This blog is not about Madeleine McCann. The 3Arguido's is probably the best site for discussing that issue.
It is unfortunate that, although the 3Arguido's was set up because the Mirror Forum wouldn't allow free speech, the moderators of the 3 Arguido's will also not allow free speech when it comes to discussing Mike Hitchen who calls himself the 'voice for Madeleine McCann'. They discuss the hypocrisy of the government and media involvement in the McCann case, whilst being guilty of hypocrisy themselves - as does Mike Hitchen who will also not allow free speech on his blog.
We are allowed to discuss Hitchen's posts, providing the comments are favourable, but we are not allowed to discuss the man behind the words who claims to be the 'Voice for Madeleine' - even though the posters on the 3Arguido's are allowed to discuss every single aspect of the McCanns' private, public and sexual lives - and, indeed, anyone else who is in the news.
One of Hitchen's supporters on the 3 Arguido's is a respected poster called 'Beachy' who is an ex police officer and, presumably, was paid from tax payers money to keep children, such as Jeremy's baby, safe from predatory cyberstalkers, rather than feed their psychopathic tendencies and put them on pedestals, which merely feeds their ego's and encourages their abhorrent behaviour to escalate to criminal proportions, which is what is now happening as Mike's harassment of Jeremy includes distributing flyers around the Bradford pubs.
Mike Hitchen is protected on the 3Arguido's, despite clear evidence that he is a pervert. How else can you describe a man who publishes sexual fantasies about children all over the internet under such names as The Guv'nor, Zippy and The Likely Lad, and even publicly publishes his hatred and revenge for his own mother?
It is shocking that this man has been exposed as a pervert, a liar, a thief, and a vindictive and malicious man who professes to care about children whilst at the same time is campaigning to have a baby taken from his parents on the strength of a poem that was written by her father whilst he was grieving.
People on the 3Arguido's support Hitchen, and people on this blog cannot understand their way of thinking.
We do not support the McCanns and we do not, now, support Hitchen. We all found our way to Hitchen's blog initially because of the very fact that we did not support the McCann's. We left his blog when we became aware of his 'hidden agenda' which was to lure women into his Shoutbox to talk about sex and spanking and from there he stalked the majority of us and then set about to destroy lives and then brag about it.
Mike and his supporters congregated in his shoutbox to make jokes about Madeleine McCann and Jeremy Young's stillborn baby, Ethel, and even went so far as to research her.
Is this really how a man who claims to be the 'Voice for Madeleine McCann' should behave?
Whilst we care deeply about Madeleine, we also care deeply about the sickening campaign to have Jeremy Young's baby taken from him. Madeleine is more than likely dead - Jeremy's new baby is not - and that is why we are here: to help stop this wicked campaign and to raise awareness of the man and his supporters who are behind this 'Child at Risk' campaign.
Mike Hitchen has reported Jeremy Young to social services and the Child Protection Unit. The purpose of this blog is to collect evidence so that social services can see that Mike Hitchen is a deranged individual who does not deserve to be taken seriously. Indeed, he should be charged for wasting the time of the social services and police when there are children and babies who are in real and urgent need of assistance. Mike is doing this purely to be cruel and spiteful and certainly not because the much longed for Freddie is in danger from his parents.
The stress that Mike is putting Jeremy Young and his wife through is a deliberate attempt to cause another stillbirth, which he will add to his list of achievements which include driving people to attempt suicide or have strokes or to suffer marriage breakdowns.
Either people seek justice for ALL children or they do not. I fail to see how anyone can support Hitchen, a man who openly brags about destroying peoples' lives and actively does all he can to destroy people simply because they do not agree with everything he says.
It is disturbing that he is supported by people like Mariana Faithful and Pamalam, who have also created blogs about Madeleine McCann.
The evidence of this man's behaviour is contained in the Reference Library which is being collected for the police.
The Reference Library also contains evidence to disprove Hitchen's claims, even though Hitchen does not provide any evidence to support his fabrications.
This blog exists to collect evidence and to name and shame those who are involved with Mike Hitchen's 'Child at Risk' campaign, and if you support him having read the facts then that is your choice just as it is our choice not to.
Hitchen has updated his 'Child at Risk' blog.
Mike Hitchen debate on 3Arguido's
This Blog owner deserves a Medal for the good work they are doing.
Well done to you.
Now if that doesn't make it clear enough for the naysayers then nothing will. Well done blog owner for the clarification!
The McCann's should see this new post because their daughter's name is being linked to this pervert. Not by their choice, but the choice of the pervert himself. He is forcing himself on the McCann's.
Well if that's not a intelligently written post by a sane and balanced person then I don't know what is.
The difference between this place and the 3A's is we're actually making headway in our quest. Yes, some might call it revenge and a waste of time, but I would strongly disagree.
Well, I'm disappointed, must admit.
But then, maybe her remarks were based on pure frustration due to the most recent McCann news.
What I DO care about is seeing Hitchen, the worse internet pervert/predator I've ever seen get exactly what's coming to him. And, of course, that's already happened thanks in large part to this blog.
I do not see this site as a place for revenge. It is a duty to protect a child from a predatory cyberstalker who latches onto the name of one dead child to destroy the life of another.
I totally agree with anon's post of 09.27 - I don't see it as a place for revenge either. I see it as a place to protect TFA and JKL from this apology of a human being who gets his sexual pleasures from destroying lives (whose lives don't deserve to be destroyed in the first place) and to warn anyone on the internet about this apology of a human being who needs to use innocent victims for purely his financial gain and thinks he is the born again Messiah - no sorry - the Messiah's Father.
Whoever runs this blog, my grateful thanks for allowing freedom of speech and the ability to make this maggot well known all over the planet as to what he truly is and what he truly stands for - a sexually perverted conman.
I think we are all a little anti the McGrubs but this place is not the place to air such opinions - the 3a's certainly is. Especially if you greedily wait for any reference of a Hitchen post because they will back him 100% over there. Please do not suggest we start the McCann campaign here because this is not the blog for it - plenty of blogs elsewhere to share your views.
Maggot Hitchen latched onto the McCann name to generate income for himself and notoriety and in the process we saw this one wimp's vendetta towards some people (to the extent of lying about them to keep the attention onto himself and therefore generate fawning fans with money to send to him) so I feel that this site is geared to watching maggot squirm on a hook and certainly NOT for changing it to yet another Maddie site.
Many forums/websites post with the aim of finding Maddie or certainly to dispute what CM feeds to the media for us to read. Most sites are reputable and honest and do not try and generate income from their gobby posts and use their websites as a method to find people to spank or talk dirty to.
Maggot found for himself a golden opportunity in using Maddie as a fulcrum to satiate his own need for income - he used, abused, stole money from, and then dumped -blocked them - banned them - when (a) their donations ran out or (b) they dared to question something he had said.........there is a saying "what goes round, comes round" and the award winning trophy winner is finally on the receiving end of what he enjoys dishing out and can't take so is reduced to lying about and inventing stories simply to generate himself more lucrative income and hopes to ruin peoples lives in the process.
He's a nutter and a nonce.
I think its time we started a Mother at risk - I worry right now for the safety and wellbeing maggot's Mother (who he lives with in her home) who has no idea just how much her son hates, loathes and detests her.....
She may yet learn! She may well receive her son's printed posts but who knows? I dare say Hitchen probably opens all her mail too.
I wouldn't mind betting that not one them reported tfa, they would tell him they have because they are sooooooo scared of him.
They wouldn't want to get involved they know Hitchy is nuts.
Let’s face it – TFA’s son Freddie is definitely at risk!
He’s at risk for having a warm and loving home
He’s at risk for having doting adoring parents
He’s at risk for being the apple of their eye
He’s at risk growing up in a stable attentive environment
He’s at risk for being in a stable environment with loving parents and their families and friends.
He’s at risk from having his own fan club created hours after his birth
At times I could (with a lot of effort) even start to feel sorry for maggot Hitchen - the toilet Queen of Sydney, the self styled media guru and analyst – the self proclaimed God – the self proclaimed businessman (no qualifications) - the master of paste and post articles, the master of how NOT to take photographs, the master of coercing money out of blog members for fraudulent purposes, con artist extraordinaire, impotent, can’t find a wife and lives with Mummy, has weird sexual habits, could not have a normal sexual relationship if he bloody tried,the attacker of people who live thousands of miles away as he feels the distance 'makes him safe', laughing stock of many blogs and forums, his articles now abandoned by the press, considered as a trouble maker with Social Services, thought of as laughable and who now has lost all creditability with people all over the planet.
Yes, TFA’s son Freddie is definitely at risk
He’s at risk from sexual perpetrators like maggot.
He’s at risk from a jealous Welsh/Australian who can’t Father children
He’s at risk from a sexual deviant who cannot bear to see another man(TFA) happy
I don't think Freddie has anything to worry about, do you?
The words Hitchen and napalm seem to go hand in hand. He's famous enough to have a song written about him - dowload it, turn your speakers up and ENJOY!!
There is a new forum talking about this if anyone cares to join.
Why are you advertising a new forum that copies this original forum? Can't you think for yourself???? I'll stay here, thank you.
Anon at 11:54, the forum 'advertised' doesn't copy this original forum. It is a Poetry Workshop section of a forum in Bradford which Hitchen has latched onto and posted as Anthony in order to try to get more information on TFA in his failed attempts to 'twist the sword' and destroy TFA, before posting his so-called press release.
Anon at 12.51, I totally agree with you about Mike hitchen being Anthony which proves he is not giving up. He obviously wants to get Tranny's address for whatever reason, so he can personally organise something which is going to hurt the baby??????? Why else would he want the address since he's already been in touch with the social services without the address and they told him to back off.
I hope Tranny has seen this Anthony message and reported it to the police. Hitchen's cyberstalking is getting increasingly depserate, which means increasingly insane, which ultimately means increasingly dangerous.
Anon 20.33 I totally agree with your comments. I think maggot has a mental problem (I should know, I am a RMN) He is dangerous - to the public, to his Mother, to innocent victims that he stalks. He needs to be ascertained by the medical profession and hopefully carted away for treatment. No sane blogger would live and post such rubbish unless they live in a permanent dream world of make belief.The name for that is often classified as schitzophrenia.
We all know maggot lied about the visit from the police, because we've seen the email they sent to the complainant which said they could not get involved when complaints do not originate from Australia.
Now, over on the Bradford poetry forum
he repeats his lie, but embelishes it:
One of their tactics was the lodgement of a hoax complaint with NSW police that I abuse my mother. I can tell you Jane, the NSW police were not happy about that, nor were they happy last Tuesday when they spent an hour talking to my mother.
Last Tuesday would be 18 March. Why would they be going back to talk to his mother for an hour when the first complaint was dismissed as being from (his words) "sick nutters". I can answer that - because it is more lies upon lies upon lies.
Maggot, remember what lies you've told so you can at least attempt to stick to your story.
Maggot keeps changing his story by embellishing it and making up things that did not happen. The day I will believe maggot is when he records conversations or gives links to IP sources with their full IP address. He can't. He can't because he makes things up and he cannot prove what he is saying is the truth.
At least here we can! We can share links and anyone can read and see for themselves that what we share is 100% true.
At the end of the day Maggot really should give up. There's a lot more of us than him. We have 100% proof and he can supply none at all. We are watching and following his every move. The McCann's have all his links and comments, the national UK press have all his links and comments which maybe is why he is not showing as a contributor to a crap comment (his blog link suppied as part of his name) this is maybe why whatever he joins there are links to blog owners and editors showing links that take them to proof of what he really is and what he really stands for. This is maybe why people are simply laughing at his expense and deleting his membership to whatever new place/blog he is joining? This is maybe why his business links directly to his sexual perverse tastes so his business is now in ruins????
Nobody is out to do that - they are simply giving alternative links to him so anyone can read and form their own conclusions as to what a prat he really is and what he stands for. He only has himself to blame - he cannot blame TFA or Jill as I believe they have nothing to do with this blog - he can blame his ex members who he bled dry and then dumped. He can blame his ex members who did not want their bottom spanked. He can blame himself for his greed and being caught out as a liar and con man that he really is and it serves the bastard right.
I think Hitchen is a nutcase and needs medical help. He rants on with no proof and what is his aim? Does he really want to take a baby away from proud parents? if so, why??? Does he want to damn a legitimate author? if so, why???What is this man's problem for Godsakes? he really does have a problem and I would urge him to see his doctor soonest, he's honestly not quite right in the head is he?
oh dear, i didnt know Hitchen had taken to spamming poetry blogs until alerted by a poster on the 3As.
Good work over there folks, a few have defo seen the light today and hopefully more to come.
I stiil can't get over some his supporters though, it beggars belief.
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