Bitch from the gutters of Vienna (aka momma in the attic)

Yep, I have already put plans in place to make damn sure of that. Every second of every day, I want her to know why she is left old, alone and unloved by anyone - especially her children. And when I put a plan in operation to screw someone, it always succeeds. Yes she is scared, and yes, she is ill, but I no longer care. Every time I look at her, I see the look on Mel's face at the hurt she was subjected to. Of all the evil things this bitch from the gutters of Vienna has done to her family, this was the worst. I have one brother who I have seen once since 1964 - and that was in 1967, and another who I haven't seen since 1980. By the time I was 11, she had kicked them both out - the oldest at 16. I have nephews and nieces now in their late 20s and 30s, who I have never met. My dad a former director, died a broken man looking like a refugee from Belsen or shuffling around like a down market Arthur Haynes. He was only 66. She did that. She will never ever get my forgiveness. It's payback time. Mike


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 303 of 303
Anonymous said...

I hate that black and white photo of Hitchen. Well, there are no photos of Hitchen I like because nobody has one showing him under the wheels of a bus yet. But I digress...

That B&W photo makes him look like the psycho murderer out of the original Manhunter film. At least the film-killer has a stocking over his head - Hitchen looks like that naturally!


BF ;)

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

many thanks sweetcheeks:)

Anonymous said...

My God, you're ugly!

BF ;)

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

Correction. I'm an international sex symbol you chook! :)

Anonymous said...

Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough.


I'm waiting....

Anonymous said...

'Coming soon! Bloopers and Out-takes!


His whole life is one big blooper and out-take. LOL

Anonymous said...

Sooo! Mariana is a Greek Bint...Well she lives in Greece anyways.

She luvrssssss his Stupid Photo Blog Crap.

Watch it Mikey! Isabel will be getting very jealous, you wouldn't want them falling out now would you??

Anonymous said...

Could it be we've achieved the impossible and made Queen Isabel shut the hell up? God, she's an insult to women, isn't she?

Lolipop, lolipop, ooh loli-loli-loli

Anonymous said...

LOL at Hitchen as Manhunter psycho. I totally see what you mean. I saw that film years ago and the psycho was very spooky. Very like the Maggot.

Anonymous said...

He should be arrested for being ugly in a built up area :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Did you see the photo he posted of his dear mamma on his secret blog with tennis balls shoved down her t-shirt to make her tits look bigger? Such a classy broad. You can see where he gets it from. No class.

Anonymous said...

And there's anonther thing! This Mariana Chick she's another one who is supposed to stick up for the rights of kids...Yet she condones Hitchen!!!

Very strange indeed! Very strange.

Anonymous said...

I DID see that, LOLOL. And all his little sycophants were commenting about how she looks as though she can give as good as she gets etc. I thought she just looked a mess to be frank. Couldn't understand why he'd post that, but then I remembered he vowed to make her suffer for the rest of her life. That explained it all.

Anonymous said...

Mariana is a hypocrite. How can she claim to care about children when she fawns over Hitchen, a "man" doing his damndest to ruin the life of one little Freddie before it even begins, and who mocks a dead little baby girl in the cruellest of ways.

Mariana, another disgrace to the female gender.

Anonymous said...

Hitchen, you know how you think you've fixed your blog so that you can't highlight the text and copy it? Well you haven't. Can't even do that right. Loser.

You are the king of copy and paste so it's very surprising you don't know all the ways round it.

Even all the thousands of little schoolkids who visit your blog every day know how to do it.

Anonymous said...

I suppose this is what we have come to suspect of Hitchen's 'Women' All pretending they care about kids yet they don't, they just use it as a smoke screen for their own agenda's.

Anonymous said...

Eh anon at 2.59 - he's still British by birth! Whether he was born in (unfortunately) Scotland - or (unfortunately) Ireland - or (unfortunately) Wales - or (unfortunately) England- its still Great Britain innit? or are you one of those who prefers the UK? Ok - so this maggot was born in the UK - stop splitting hairs!

Anonymous said...

Hitchen. let me ask you something to see what kind of barmy spin you come out with.

If, as you claim, you deliberately posted over on the spanking site to lure some people in, what was the point of that? Why would you want to take a personal argument over there when we anons have absolutely nothing to lose, especially when our arguments were all reasoned and well thought out. YOu were the one who went off on a rant. You showed them your true colors, as if they didn't know.

Move over Clarence - the new King of Spin is one Michael Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

Mariana! Just another old Tart who's been round the block a few time's, just like Isabel.

Bloody Hell where on earth do they find each other??

Talk about 'undercooked haddock! These 'Women' are well and truely 'Over cooked'

There's nothing like growing old gracefully is there? Maybe Hitchen's 'Women' should try it some time and soon.

Anonymous said...

Ireland is not part of the UK. Northern Ireland is, but Ireland isnt. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've not seen the picture but what sort of man takes a picture of his mother with false tits anyway?

Bitty, bitty! Want bitty now!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've not seen the picture but what sort of man takes a picture of his mother with false tits anyway?

Bitty, bitty! Want bitty now!

04 March 2008 10:02

LOL..Spot on.

Want Bitty!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey maggot, When you were a likkle boy did all the boys and girlies stick your pimply face down the toilets? Did they flush your likkle pea brains away in the sewers? Ahhhhh diddummms. poor baby

Anonymous said...

Good morning Maggot. Sleep well? Where's your latest tales from the river bank. You big fat LIAR??

Anonymous said...

Ahhh good morning Mr. International sex symbol. Come to visit us again have we? You just can't keep away chook. I just drool with pleasure looking at your handsome fit body and good looks. ahhhh I'm so lost for words.

Anonymous said...

What a body that MAN has, God I love him

Anonymous said...

"I remember him stirring up hatred for Britain by the British"

Yes he did and it was all part of his own agenda, his personal vendetta on Britain, because of whatever happened to his dad YEARS ago or whatever (couldn't be bothered to read it....yawn), add to that that FAT TUB OF LARD ISABEL's derogatory comments about the British, and there you have it - Maggots own personal war - BRITAIN BAD, PORTUGAL GOOD.

Anonymous said...

PORTUGAL is shite!

Went there once, never again!!

No I correct myself, I just might go again, now I know where Isabel is.

I'm coming to see you Issy! Watch your'e back Girl

Anonymous said...

Remember when Isabel took those photos of the Church? Did she wheel there in her wheelchair with her camera in her lap or what?

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

I do like the way they think that my correspondence with Bradford Social Services, is the only thing I put it into action:)

Anonymous said...

Prove it pervy. Not talking about things you TRY to put into action. Talking about the things you actually SUCCESSFULLY put into action. Let's face it, the alleged email from BSS was a total brush-off. They're not taking you seriously so you can't say you've put anything into action there at all. Except maybe for alerting BSS to the fact that there's a nutter over in Australia with a bit of a fixation on some bloke they have no cause for concern over.

Try again. Liar

Anonymous said...

Wow Mike. Momma Hitchen does have droopy knockers. You said she'd kill you for publishing that picture. I can see why! But she's a liar as well because you're still alive.

Do you spend all day lying to each other? Fun times chez Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

Considering it's only Mrs Hitchen and Mike that had Christmas dinner together, she made her tits bigger for his benefit??? Shurely shome mishtake!

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

Pretty much a day off for me today, due to other events:)

Anonymous said...

What would that be Perv? Taking a walk through the grounds of the boys' school, camera in hand?

Anonymous said...

Nah, he's going to single-handedly twist the sword in an enemies weak spot. Pfft!

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

I don't want to say too much about my plans at this stage sweetcheeks:)

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmm, look at all them juicy maggots in your new blog Mike. Very commendable that you can poke fun at yourself by embracing your rather unappealing nickname. You're better at the IT stuff than I thought!

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

m-m-m-many thanks sweetcheeks:)



Anonymous said...

You're welcome, chook from the backwoods.

(However I Call You A Twat)

Anonymous said...

Hello Maggot

(I Call You A Twat As Well)

Anonymous said...

Hey twat, you holding back on us again? you up to something you cant talk about? for security reasons? PMSL Pull the other one freak face, the only thing you ever put into action is your right hand you wanker.

Anonymous said...

Those antlers on your mommy's head make her look like a right moose.

Grace from Big Brother

Anonymous said...

Will someone post the link to the pic please

Anonymous said...

Every second of every day, I want her to know why she is left old, alone and unloved by anyone - especially her children.

That is why he posted such an unflattering picture of his mother. Evil bastard.

Poor Mummy Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

So Maggot has nephews and nieces now in their late 20s and 30s, who he's never met?

Boy did they have a lucky escape. They presumably bear the Hitchen name since he only has brothers so they could easily have looked up Uncle Mike if they so desired. But nobody wants a mad uncle with false teeth threatening to smack them on the derriere.

Therefore he remains
Old, Alone and Done For

Anonymous said...

Mrs Hitchen probably put snowballs in her vest to boost her knockers after she saw the size of the melons on Queen Isabel.

Did you say "Let them eat cake", Isabel?
You've eaten too much damn bloody cake if you ask me!
And your marzipan things look 'orrible.
Hate marzipan, I do. Yet another thing I do not have in common with Maggot, thankfully.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, show us the picture of the moose with the big tits !

Anonymous said...

Bitty! Bitty!

Anonymous said...

Does your brothers not want anything to do with you maggot? Why have you never met your nieces and nephews? what is the reason they are kept away from you?
What is it you said? oh yes "You may not be family oriented, but I am." Yea right. You have brothers that are in hiding in fear of you finding them and thier kids, a mother you despise whom you are scrounging off, the woman who you say caused your father to die a broken man. Tell me maggot, have you ever looked up the word "Family" in the dictionary?
I think it's time you did sweet cheeks. Now be a good little lad, run along now and do your homework, I will me testing you tomorrow on the meaning of "Family"

Anonymous said...

You also said, Mike, that your father died a broken man because of the way the British government treated him.

Which version is the real one? Or are they both true and your mum IS the British government?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Of course I do realise for security reasons you can't answer that. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!

Anonymous said...

I'm I'm I'm a shaking in ma boots

Anonymous said...

hitchen, yesterday you signed off with a comment that said you would have more information for the spies today. But today you make the comment that you'll not be around much because of events.

More empty promises from the twat. LIAR.

Anonymous said...

mike the perv said...
Pretty much a day off for me today, due to other events:)

05 March 2008 02:43


Missing you already Mike don't be gone long will you xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Every day is day off for Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

Hitchen has nothing more to tell anybody. He's wizened and dry, like an old corn husk. He keeps on dropping these little hints but he can never deliver on them. He knows nothing, he has nothing up his sleeve.
LOL. Exposed. Liar. Fraud. Shyster. Creep.


Anonymous said...

You are wrong! Mike know's every thing.

He is a good Man and works very hard so please leave him alone.

A Supporter

Anonymous said...

Your phraseology gives you away "A Supporter". Nobody knows everything. Not even Sarah. What are you playing at?

Anonymous said...

How can you support someone like him who is trying to destroy a young family and their unborn baby?

What sort of person are you?

Anonymous said...

Works hard my arse he lives off the State and his Mummy

Anonymous said...

It's a wind-up.

Anonymous said...

mike the perv said...
I don't want to say too much about my plans at this stage sweetcheeks:)

You've had secret plans, contacts, irons in the fire for months now -nothing has ever come of them. All you've done is post links from other blogs and the odd bit of information your shoutbox 'girls' pass on to you.

If you don't want to say too much, stfu then.

[Work it out]

Anonymous said...

He'll be on here around 8am Ozzy time to check on what we've said. Roundup:

Yer maw's a moose
You're a liar
You're a twat

That's about it

Bruce the Spanking Genie said...

LOL. I am getting anon mail though Ratmail.com, from the Bradford Pedo's little band of slags in plastic macs! Seems these little cowards are running scared. :)

Anonymous said...

Yah. Shakin in our trainers. Yah.

Anonymous said...

Actually, his mother is probably a 'house-mother' and he really lives in a care-in-the-community-home whilst being assessed as to his suitability to be released.

Anonymous said...

mike the perv said...
LOL. I am getting anon mail though Ratmail.com, from the Bradford Pedo's little band of slags in plastic macs! Seems these little cowards are running scared. :)

LOL, Maggot, you're such a scream. Running scared? Now what gave him that idea? Whatever floats your boat Mr. Maggot the IDIOT, who dreams of spanking school children.

Anonymous said...

Woah Maggot. You put a photo of your mum on your blog. Those ARE some set of knockers, everyone else was right! Has she got some kind of skin complaint though, because her face seems to have some sort of terrible rash on it.

Anonymous said...

LOL, Look at the knockers on that, her bat wing arms are nearly as bouncy.

Hey Maggot, you are right about one thing though, she does look like a bitch from the gutters of Vienna ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL. Imagine if mommy dearest was into the spanky-panky as well. Them bingo wings would be flip-flappin all over the shop!

Anonymous said...

She could probably spank someone with them bingo wings alone

Anonymous said...

Now we know how maggot came up wif Fanny Flop Drawers :)

Anonymous said...

I thought Fanny Flop Drawers sounded more like something the Idiot Queen of Magic would wear when she lap dances on cam for him.

Anonymous said...

Whoa guys - she hasn't been rude to you. Hitchen's mum hasn't done anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

She gave birth to him didn't she!

Anonymous said...

Vienna said...
Whoa guys - she hasn't been rude to you. Hitchen's mum hasn't done anything wrong.

Yes she did, Maggot said she was the cause of his father dying a broken man.. Any person who would cause another person such grief has to be evil. Isn't that right hitch? Tell everyone what mama did, that bitch from the gutters of Vienna. Did you show your mama all the nasty things you said about her? You better watch out for mister postman, mama will soon be getting lots and lots of letters :)

Anonymous said...

To think all these images will forever and ever will be on the net for the whole world to see!!!

Isabel must be mortified! serves you right Isabel, you along with Maggot deserve all you get...In the future it might make you keep your BIG FAT MOUTH SHUT and stop YOU from being so INSULTING and RUDE to people...It's a harsh lesson to learn init Izzy????

Cover your body up Izzy! it's not a very nice sight, you are a laughing stock...Lay off the J&B and if you can't find something decent to get drunk on! although anything decent would be wasted on you, Cider or Meths should suffice an lush like yourself.


Sweet Dreams Tinkerbelle

Anonymous said...

Vienna - you hypocrite. Mrs H hasn't done anything to us so leave her alone??? You serious?

So what has Tranny's missus done to Hitchen to make him spout such evil about her dead daughter and to potentially cause massive problems in her just-about-to-start new family life?

What the hell has she or Tranny's babies Ethel and Freddie done for him to try to devastate their entire world?

Don't come on here with your pseudo-fairness. With Hitchen EVERYTHING is fair game. He chose the rules so we follow them.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to sign off that last comment. Just in case Isabel comes on here trashing the anonymouses.

OK Vienna?

BF ;

Anonymous said...

Well said BF! You Go Girl

Anonymous said...

Eees no good enough that you MAGIC!!!!!! try and be correcting of your mistakens anonymouses. You are sure beeg IDIOT!!!!!! to be forgetting of nayming yousef in the beginnings of your MAGIC!!!!!!!! postals.

You are want to be anonymouse becuz you are beeing scardied of my good fried and chummiest master.

I am put of this in of the Magic Fish so that I am gotting the probably best translation of as not my first lungwedge.

Now go and seeing to of your babies you MAGIC!!!!!! IDIOT!!!!! I am going for the link.

Anonymous said...

Ah "Isabel". Great to see you back. You've gone so quiet over on maggot's other blog! In fact, you've become totally silent. Anything wrong?

Anonymous said...

Yet again, Hitchen is exposed as a liar and a fraud. He said he would have more information for the spies two days ago. But he's not shown his ugly face round here because he knows he's got nothing to say that is of any relevance.

Love the fact he took it to the spanking site then it all went horribly wrong. Who cares what they write - none of them know us. But they all know Hitchen. Too bad maggot - yet another case of your poor judgment.

Anonymous said...

Hope Isabel likes the new photo of herself.

Wonder if she will show her kids! Ahhh they must be so very proud of her

Anonymous said...

There are nothings wrong. What are you????????? Some kind of MAGIC IDIOT on the anonymouse after being which from the Mirrow forums.

Mike he a very clever man and he makes us anonymouse from you in place of safety.

I have take my surf board there which is my shop.

Anyway is I do not haf to be answering to you MAGIC!!!!!IDIOT!!!! of anonymouse stupid, stupid, STUPEEEED!

My magic fish ees good, no?

Where is being Mike?

MIKE!!! We ees needingyou to come and sort out theese MAGICS!!!!! You are master of theese blog.

I go for the link.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading both blogs and there is absolutely nothing being said about poor little Madeleine McCann.

Hitchen has completely shut off about her and is now encouraging drivel like reminiscing over old kids TV programmes, printing recipes, talking about things that annoy his readers. All sorts of boring rubbish. That is not at all what I registered with his blog to see.

He has a handful of people where he wants them, as a captive audience. Madeleine McCann has no use for him now. He used her, the poor mite.

I am disillusioned which some of you here probably felt many months before me :( There is honestly nothing happening in that blog - a small number of genuine posters making most of the posts. The rest are all there for the experience of a car crash.

Anonymous said...

Now I ees going for stupids. I am forgetting to tell of you that I have hairy armpits.

Yesssssss! Hairy armpits athough be anonymouse as wearing long sleefes in case of being thunderstorms.

I go for link.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Theres only one way for you to go Maggot and thats DOWN with the rest of the LOW LIFE.

Word of advice Maggot pack it in now before it gets worse!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maggot's gone very quiet hasn't he? Could that be because he knows he's got no chance of ever being taken seriously again. Oh yes, I think so.
Bye Maggot....................

Anonymous said...

And don't slam the door on your way out.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't done a very good job protecting his harem has he??

Say what you like about his supporters (I agree with you totally)But they must be fuming right now seeing and reading this excellent blog.

Anonymous said...

He's pretending that he won't lower himself to read this blog anymore, just like Queen Isabel.

Good - hate seeing his ugly mug over here. Lying scumbag that he is.

Anonymous said...

He can't friggin help himself but read it, same as Isabel LOL

Anonymous said...

WHAT EES THEESE!!!!! MAGIC IDIOTS!!!!!! Now all the world is knowings what you Engleeesh ees like.

I am put into my magic fish like I am going crazy and findings only conclusion are you MAGICS!!!!! ees the crazy IDIOTS!!!! YOu are not look after yous childrens well and are disrescting of great love god Mike.

Where is Mike?????????!!!!!! Why you not here big love me long time boy?

I go for the link.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I ees not slut. I ees glamourse granny.

I go for link.

Anonymous said...

Yes! of course you are Dear!

Anonymous said...

Googlr translation of Idiot Isabel Tinkerbell (from her site) http://www.casatinkerbell.com/das_team.html

Our property is Tinkerbell, as the good fairy tales in the Peter Pan. That has but with the naming of the House actually nothing in common. My Nickname in my childhood in Mozambique was Tinkerbell - and the complex was named after it. Before the renovation it was incidentally a popular restaurant. And so do you know this name probably in conjunction with the Algarve. Tinkerbell is composed of 3 independent areas. Front is my house. The picture shows the entrance to our pine trees and the shady garden. The second area is specially designed for wheelchair has been rebuilt, so this area without outside help fully independent use. Capacity for a maximum of 5 wheelchair and 3 companions. The third area is for 4-5 people without Gehbeeinträchtigung? expanded. You feel your family members, friends or fellow travellers well.
Each area is completely independent designed with sleeping rooms, toilets, bathrooms and kitchen.

Anonymous said...

arriving late - is that pic really Isabel? Gawd, she looks like an very old wrinkly hooker (with acne) - I expect that she is.

oh well, comparing pics I see that Isabel and maggot have a lot in common, right down to the false smile and false teeth.

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