Newsgroups: alt.spanking.reality.moderated
From: "The Guv'nor"
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 06:32:54 CST
Excerpt from Mike Hitchen's fantasy about spanking children whilst watching the children's programme "Play School"
"I don't normally like to include young kids in my stories, either directly or indirectly. However, in this case there is a reason.
The idea for this story came from the controversy arising out of a recent episode of "Play School" an Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) program for young children.
It features a segment called "Through The Window" looking at different lifestyles and family/social activities. This particular episode showed a little girl with two mummies. "Come along Rebecca, PlaySkool is on. Let's sit down and watch it together."

Let's spin the wheel and see which window we will look through today. Is it
going to be the square window? No, it's gone past. Oh it's stopping, very
slowly. It's stopped at the oval window. Let's have a look through shall we?
"Hi my name is Jemma, I'm 34 and live in Sydney with Steve. This is Steve,
he's my partner and my top. We are going to the zoo today, and we are both
very excited.
Here we are at the zoo. Oh look, there's a lion. Doesn't he look fierce. I'm
glad he's behind a walled enclosure. Now we are off to see the elephants.
They are much bigger than lions. Some have big ears, and some have small
ears. Ouch! did you see that? Steve pinched my bottom. He's fun isn't he.
This is the monkey enclosure. Steve's made a joke about spanking the monkey
LOL. Time for me poke my tongue out at him I think. Oh Steve doesn't like
that. He looks angry doesn't he? Of course, he's not really angry, he's just
pretending. What was that he said? He said I am very naughty and when we get
home, he's going to put me across his knee and smack my naughty little
Yes I do look sad don't I. And scared. But I'm not really, this is just a
game between us like mummies and daddies, or Rodney and Nigel.
He's giving me a good telling off isn't he. Shall I poke my tongue out
again? Shall I. OK then.
Ouch. Oh that hurt. He smacked me on my bottom in front of the monkeys. Oh
dear, I am going to be in trouble when I get home.
This is our house. Where is Steve going I wonder. Oh no....he's going to the
closet in the hallway! Oh dear, that's where he keeps his paddle.
He's coming back. He's holding the paddle in his hand...and look..he has his
sleeve rolled up. Oh dear, what have I done.
This is me across Steve's knee. Poor Jemmas going to be in trouble! Ouch.
Oooh Ouch. Doesn't he spank hard. I am beginning to have second thoughts.
Well not really. This!
Oh my poor, poor bottom. I can't show you but my bottom is really red and
sore. I should never have poked my tongue out at him at the zoo.
"Did you enjoy that Rebecca?"
"Yes mummy. But I have a question about PlaySkool"
"Certainly dear. Do you want to know why Steve was spanking Jemma and why
she was enjoying it?"
link to story
New Perspectives R.O.D.
Realistic Online Discipline For Adults
And I won't be laughing at the lies when I'm gone
And I can't question how or when or why when I'm gone
Can't live proud enough to die when I'm gone
So I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here...Phil Ochs
I used to watch Playshool as a child and have watched it with my own children. Mike Hitchen has crossed all moral boundaries by writing this filth.
The police should take Mike Hitchen of Sydney to court.
The thought of the antipodean maggot getting his sick thrills from an episode of Playschool has retrospectively sullied my childhood.
Who in their right mind would even remotely imagine writing disgusting stuff like that and relate it to Playschool????
No-one, that's who. Mike Hitchen is not in his right mind.
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