Mike Hitchen: Shafted on April Fool's Day: New Award

'Well respected', 'Award winning' bugger blogger bugger wins new award


Anonymous said...

He's won another award! Oh well that should make him happy.

Anonymous said...

I bet he does not mention it on his paste and post bloody blog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mr Hitchen. Another well-deserved accolade!

Anonymous said...

Hitcy you Sucker.

Anonymous said...

So now I'm a "two bob street bitch with a face like a blow-up doll"? Aw, Mike, that's not what you said when you were trying to chat me up last year shortly before you took my money, then wrote an 'excellent review' of my book shortly before you called it "crap" and set about to ruin my life because I wasn't into spanking.

What does that make you then hmm?

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck does that bastard think he is.

Anonymous said...

Hey MARIANNA I think you will find you are the two bob street BITCH...YOU nasty vile bitch you can ROT IN HELL along aside your spanky boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Erm excuse me Mr Hitchen I am not from a slum city nor do I take any illegal substance.

I am also not into spanking children that you so fondly write about.

Please do not judge people by your own standards in future.

Anonymous said...

'A face like a blow up doll' yeah! Mike you have Marianna down to a T.

Anonymous said...

'A face like a blow up doll' gawd streuth, is he talking about Marianna, Isobel or himself?

Anonymous said...

Prove I live in a slum and take illegal substances you bastard or expect a solicitors letter. You amuse me because you can spout out crap and can never back anything up with proof. Your hatemail/posts get onto the search engines and so does your business blog name. The more crap you spew the more you damn yourself, far better than any of us can. Keep the hate flowing because you are causing a lot of problems and cannot blame us for them. Hahahahaha - twerp

Anonymous said...

That came back and bit you on the ass didn't Hitchen.

Anonymous said...

Well and truly shafted.

Anonymous said...

Hey maggot you wanker, smack any little girls botty today or is it just another dream of yours. Why do you fantasise about daddies and little girls, did daddy do naughty things to you when you were small and scabby? Poor boy.

Anonymous said...

I think daddy started the spanking fetish off which is why he adores the bloke. This is the daddy who grabbed an out of date patent and re-patented it as all his own work and the dear daddy who never was a director. The dear daddy who was hounded out of the UK by the Government (no records at all to substantiate this) but maggot obviously idolised daddy as probably daddy showed him that spanking would cause an erection.

Anonymous said...

Daddy was a thief and a con man then. Just like his alleged son

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about us American slum girls - we're laughing at you too Maggot......p.s. I love it when you wear diapers.....it really turns me on....lmao.