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"Now sweet child, stand before me so I may continue to undress you. You remember being tied to the ladder, as I took the riding whip to you, to break you like a wild horse. I admit, for a while I am tempted, but my manhood can wait no longer." Mike Hitchen 5 February, 2000
They've changed the thread now. Was it the "come to me little child while I spank you" post they were going on about?
Because if it is that one, then it most certainly is for real and they're all trying to make out like it's a spoof blog which it is not.
Don't know. When I went to have a look it was called "please delete this thread".
If they're talking about reporting this blog then they are definitely hyprocrits for seeking justice for one child whilst ignoring the clear evidence of child abuse from Mike Hitchen on this one.
THANKS NBRADO for giving us the link to make a complaint about Mike Hitchen for his indecent, immoral and illegal blogs.
Off to report him now. As Nbrado says, the more people who complain, the more likely they'll do something about it. Come on friends on the side of truth and justice - report Mike Hitchen.
Complain at this link Complain to blogger
about these blogs
Note to Nbrado and his camp followers.
Your forum, 3As, is full to bursting with members and mods alike who are quick to jump on posters who do not provide a source for the facts/theories/reports and etc that they present.
May I suggest you apply the same policy to your given advice that the blogger concerned be reported for presenting 'lies' about Hitchen.
Follow the links that to his spanking stories, including the one about horsewhipping a child and you will see for yourself that they are Hitchen's work and nobody elses. FACT!!
Judging by his need for attention it makes sense, does it not, that he might well be behind the spoofs too, in order to draw more attention to his sick self.
They say all news is good news, and in Hitchen's case, all attention is good attention.
What can you expect from the likes of nbrado, a fellow spanker and friend of Hitchen? the latter being an honourary mod of the old forum and probably one on the 3A's.
I am so disgusted with nbrado's biased ways that I have removed the link to the 3A's from my blog - that forum became a world wide joke when fairness flew out the window and the clique with a biased membership took it over.
I would be ashamed to be part of the 3as.
Hypocrites, Nutters and Tosspots the lot of them.
Is there a way to make it more clear and prominent right at the heading of this blog that it is not a spoof blog and that all quotes attributed to Mike Hitchen are actually his words and are backed up by source links to prove it?
Have you seen Hitchen's embellished profile quote on the top right of his blog:
"I'm so good, even God calls me God - when I let him "
I'm an agnostic/atheist so those words are not blasphemy to me, but I do recognize the arrogance that would allow someone to actually write and publish those words.
When are the rest of his readers going to wake up and smell the coffee? The man is definitely unwell.
P.S. to my last post.
Maybe if you do amend the header, make the clarification in a bright, bold color, like red, to stand out immediately and catch the reader's attention before they click off, misunderstanding the intent of the blog.
And make it clear that this effort has nothing to do with Pro-McCanners, that plenty of us skeptics and antis are aghast at his behavior, too, and want to see his libelous comments stopped.
The 3As are a joke, they would sooner discuss Jade Goody and the Eurovision song contest than anything important.
I like the changes you made to the first post on this blog. You've done a good job of quickly clarifying what this blog is all about. Thanks.
Hitchen has changed his comment about God calling him God (see my earlier post from May 20 at 14:02) to the following now:
"Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, so why waste time trying?"
Looks like someone is closely following this blog, doesn't it?
Thank you for making the suggestion Jolie.
It's nice that people take an interest in the blog and look for ways to improve it.
Any suggestions are considered.
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