Mike Hitchen: Visible Panty Line Market Research

Am I one of the few people who find VPL (Visible Panty Line) sexy! To me it gives a pretty accurate idea of the type of panties the lady is wearing. With that bit of info, you can create not only a fairly accurate profile of the lady:) but also some realistic visualisations:)

Which leads me to the question - do panties reflect the woman?
I was thinking of standing on a street corner with a clipboard, and asking 500 women what type of panties they are wearing and what color. Then I would ask them a few questions about their sexual and private lives.

But these days, you just can't so anything like that without someone complaining. I know - I'll wear an ID badge as well with the word "Institute" somewhere on it, that would help. And to make the lady feel more comfortable, I will only ask those who are accompanied by their boyfriends or husbands.

Pity though. Using that info, I could get a good idea if "type of panties=the woman", publish a paper with my findings in "The Lancet", and become a Spanking Guru with the compulsory black suit, blue shirt and yellow tie with black spots.

Mike Hitchen 14 March, 2005


Anonymous said...

I've said it many times Hitchen but you really are a pervert are'nt

What in Gods name is wrong with you?

Just when I think you can't get any worse you do.

Lock this man up NOW

Anonymous said...

He is certainly not what could be classified as a normal bloke is he? Weird git - there are moere links to here than his $6 blog and more links to here than his so called "business".

I think right now Michael many people are playing with you like a cat does with a mouse,so enjoy the prospect of being ruined and enjoy notoriety as you deserve all that is coming to you.

I think so far we have only publicised 15% and we can keep going for years as we have age on our side - so sit back and wank and enjoy your WWW downfall.

Anonymous said...

I'll never look at the charity muggers on the high street in quite the same way again.