The Nearly Man

There were only two boys born in Cardiff on Feb that year. On my 24th birthday, I took a girl I liked to a pub for a birthday drink. Being my birthday, I thought to meself "Here we go, here we go-ooooh" and my nickname "The Nearly Man" would cease to be relevant!


Anonymous said...

Definitely sexually inadequate.

Anonymous said...

Nearly 30 years later the nickname has still not ceased to relevant. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

Anonymous said...

In his wildest dreams Hitchen will never ever be a MAN.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he has any bullets to fire unless his bottom is spanked or he can spank some other male/females bottom....all hot air and wind, or should I say all bullets with no ammunition? I think he is still celebate.

Anonymous said...

So vile and ugly that he's not even in with a chance of a sympathy shag.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So vile and ugly that he's not even in with a chance of a sympathy shag.

27 March 2008 17:30


Oh i don't know! theres always Isabel and Mariana.

Anonymous said...

LOL, can't you just see the three of them, all so ugly that they have to wear paper bags on their heads before they engage in their pervy threesomes

Anonymous said...

"Being my birthday, I thought to meself "Here we go, here we go-ooooh" and my nickname "The Nearly Man" would cease to be relevant!"

You dated a blind girl? awe, how sweet!