If you seek justice as we do, particularly for babies, then please read the evidence contained in this, and the second evidence blog, and join us with your support... Thank you.
"Oh child, if only you could have seen your face as you brazenly walked into the stable. You did not expect to see me did you? How your heart must have sank at the sight of me awaiting your arrival. I noticed your eyes transfixed by the riding crop I tapped against my leg. What a delicious look of fear my eyes beheld!
You stutter an explanation, and inwardly I laugh at your feeble attempt. Bend over child, bend for my eyes to have the pleasure of seeing your riding breeches, stretched tightly across your beautiful bottom. My eyes are pleased and a message is sent to my loins. Alas, for now my manhood must wait for the pleasure to be found in your Garden Of Eden; for I have other matters that need my attention.
You flinch as the crop strikes across your thighs, first the left, then the right. Foolish child, your buttocks were clenched in anticipation, a futile defence against the onslaught of pain. You did not know that I had no intention of marking your bottom whilst clothed, that I want your flesh unmarked as it lies across my knee.
Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. Let me hold you in my arms to show my love for you.
A smile crosses my face as I point towards the ladder. You remember the ladder well, tilted at about 45 degrees, leading to a loft covered with a bed of hay. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. Your eyes glow with terror, "surely not" you are thinking. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer. Come my child, let me walk behind you, as you lead me to the Garden of Eden. "
Mike Hitchen Feb 5, 2000
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