Poppy the Popeyed Possum


Anonymous said...

Story of maggot's childhood with mummy and daddy I presume?

Anonymous said...

He certainly seems to have a fetish about children having their panties pulled down by their parents. Are children's knickers called panties? Or only in these sexual fantasies, because that's what they are. He fantasises in a sexual way about children. He is one dangerous step away from being something even nastier than he already is.

The name Mike Hitchen should never be mentioned in the same breath as any child.

This man has demonstrated, by all these posts, that he has an extremely active imagination by the way he writes about webcams, crossdressing, spanking children and christ knows what else.

Just because he gives his sexual stories names like Poppy the Popeyed Possum does not excuse the underlying sinister theme.

Anonymous said...

Oh for God's sake. Apart from anything else, does he really have nothing better to do with his time than write stories about Poppy The Popeyed Possum?

Anonymous said...

coco said...
Oh for God's sake. Apart from anything else, does he really have nothing better to do with his time than write stories about Poppy The Popeyed Possum?

........yes he does, he goes onto write stories about TFA and JKH which are his more sinister works of fiction.

Anonymous said...

Incestuous animals. Whatever next!

No! Please don't tell me. I'd rather not know.

Anonymous said...

Is there no limits to this creatures depravity? It really makes me wonder if his blog members are all of the same ilk.

Anonymous said...

They have got to be.

Anonymous said...

Dunno about elks but he does attract a lot of moose.

OK, you said ilk, but maggot never gets it right either.