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"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
Mike, you truly are a squeeling vindictive snake.
Shame it didn't work.
Standard fob-off letter. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Mike is a complete and utter bastard for doing this to tranny and his wife just as she's about to give birth.
You are pond scum, maggot.
Maggot hasn't a clue. As if social services would investigate. They would need some proof which is something maggot can't provide because there is none. He is a liar. I think maggot gets off on calling men paedos. I Wonder why?
A serious question for anyone who still supports Mike having seen the above letter and his attacks on TFA, and especially those who have backed him over this.
Whatever Mike's grudge against TFA, TFA's wife is about to have a baby (her last being stillborn) and may even be in labour now. It's obvious that Hitchen's attacks - and especially a letter to Social Services - could have a massively bad effect on this lady.
Please would you explain (you can easily be anonymous) how you can support someone who is happy - and actively seeks - to cause this huge stress to a heavily pregnant woman who has played no part in anything between her husband and Mike.
Bearing in mind also Mike's previous words which he repeated on the soc.sexuality.spanking site this last weekend:
"As for destroying lives, yes, and it is something I am proud of."
Please enlighten me because I'm genuinely interested to hear what you have to say about this.
Well said Coco... but I see none of his larvae have come forward to tell you.
Says a lot about them doesn't it?
Here is a list all his supporters - some of whom have their own websites allegedly seeking justice for another child - so come on all you ladies/grannies please post here and tell us why you support this grotesque person called Mike Hitchen.
Isabel, Linda, Ann, Isabelle, Mariana, Hobnob, Wild Sun Flower, Tales from Vienna Wood, Jack H, Big Mumma, Primavera, Bobo, vera, Claire, justice4children, Spanner, Michelle, pravda, bluejay, tanglewood, JJ, Rich, Cassiopia, cal, kimsam, Carol 25, Sina, A/USA, juliewales, sarah, canddsma, Mandy, sick-of'-the-circus, Mona, Laura, GFI, Susie, Ann*, Sandie, A.London, Jennylonglegs, Pebbles, Diane C, Maz2007, weegran, Thegasman, Jenny G, chox, stephoebe, womble, Marianne, Jeg, Ally (Wales), pamalam, Elizabeth, michette, Anne, TwoIfBySea, bluejay, Suzan, heather, veritas, Miss Lisbon, Ben, saskia, Willow, jkl44, Aaaaaa,
Well, come on ladies, defend me!
I am your international sex symbol! Your master! :)
Mike Hitchen the Twat.
That letter is a hoot. All it is saying is "thanks for getting in touch but there's really nothing we choose to do about it based on some non-existent evidence from, for all we know, a crackpot from the other side of the world. If you really want to take it further, leave us way the fuck out of it".
BF ;
I agree, but the fact is what makes someone even consider doing something like that? And what sort of people would support someone who would consider doing something like that?
It may be fake, but the truth is is that he's tried.
What sort of person?
Sad, lonely, embittered, twisted, perverse and self-obsessed for starters.
He tried because he is evil to the core. I don't think he has supporters. Most of the people in maggots private room are our supporters. He may have 2 or 3 from what I can gather but that's it. He hasn't a clue who is genuine and who isn't and he will be shocked when he finds out :) :) :)
His new private room, he has the Platinum plan which allows him to Create user names and reserve them for internal use only. Hehehehe. Most of those names are himself, one or two of the others are his supporters and the rest are ours :)
I have to admit I had been taken in by Mike and I have, rather embarrassingly, been posting on his blog and forum for many months. However, seeing the evidence on this site, I have now changed my mind about him and I feel deeply ashamed to have been associated with him.
I have seen all I need to see and I will not be going back to his forum.
Thank you, to whoever has put this superb site together, for showing Mike up to be the evil person he so obviously really is.
It's sour grapes that maggot does not have bullets to fire
It's sour grapes simply because maggot does not have any bullets to fire. TFA can become a Father which is more than maggot could ever be able to achieve.
Best wishes to you and your wife TFA. You certainly have shown a lot of spunk so its a shame that an impotent gay bloke has to try and bring you down. Take solace that he is really was just jealous as he cannot derive sexual pleasures the normal way.
mike the perv said...
Well, come on ladies, defend me!
Sorry Mike the Perv!
But you just can't defend the indefensible!!
The silence is deafening 'ladies'.
Has anyone got the courage of their convictions -the courage to defend the actions of that pathetic excuse for a human being.
Come on - let's be having you.
No - thought not.
Says it all doesn't it?
Well! i'm waiting!!!......
Still waiting!!!.......
Your'e right anon, it says it all.
What - 64 members and not one of them with the guts to step up and be counted on your behalf -after all you've done for them -defending your 'girls'., providing sad little secret shoutboxes where they can go and abuse and ridicule people in private.
And not one single one cares enough about you to say ANYTHING in your defence.
Worm your way out of that.
Even ole Maggot can't defend himself.
Ha! must be the first time he's been lost for words.
Been struck dumb have we Maggot???
Not even the beloved Isabel has the courage...And to think the flowers he used to send them heheheheheehe.
Shame on the Spankettes...
Open letter to -
Isabel, Linda, Ann, Isabelle, Mariana, Hobnob, Wild Sun Flower, Tales from Vienna Wood, Jack H, Big Mumma, Primavera, Bobo, vera, Claire, justice4children, Spanner, Michelle, pravda, bluejay, tanglewood, JJ, Rich, Cassiopia, cal, kimsam, Carol 25, Sina, A/USA, juliewales, sarah, canddsma, Mandy, sick-of'-the-circus, Mona, Laura, GFI, Susie, Ann*, Sandie, A.London, Jennylonglegs, Pebbles, Diane C, Maz2007, weegran, Thegasman, Jenny G, chox, stephoebe, womble, Marianne, Jeg, Ally (Wales), pamalam, Elizabeth, michette, Anne, TwoIfBySea, bluejay, Suzan, heather, veritas, Miss Lisbon, Ben, saskia, Willow, jkl44, Aaaaaa,
There must be one of you who doesn't condone the unspeakable things he's posted.
By your silence we must assume that you're all cut from the same cloth.
Still waitng!
Still waiting.
It's all gone quiet over there!
Oh it's all gone quiet over there!!
Still waiting.
It's all gone quiet over there!
Oh it's all gone quiet over there!!
The lot of them are just the same as him, they hide behind the tragic events of dead/missing or abused kids for there own agendas.
Not only has Hitchen sullied the name of MM there is a Spankette who runs a blog on B Needham...Bloody disgusting the lot of you...
It's fine if you are all kinky we are not interested but don't hide behide these kids to gain more women into your little fetish group you got going on there.
Never seen a pic of Isabel before...I must say she looks like a bit of a goa
Oi you. I'm on that list of members but I'm one of the so-called "spies", as I presume you must be to be able to get the list. That makes two of us at least.
You said By your silence we must assume that you're all cut from the same cloth.
Wrong - not all of us. Probably not even most of us. Some of us, I'll grant you that.
If you are a spy and one of us you will knnow what the person is saying
Crikey!!! Isabel you are carrying far to much weight for a Woman of you're years, you really need to get on a diet and pronto and do some excise.
Don't forget there are TROLLS about.
Anon at 07:00 said "That makes two of us at least."
OK, well I'm another who's on that list :) That makes it three.
Any more?
Me too - that's four.
Dish the dirt then pple. Anyone can say they are a spy
That's just it though. There's no new dirt to dish. It's all gone horribly (or blissfully) quiet. Isabel's not been seen since her modelling shots were made public. ;)
Typical! It's ok for Isabel to slag people off isn't it, when the shoe is one the other foot she doesn't like it.
Ahhh Poor Isabel playing the victim.
anon @6.41
Are you still waiting?
I am!
Yes anon @ 7.44
I think we'll be here for a while don't you?
Mind you it's 7.44 in Oz - probably still in his pit, snoring away.
Hasn't had time to email the 'girls' yet -all 60 odd of them.
And most of them are 'odd'!!
MY God this Blog gets better by the minute.
The New photo Blog is Genius...
Bravo to the Blog owner.
many thanks, sweetcheeks:)
Oh Mike was that me you were calling sweetcheeks? Ah Thanks Mike! You're Bonza xxx
Yes, I know:)
Don't forget I'm also an international sex symbol:)
The new photoblog is TOO FUCKING FUNNY - thanks for the good laugh!
As for the nude pic of 'our Isabel' after all those years in the sun you would think she would use sunscreen she looks like a red lobster.
No I don't feel sorry for her after all the jokes she made about MM - remember the one about the cadaver reading Kate's bible??? What goes around comes around Isabel you MAGIC IDIOT! GO AND EAT WORMS WITH THE MAGGOT!
Brilliant photo blog, that's two blogs now that I know of that deserve a few awards :)
Is itsy bitsy maggot frothing at the mouth again, clenching the itsy bitsy fatsy fists? Ahhhhhh poor boy, go ask mama for a lolly pop, Kojak head.
Aw, thanks, I'm glad you like them.
I'm often found wandering around the streets of Lane Cove with my camera. You never know what might be around the next corner:)
Oh we know what you do with your camera, news to the local school is on the way to them with copies of your perverted stories about spanking school children for sexual pleasure.
Can you not get it up like a normal man freak face? Hey maggot, do you feel like a girl today?
I don't think he can get it up at all and punishes women for failing to turn him on.
Good thinking about warning the boys school. Maggot can'tmoan about that as it's no different than what he did.
I am loving the new photoblog.
Every single photo you have done using Isabel's image is much more flattering than the real thing. She must be delighted.
Mike Hitchen cannot say the same. He just looks like a twat.
Because he is a twat.
More please!!
Very disappointed in all of you over there - almost 24 hours and not one reply!
You had a wide open space to tell us why you continue to support Hitchen, without having to put your name to it. I’d have thought you'd want to defend the person you stand by, after all he and you are getting a battering and you’re doing nothing to try to change that.
Guess you must be happy for us to continue thinking what we think and saying what we say. I’d feel really let down by you all if I were Mike!
Anyone wishing to complain or comment to Mike Hitchen re this, or any other issue, should contact him direct:
Mike Hitchen
7/120 Burns Bay Rd
Lane Cove
Telephone: +61 294 277 710
This is THE most funniest thing I have seen in ages.
Please keep it going.
Aw, many thank Mr Goose-Me LOL :)
Of course, chooks like you will know that I publish my address and telephone number on my spoof blog which is called (wait for it!) Mike Hitchen Consulting. Most of you will know by now that this is really the alternative Online Spanking Superstore, but here's the link anyway.
On the opening page you will see that I have added an "Important Notice" which says:
It seems my enemies have created a spoof blog containing pornographic images. It is designed to make it look as though I published the blog. The fake blog even has an almost identical URL to my own and includes my name. It includes illegally obtained copies of my photograph as well as my mother.
The blog - and others like it, have been created by the supporters of Jeremy Young aka trannyfattyacid or TFA. Young is a man known to Bradford Social Services and the police Child Protection Unit for content on his blog describing a sex act with his stillborn daughter. His "poetry" also makes other references to sexual relations between a parent and a child.
Young's blog contains vulgarity and many obscene references. In fact, a service called "What's my blog rated" rates it as R. However, that did not stop Young considering putting a photograph of his stillborn baby on the blog, in order to prove she existed. I don't know of too many grieving fathers who would want to use a photograph of his stillborn baby as a tool to prove a point - especially on a blog noted for its vulgarity.
His supporters include Jill Havern, author of a bizarre book called "Silent Treatment" in which she makes outrageous allegations against the health service. She is a stalker and has openly bragged about lodging a hoax complaint with police alleging I abuse my mother. When New South Wales police called upon me, both myself an my mother explained what has been happening. On seeing the hundreds of abusive emails and attempted posts, the two officers described it as the work of a "sick nutter".
This is only a small part of their campaign. I find it interesting that Young and his cohorts have gone to such great lengths to ruin my long standing reputation - a reputation that includes being a long time supporter of children's rights and welfare (as can be seen by the labels on my blog). Considering that Young has a penchant for references to sex between children and adults, (even his own daughter is not exempt) one has to wonder what their real agenda actually is."
Of course, for any of you chooks reading this you will know that I am really 'projecting' my own perverted 'kinks' onto these innocent people because you can quite clearly see that is, in fact, me who has a hidden agenda when I say I support Children's Rights whilst at the same time writing stories such as the one below entitled "I was not proud of what happened to Jack" where I described taking advantage of a young boy whilst he was hanging out of the window whilst being caned:)
Anyone who knows me will know that I only used Madeleine McCann to lure women into my shoutbox so that I could find out:
a) what sort of knickers they wore
b) what colour their knickers are
c) if they liked to be spanked
d) if they liked talking dirty
Some of the little fuckers wouldn't play my game so I set out to ruin their lives. It almost worked too, when that rejected slag called Jane tried to kill herself, but hey, any harm done is of no interest to me:)
You will also notice on my "Important Notice" that I claim that Jeremy Young and his cohorts have illegally obtained and posted photographs of me - despite the fact that I have also illegally obtained photographs of them to post on my other blog. In fact, I did this first because I'm a leader not a sheep:)
Talking of sheep, I have written a rather wonderful story about spanking a sheep and I really must find the link for that because it would grace the pages of my new blog:)
But that's it for now, fans:)
Please feel free to respond with messages of admiration and love for your master.
You're a Fucking Arse Hole Hitchen.
And you don't give a shit about kids, you just hide behind them for your own agenda. PERVERT.
Did someone just mention arseholes?
I love them! I love to spank them with eggplants and gum tree paddles!
Now where's my camera because I'm just about to go out on my afternoon walk through the grounds of the boy's school. :)
You Need locking up Hitchen.
One question! WTF would a grown 'Man' get his Mother to stick things down her bra? and then photograph her?
You have a Warped mind Hitchen and you live in Warped world.
Post what you like where you like Hitchen.
Nobody believes what you say about TFA or your so-called rejected Slags! What you say about them is a pack of LIES you know it and so does eveyone else.
What we know about you is true! You wrote it all Hitchen.
TFA is an extremely caring young Man about to become a Father.
Your rejected Slags! They rejected You because they are NOT Slags and wouldn't stand for your perverted ways.
The only Slags around here are your supporters.
Why do you continue to hold yourself and your Slags up to ridicule? Maybe that is something they should be asking themselves.
Get over yourself Hitchen. IDIOT!
You ees all laying MAGICS!!!
I ees no slut. I ees glamourous granny queen. Mike is loving long time now for many months my bitty.
I go for link.
If this Idiot really did get intouch with Social Sevices he should be fined heavliy for wasting their time, especially when their time is precious and would be better spent on children who really need their help instead of dealing with a vindictive old man.
"Isabel" - what does "I go for link" mean?
I'm still waiting!!!
Anonymous said...
I'm still waiting!!!
Me too!!
Couple of days now isn't it .
He 's too busy doing press releases [PMSL] to email all his girls.
Press release, my arse! Has he ever seen a real one?
er.... according to the police they have no knowledge of any complaint.
the only question is whether mike hitchen can pay the costs and damages.
And that is the issue I am weighing in my mind.
Good on you tranny! Glad you made it over here!
I am sickened that maggot has driven tranny to post this pic of Ethel. How heartbreaking that must have been for him.
I feel traumatised now by seeing that photo of Ethel's lifeless hand. But now I know the reason for this blog and why the evidence must continue to be collected.
He may have destroyed other people's lives in the past but we must not let him destroy Tranny, his missus and, most importantly, Freddie.
We simply have to get rid of this maggot.
Go for it tranny! Get him!
He and his larvae cannot be allowed to get away with this!
Hitchen accuses Tranny of having a "penchant for references to sex between children and adults."
The only person I can gather has a penchant for such references is the accuser and he seems to feel the need to keep saying it.
Ahh!! OUR Tranny is here!!
We love ya Tranny.
Good on ya tranny. If maggot gut can't pay costs and damages his geriatric fans will donate $6 each. MMmmm , that's all of $12 dollars. The old fart will have to scrounge off mama yet again.
If you don't sue the bastard I'll have to thump you. ;)
My name is Alonso
I work on a rancho
I earn me 6 pesos a day
I go to my Lucy
I play with her pussy
She takes my 6 pesos away
So the police have no knowledge of the complaint. Tranny's the one person who will know so once again this proves Hitchen is an outrageous liar.
Keep trying though Mags, you're quite entertaining really. Thanks ;)
Some may call it keeping a dignified silence...I call it Cowardice.
Hey Hitch don't start what you can't finish.
Wonder how Irina Arcas likes being associated with Maggot in such an allied fashion? Or at least, he's making her out to be an ally. Don't see it myself. Don't think she'll be too chuffed when she finds out either ;) He might have removed her name from his ever-changing press release, but he's the one who published it on the internet in the first place.
He is laughing because Irina Arcas changed her reference to Mr Y. Good practice under the Data Protection Act maggot. Nothing more, nothing less. Are you trying to make out as if she's become conspiratorial with you or something? As if! LOL
The only way I would ever accept this email is when maggot expands it to show the to and from ISP, and the date and takes a screen print of the original received email.........does he think we are all computer illiterate! Anyone can amend or add/delete words or phrases to a received email and its so easy to do.
That email he quotes is a fake - a total 100% fake.
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