"I have it figured. It's because I can design a woman to my specifications, guidelines and Quality Control Measures. I can make her do what I want, when I want, in a way that I want. Joking aside, there is a fair amount of truth in that. I like discipline/spanking to evoke certain feelings, attiudes and images in a woman. By writing from a female perspective, I am creating what I want a woman to feel. Also, I think there is a defence mechanism involved. Rather than writing as me, I write as a femail. My friends have always been femail, so in a way, I identify more with femails than to men. Oddly enough, one of my few male creations was Lord Warne, who I would hate to think bore any resemblance to me!"
More than that, Lord Warne would hate to think he bore any resemblance to you Hitchen.
You would never in a million years control anyone here.
Does that piss you off Maggot? I'm sure it does.
soz for double post
Quite a few jumped up little maggots throughout history have tried to control things.
Look what happened to them!
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