Hope you won't mind us mentioning on here that we now know you post as mah, Mike Hitchen, so that people can link the two together. It seems you changed your name so you could write even worse filth about children - particularly Vivian, the young girl you described as having an incestuous relationship with her mother from the age of 9 to, at least, 19.
You may call it "light relief" Mike Hitchen, but it is clearly sickening abuse of children.
And you have NO right to self-appoint yourself as "The Voice" for Madeleine McCann - or any other child for that matter.
Are we going to find some more horrible stuff on you maggot? You can't hide from us. You are an official pervert
Makes you wonder just what his groupies who back him on his cheap tacky blog are all into? I think his members are all bloody perverts. If they were not then they would not be members of his blog.
Like attracks Like cos Mr Hitchen said so.
Mike Hitchen has a favourite walk through the grounds of St Ignatius Boys School College and takes photos of the boys on the river. He then puts them onto his photo blog.
Then you read this disgusting stuff he has written with his sullied paws and it all becomes horribly terrifyingly clear.
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