I am looking for a good quality lipstick that stays on.
Probably pink - definitely not red.
It seems most lipsticks either turn a different color once open, or fail to stay on. I want one that stays on and stays the same color as the display.
"Endless" is no good for some reason, so that rules that one out.
Looks to me like you found your good quality lippy Maggot.
I will admit to one advantage Mr Hitchen has over us females. He'll never have a problem with lippy on his teeth!
He makes a bloody awful looking Mrs Doubtfire.
mrs doubtfire is sex on stick compared to the maggot.
Gawd! He looks even more of a knobhead than usual.
Morning maggot - you little perverted transvestite. Having a good day are you? Checked the search engines recently? muwahahaha.
Oh - lots more ammunition to come and its going to get worse, much worse!
BTW, that colour lipstick doesn't suit you and clashes with your ladies knickers that you prefer to wear.
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