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"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
Excellent blog Hehehehehehehe
Love the screenshots :)
Not particularly pro revenge but the Perv deserves this (and more). LMAO
Many thanks sweetcheeks :)
Let me get this straight. He has reported Jeremy to Bradford Social Services??? For what exactly? Writing a few poems?
Oh what a sick lowdown piece of scum is Mike Hitchen. Jeremy is about to welcome his baby son into the world after all the trauma of his daughter's still birth and Hitchen thinks he should report him to Social Services for no reason other than spite and jealousy?
What a complete wanker Hitchen is. No question. Evil to the core.
Oh yeah right Maggot. As if anybody over here in the UK is going to take seriously some email from you. Pah!
So you say TFA is going to be unable to rest because of an email you received from Bradford? Liar.
He is going to be unable to rest because his son is about to be born and his days and nights are going to be filled with joyful mayhem. Something you will never ever know about, thanks be. He is going to be a great Dad. You can tell that by the way he writes so if you've tried to destroy his life, and that of his Missus, and therefore by association the life of his baby-to-be, you've just made yourself look like a twat. Again.
Mike Hitchen - he thinks even God calls him god. Paranoid delusional.
BF ;)
Anon said.
Oh yeah right Maggot. As if anybody over here in the UK is going to take seriously some email from you. Pah!
So you say TFA is going to be unable to rest because of an email you received from Bradford? Liar.
Why don't you check for yourself Ethel.
Dear Mr Hitchen
Thank you very much for the extra information contained in your last e-mail.
The Child Protection Unit in our department has now been informed of your concerns about Mr Y. At this stage there is not enough information (personal details) about Mr Y for our department to get involved. We have, therefore, contacted the Child Protection Unit at the Police and they are dealing with this matter in the most appropriate way. If you have any more information about this case you can contact them directly on 08456060606.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.
Kind regards
Irina Arcas
Complaints Manager (Social Care)
Bradford Services to Children & Young People
Anon said
He is going to be unable to rest because his son is about to be born and his days and nights are going to be filled with joyful mayhem.
Aaaw, how very touchy feely.
Thanks for the blog btw, you have done me a huge favor.
Oh I'm the king of the bloggers
A blogging VIP
I've reached the top, aint gonna stop
So your'e not bothering me.
Even God Calls Me God
Blogging Superstar
Internet Sex Symbol
No doubt you tried to do the dirty on TFA pretending you care about his baby (as if anyone would believe that after all your crap), but they have totally fobbed you off. They even refer you to the general 0845 police number!! Now that has given me the biggest laugh because you think you've actually had some sort of success? They think you're a random loony. Can't blame them because that's what you are.
Said it a million times but I'll say it again. You are a TWAT.
But so hilarious with it.
BF ;)
Tee hee:
We have, therefore, contacted the Child Protection Unit at the Police and they are dealing with this matter in the most appropriate way.
Yup, file under L for Loony!
at the Police ???
No professional talks like that over here in Great Britain. You over in Australia with your ambos and your garbos. Talk proper English you moron.
Then why dont you email them Ethel.
Be my guest
They have fobbed you off Maggot. Good enough for me and the rest of the world. Why don't you phone the general police number. Be my guest. See if they can actually find your complaint. Here's a hint: tell them to look under "L".
I totally believe you emailed them because you are scum that way. But the proof is there for all to see, THEY ARE NOT TAKING YOU SERIOUSLY.
Because you are a Twat. And a Loony.
You really are scum Hitchen!
You Low Life SOB
Imagine the scene
Maggot dials long distance to the West Yorkshire Police general number.
Maggot: "Hallo, I'd like to follow up a report I made"
Police: "Is this involving a crime?"
Maggot: "Well, not exactly"
Police: "What's it about then?"
Maggot: "Well, see, there's this man see, who's got a lot of support on the interent see and..."
Police: "Can you get to the point please?"
Maggot: "He wrote a poem on the internet and I think this means he's going to murder his baby"
Police: "Sorry, not ringing any bells"
Maggot: "Em, you could... try looking... under "L"?
Police: "One moment please Sir........"
Line goes dead.
Sex Symbol!!! heheehehehehe
Did Isabel tell you that? Well when you are as ugly as that Trollope I suppose you would say anything to get a bit of action!
Two Ugly, Desperate Like-minded indivduals coming together! Ahh how sweet!
Now you go give her a slap she needs one.
LOL...He couldn't afford a log distance call!!! He ain't got 6 bucks for his Spank Box LOL
You really are contorted by bitterness aren't you, Mike.
Twited bitter jealousy of a man thousands of miles away on the other side of the earth who has a woman to love him and soon to be new born baby to love and cherish alongside the bittersweet memories of his darling stillborn daughter.
Because you are not man enough to father children and because you can't experience real love you've gnarl yourself up into a wizened parady of manhood.
You demonstrate the masculinity you so badly crave with implements of pain and inflict real raw bodily harm.
Or you would if you could afford to pay some dirty brass to take your beatings.
But since you sit at home in momma's spare room begging the odd $6 here and there its obvious you have no outlet for your shameful play.
So what do you do, you choose someone who stands for everything you can never have and and attempt to beat the shit out of him from your keyboard.
Shame on you, you sad pathetic excuse for a human being.
anon said...
[Or you would if you could afford to pay some dirty brass to take your beatings.]
There's always Isabel!! I'm sure she'd let him beat her for nothing.
Hitchen lives in a very insular world. He lives with his mother in a small 2 bed apartment block on a busy main road. He has no job, no friends, no money, no happiness, no soul.
This, as negative as it may be, is exactly what he wants because it makes him feel important. Better to be bitched about than ignored.
He will never have happiness. His old Mum will eventually shuffle off this mortal coil and he will be left all alone.
Old, Alone and Done For!
Tick Tock, Maggot
Can you hear the crocodile?
Did you miss it?
Maggot, so fucking what if you sent an email to SS.. Anyone can do that you know. Of course you do know that you are wasting their time. You do know that TFA is not the paedo you claim him to be. I can't find one single reference on the internet that backs up your claim, not one.
If one were to read, say, TFAs poems and your spanking stories, which of you both, do you think, would come across as a paedo? My bet is, you would.
Now be a good boy, go back to your drawing board and try and come up with something better. You are clearly making a show of yourself.
Mr superstar national sex symbol, tee heee, a tee heee heee.
I agree entirely with the last comment. If anyone needs investigating, it's Hitchen. And I'm quite pleased that the cops supposedly paid a visit - after reading what he wrote about his Mum I did actually think of contacting the Sydney equivalent of Help the Aged, but bottled it, figuring it was probably bullshit anyway.
Nice to know someone had the guts.
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