"The faces of Hindley and Brady came to represent the face of evil"

What, like this you mean?


Anonymous said...

I always wondered who the maggot reminded me of.

Anonymous said...

Hitch is still getting away with his pervy ways.

Anonymous said...

If Hitchen knows kids are not stupid and they know what goes on... why does he keep writing stories about spanking kids?

I mean, why is portraying himself to care about child abuse when he fantasies about abusing children himself?

He is the most odd character. He has some serious issues and I think children are at risk from him. I certainly wouldn't let him babysit my kids. Would you?

Anonymous said...

If all the child minders in the world were like maggot, we would all be doing a McCann when we wanted to go out

Anonymous said...

dead lorrie, do not fear. We had a shoutbox meeting a couple of weeks back and set up a new strategy. Just got to be patient now. You can trust me - I'm not Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

That is one scarey mothafeckin picture. It looks so real for something so terribly terribly wrong. Maggot, don't try to shut the fence after the horse has bolted.

Anonymous said...

anon @ 23.41. You do not have shoutbox meetings, the shoutbox is empty. No one goes in there anymore, hardly anyone posts on maggots forum either. The only people who go in there are the ones who pass on information. Mandy, Cassiopia, tanglewood, Pebbles, Anne, Marianne, Jenny G, Canddsma, bluejay, even Jack H.

The only supporters he seems to have left now are Mariana and Primavera - both of whom have their own websites about Maddy and Primavera is a teacher!

He is losing it.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 09.40, who mentioned anything about Maggot's shoutbox? The people you mention would most certainly not be welcome in ours. Those who need to know what's going on know.
Sorry Maggot - you're not included!

Anonymous said...

hey anon at 9.40, when were you last in hitchen's shoutbox cos nothing is happening in there at all since 17th of march there's been a handful of comments from spanner, mandy, canddsma and bobo most of them whingeing they can't get into the forum.

there's heaps of messages in his forum even tho they're all boring

Anonymous said...

Beware the smiling assassin.
Would love to see hitchen's gummy grin wiped off his face.

Anonymous said...

Trying to convince me that Maggot cares about kids did not work - it just made me laugh - if he really cares so much about kids why does he write porn about spanking schoolboys/schoolgirls....you don't convince me sweetcheeks..