Mike Hitchen also posts on sex sites using the name 'mah'
I gave Mom a kiss, stood up, and pulled the zipper down on my jeans. She took the "que" and helped me tug my jeans down.
We looked at each other, not knowing who was going to do what next. Mom's face was as red as mine and she was crying. Finally, I took ahold of the waistband of my panties and pulled the front of them down, baring some of the hair on my puss.
Mom laid her hands on mine and helped me pull them all the way down, completely baring my bush right in front of her. Mom's face flushed some more and she swallowed hard. I succumbed to the feeling of the moment and started rubbing my bare butt.
Link to full story.
I gave Mom a kiss, stood up, and pulled the zipper down on my jeans. She took the "que" and helped me tug my jeans down.
We looked at each other, not knowing who was going to do what next. Mom's face was as red as mine and she was crying. Finally, I took ahold of the waistband of my panties and pulled the front of them down, baring some of the hair on my puss.
Mom laid her hands on mine and helped me pull them all the way down, completely baring my bush right in front of her. Mom's face flushed some more and she swallowed hard. I succumbed to the feeling of the moment and started rubbing my bare butt.
Link to full story.
Another 'Vivian' child incest story is here.
I can't believe this just when you think it can't get any worse.
To think this depraved monster is lauded in certain circles.
He is one sick freak that is for sure. How on earth does he get off on incest stories? It seems he is perverted in more ways than one. He should have been put down at birth. He is one sick dangerous individual.
Has anyone ever noticed, that when Maggot posts something that just happened him while out at the shops or on the bus or in the mall, that he always involves kids?
One sick pervert
Mike Hitchen definitely wrote this story of incest and paedophilia. Definitely did. Nobody can say we've spoofed anything here because the link leads directly to where he wrote it.
The more digging that is done, the worse the things are that appear. No wonder he changed his name to "mah" (Michael Anthony Hitchen) since even for him, this story is the pits of the world!
I hope the police are taking note...
Hitchen you are one sick bastard.
You really like to get off on young girls being hurt don't you?
How dare you call yourself the voice of MM how dare you even say her name.
I am now convinced of the reasons as to why you got so involved with MM and it sure as hell wasn't what you made it look like.
You are EVIL to the core Hitchen EVIL.
PS Whoever writes this blog well done for all your work in finding out just what a slimeball this Hitchen is.
Some rather sexually orientated weird people may have secret dreams and hopes and all that, but nobody, NOBODY can write articles as they do without them being based on personal experience. I am so glad that the powers that be are investigating Hitchen. I can no longer excuse him as simply a pervert as he is obviously a person with deep sexual hang ups that are illegal and very dangerous. He is in fact a danger to society and I bless my contacts and links in the right places who I know are currently investigating him. Investigations cover continents, family and people. The cretin really is living on very borrowed time.
By the way shipmates, if anybody's being a doubting thomas about whether or not the slimeball otherwise known as maggot-face hitchen is the person who's written as MAH, here's the absolute proof. Ye have to follow a link to the crazy spanko-site but if ye care aboot truth and justice ye'll know it's the only way to see the truth.
This is what it says there for people who don't want to visit a crazy spanko site.
Nov 16 1999, 9:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.spanking
From: "mah" mike_hitchen@australiamail.com
Date: 1999/11/16
Subject: Re: WWW.SHITLOVERS Has Arrived !!
LOL.wouldn't want to annoy the backslapping, rah rah, welcome home, whats the plan, how can I filter spam without using my eyesight and brain, in-crowd
brigade, would we.
Mike H..
New Perspectives: P.O. Box 1759, Lane Cove, NSW 2066 Australia
Registered with NSW, Dept Of Fair Trade. Reg. U4288524
Mike H
Nov 16 1999, 9:00 am
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.spanking
From: "Mike H" newperspectives@one.net.au
Date: 1999/11/16
Subject: Re: WWW.SHITLOVERS Has Arrived !!
Sorry about the email address, I had just posted to a community group and forgot to change back. No deception was intended. Those are my real initials and name, as many will know
Mike H...
Oooh a choice here!
Did Hitchen's advances to Mamma get turned down? (hence the 'bitch from the gutters of Vienna' comments?) sis dear DEAD Daddy teach him to get a hard on by being spanked? Was it his siblings or did he find sexual pleasure from them? Ah, no - maybe the school he went to and poor old Jack!
At the end of the day his hated Mamma and dear DEAD Daddy (the wannabee director who never was) who the UK Government hounded out of the country (sob story blah-blah) have a lot to answer for.
Strange that he projects his illegal sexuality onto TFA and JKH and blames them for his own shortcomings and needs to lie about them to get attention and his $6 donations! Both are happy and successful and what has he achieved? no job, no home of his own, no relationship, no business, and many of his so called members stabbing him in the back and supplying information to blogs that intend publicising on the WWW exactly what he is and stands for....50+ years old and nothing to show for his life at all.
WOW - thanks for the heads up and the pointer to where he wrote that as MAH. It's real. But read on down that very same page and you see he's written this little bonza beauty! Is he a fraudster as well!!!!!???????? The little devil!
Mike H
Newsgroups: soc.sexuality.spanking
From: "Mike H" newperspectives@one.net.au
Date: 1999/11/17
Also , as you are so keen on integrity, I will post you the check stubs of refunds to people who were working with Jane - even though they are continuing with her mum. All in all, we have refunded over $2125 to people who are
actually still members, but getting the services of Janes mum, instead of Jane.
Many of these we refunded, even though their checks had not cleared (it takes 5-6 weeks to clear an overseas check here).
I am not stating this as an advertisement - you were the one who cast doubt on my integrity, and I resereve the right of reply, because I will not have you -
or any one else, casting doubts on my integrity.
Incidentally, take a good look at your self . Unless attacked, I post humour and information on this group - what do you post sweetie?
Mike H.
New Perspectives: Interactive Discipline, Books, St Michaels Post-High School.
New Perspectives is Registered with NSW, Dept Of Fair Trade. Reg. U4288524
And another thing why does he ask for money to keep his stupid blog going.
I read this blog regularly and I haven't seen anywhere on it asking for money to keep it going.
Probably still lives with Mommy so she is on hand to give him a good spanking when they both feel the urge.
Dirty old buggers the pair of them.
He created "Jane" who suddenly died of cancer, as his business spanko partner. Jane and her mother. But with Maggot having a femenine voice, him and Jane were one and the same. People outed him and complained. Maggot threatened to sue anyone who denied Janes existance LMAO.
Anyway, when she popped her clogs, maggot said the business was going on as usual, with himself and Janes mother. Jane was called Jane Michaels... PMSL as in Mikes Jane LOL. and the mother was called Irene Wilmott. But we all know what the spankos didn't know back then, that Irene is maggots mother. So tell me maggot, was it you and mama who ran the discipline business back then? The business you called "confessions - a mum and an uncle".? The business that had a discipline wing you named St. Michaels post high school? Was your mama your partner in crime? How did you both actually run the business together?
Your family needs some serious research by the authorities
We need to seriously question the relationship this man has with his mother.
Sure it could just be a case of a middle-aged mommy's boy still holding on tight to the apron strings or it could be something much more disturbing - and illegal!
There are many men at home with their mother for various reasons, but maggot is a different story.
His perverted stories are all connected to child with parent/aunt/uncle. He prefers the humuliation of a child by a parent, stripping in front of others, spanking then sex. He prefers 1950s style settings which is when he was a kid.
Is he reliving his past in these stories?
His mother would need to be checked out.
This might be a good time to contact other members of his family, find out what exactly went on in their home.
Remember, maggot has admitted he had sexual feelings for his brother, who he use to get to spank him.
Anyone know anything about his family? sisters? brothers?
Yet another name for Mike Hitchen to hide behind then while he writes even more atrocious stories than the last.
I think that Hitchen is now bored of Madeleine McCann and very bored of us. He has flitted from this thing to that thing over the last few years and he is probably due a change. It's as good as a rest don't you know! :) He probably wants to shake the scandal which is now attached to his name for all eternity.
Don't worry Mike Michael Anthony Hitchen. We'll always be able to find what you're up to. No doubt you'll become even more devious. You always boast about never hiding behind anonymity. So why change your name to MAH? Anonymity is the way to go. Retire from the interent and enjoy your remaining years in a lovely city.
Remember maggot saying in the horrific piece he wrote about making his mother suffer for the rest of her life that he's not seen his brothers for most of his life? They'd be disgusted to hear from him now under such circumstances. I feel sorry for them being related to that venombag. Tempting to contact them to put them in the picture but what if they're normal? Would hate to do the wrong thing.
He is only bored with Madeleine now because no one is telling him what a great man he is. I think it has now sunk into his head that HE won't solve the case. About time too
I now sadly believe that Hitchens "team" comprising of:-
Isabel, Linda, Ann, Isabelle, Mariana Faithful, Hobnob, Wild Sun Flower, Tales from Vienna Wood, Jack H, Big Mumma, Primavera, Bobo, vera, Claire, justice4children, Michelle, pravda, tanglewood, JJ, Rich, Cassiopia, cal, kimsam, Carol 25, Sina, A/USA, juliewales, Brynette, sarah, canddsma, Mandy, sick-of'-the-circus, Mona, Laura, GFI, Susie, Ann*, Sandie, A.London, Jennylonglegs, Pebbles, Dinah Dutchie, Diane C, Maz2007, weegran, Thegasman, Jenny G, chox, stephoebe, womble, Marianne, Jeg, Ally (Wales), pamalam, Elizabeth, michette, Anne, TwoIfBySea, bluejay, Suzan, heather, veritas, Miss Lisbon, Ben, saskia, Willow, jkl44, oldcrone, Aaaaaa...
are in fact ALL members/followers of rather depraved sexual tastes.
They HAVE to be if they still side with a man who baits the hook with McCann, TFA or JKH simply simply for the opportunity to talk dirty and get his erection from online chats. None of his team can be right in the head and all must be of the same ilk - so time to check them out too.
Anon at 10.20. You're in a provocative mood aren't you? Cool your jets.
On Hitchen's "team" there are about 10 people making comments. Which means that most people on your little list there have either long gone or are watching in morbid fascination. Who's providing the screenshots we get - would you want to bite the hand that feeds? These people below are still chatting.
Mariana Faithful
Tales from VW
Jack H
Jenny G
So before you go saying everyone on your list is a follower of rather depraved sexual tastes, we most certainly are not.
I can confirm that the people on the second list are the ones who are still maggot supporters. The others do not chat in there even though they are still listed as members (maggot only keeps them listed as members to make it look good). But most of them have changed their names and are posting here.
It still makes you wonder why there are 16 people left there who clearly support his evil, perverted ways especially as some of them come here to have a look at the evidence and then still decide to go back to him.
Some of them are possibly scared to be his next victim because despite his false friendship with them he will turn against any one of them in the drop of a hat.
He would attack the other ones who are here, too, if they knew who they were. He only attacks TFA, JKH and Jane because he's sure of their details.
They are easy targets.
Anon of 10:35 cool my jets indeed! Whose camp are you on?
While there is a list of Hitchens members on the right of this blog then I can certainly mention every name....chill out and don't waste your time attacking me. I've been anti Hitchen since early 2006 - have you???
Anonymouse 19:21, how you hated him since early 2006? goes back before the Maddy McCann tragedy, what has he done to you that started in 2006. Given yourself away with that oversenstive attack on somebody meant to be on same side as you, mike can tell who you are now probly.
A Fan has hit nail on head saying he's reliving his childhood. how utterly repulsive. i pity his neighbours living next door to them two. Can't forget the photo he took of her at Christmas with balls stuffed in her bra to make her breasts look bigger. Not exactly a grown up mother/son activity. Not in normal households anyway.
He also commented in his secret forum that his mum has marvellous breasts for a woman of her age.
I too have marvellous breasts for a woman of my age. But if my son, or any male blood relation for that matter, commented on them like that I would be horrified and send them for treatment.
Instead of sending him off for treatment, maggo mama takes him upstairs for a spaning
Pervert MH and his mother should be locked up. No wonder he isn't married. The freak is married to his mom
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