Hypocrit AnnaMay Silvestro/AnnaEsse/Primavera pretending to be concerned about internet grooming on MySpace...

.....despite supporting pervert Mike Hitchen in his Child at Risk campaign, and knowing that he chats to 16 year old girls on Bebo.
Millions of girls using Facebook, Bebo and Myspace 'at risk' from paedophiles and bullies
Mike Hitchen: "You'd better not frown, Santa Claus is coming to take your knickers down"

"I am Santa Claus, Virginia. Think of me the same way you would a doctor or a genealogist"
Virginia managed to figure out what he meant.
Soon, Santa had Virginia across his knee and was spanking her like she had never been spanked before. She did wish he wouldn't keep saying, "Ho, Ho, Ho" though. It was a pity he didn't have his red suit on, but then again, it's not every girl who gets put across Santas knobbly knees for a good smacked bottom.
Mike Hitchen 30 November, 2002
Read the rest of this knicker-gripping bestselling novel here:
Mike Hitchen: In the bathroom I can feel him watching, though he never speaks
AnnaMay Silvestro, the Warwickshire teacher and supporter of Mike Hitchen's Child at Risk campaign, gets tough with the '3 arguido's'

(Primavera/Anna-May Silvestro) AnnaEsse said...
"Comment from anonymous of today's date has been deleted by me, moi, myself. Reason for deletion: I hate people who bore me, and anonymous' infantile and trivial comment nearly sent me off my chair with boredom. Home from work to that! Jeez!"
Clearly she doesn't think Hitchen is an infantile bore - just those who question her support of him.
Should Etone School supply teachers/'doctors'/herbal suppliers support hate/child at risk campaigns that are started, by someone such as Hitchen, for no other reason than jealousy?
Especially as she wrote this on youtube on a topic about child abuse, yet clearly supports Mike Hitchen who is doing exactly the same:
"annaesse (4 months ago)
I agree! Stop child abuse now! Parents you don't know who your child is talking to on the internet and neither do they. The man your daughter is chatting to may be someone older than she is, grooming her for sex and just waiting for the chance, when she is feeling vulnerable to lure her from your home. This does happen. Your 15 year-old daughter may be the one some numpty, anonymous pervert is chatting with, someone who persuades her that only he understands her."
I agree! Stop child abuse now! Parents you don't know who your child is talking to on the internet and neither do they. The man your daughter is chatting to may be someone older than she is, grooming her for sex and just waiting for the chance, when she is feeling vulnerable to lure her from your home. This does happen. Your 15 year-old daughter may be the one some numpty, anonymous pervert is chatting with, someone who persuades her that only he understands her."
Mike Hitchen had ASRA grant to research spanking
I have done quite a bit of research into this matter, I have analysed all my contacts and created socio-economic profiles, personality profiles, educational profiles and emotional and psychological profiles.
Using advanced analytical software programs, I have created various graphs and comparitive studies to compare vast amounts of relevant data. I have done this with the aid of a grant from The Australian Social Research Agency, and it has taken me over a year to complete.
Using advanced analytical software programs, I have created various graphs and comparitive studies to compare vast amounts of relevant data. I have done this with the aid of a grant from The Australian Social Research Agency, and it has taken me over a year to complete.
Mike Hitchen would take a blow up doll, a slipper, and two melons in a sack to a desert island...

5 Records
5 Books
5 Videos
5 Spanking related items.
What would you choose.
Here are mine:
Records: James Taylors Greatest Hits; Tapestry; Bat Out Of Hell; Don McLeans Greatest Hits, Soundtrack of Carmen Jones. (I would try and sneak a copy of Barry Manillows Greatest Hits to encourage me to start swimming).
Books: About A Boy; How Green Was My Valley; Animal Farm; Discworld Compendium; Brave New World
Videos: Quiet Man; Great Escape; Carmen Jones; Third Man; Blue Hawaii
Spanking Related Items: A Janus Magazine, A Roue Magazine, A Blow up flexible doll, A slipper, two mellons in a sack.
Ionglobaltrends get 0 votes for best blog of all time
In fact, the blog doesn't even get a vote from the person who nominated it!
Nice comment from spammypammy though.
He seems to be having more luck in these categories where he's got 34 votes in each so far
The comments can be seen here:
Nominate now to ensure Hitchen gets a proper award for his
'Child at Risk' blog in 2008
Mike Hitchen: Deal with it or tell someone who cares
"Rutgers" wrote in a message:
I observed my father's death from a botched heart valve replacement procedure. The best surgeon in the NY area performed the operation. I held his hand as I watched him fade away.
"The Guv'nor" wrote in a message:
Rutgers That's life. Deal with it or tell it to someone who cares. But don't look in the mirror when you do so.
Mike Hitchen 4 November 2001
I observed my father's death from a botched heart valve replacement procedure. The best surgeon in the NY area performed the operation. I held his hand as I watched him fade away.
"The Guv'nor" wrote in a message:
Rutgers That's life. Deal with it or tell it to someone who cares. But don't look in the mirror when you do so.
Mike Hitchen 4 November 2001
Brother and Sister

And you know something? One day I did just that. In fact, I went a bit further..
You know how sometimes things well up inside you? Things you are bursting to say, all bottled up and when you do finally let it all out, you can't seem to stop and go further than intended? That's what happened.
However, I did get her over my knee. She was still protesting of course, but I had gone too far to stop now. Up went her skirt, and down came everything that was meant to come down in circumstances like this.
When I had finished spanking her, I helped her up. I pulled her towards me and hugged her - tightly.
"I did tell you that I would put you over my knee. You should have expected it" I said, with what I hoped was a sort of assertive tenderness.
She pulled away and looked at me.
By heck, I hadn't seen that look on her face since we were 18 and she told me. "You know, mum and dad wont be home for ages and ages".
She stroked my cheek and coyly said....."Yes I know. I am not stupid you know"
Well, I'll be buggered:)
Mike Hitchen April 7, 2004
You know how sometimes things well up inside you? Things you are bursting to say, all bottled up and when you do finally let it all out, you can't seem to stop and go further than intended? That's what happened.
However, I did get her over my knee. She was still protesting of course, but I had gone too far to stop now. Up went her skirt, and down came everything that was meant to come down in circumstances like this.
When I had finished spanking her, I helped her up. I pulled her towards me and hugged her - tightly.
"I did tell you that I would put you over my knee. You should have expected it" I said, with what I hoped was a sort of assertive tenderness.
She pulled away and looked at me.
By heck, I hadn't seen that look on her face since we were 18 and she told me. "You know, mum and dad wont be home for ages and ages".
She stroked my cheek and coyly said....."Yes I know. I am not stupid you know"
Well, I'll be buggered:)
Mike Hitchen April 7, 2004
Mike Hitchen had sexual feelings for his own brother
During this period of my life, I often asked my brother how teachers in school caned. Occassionaly, and this is the first time I have told anyone this (and that includes Jane) I asked my brother to spank me, which he did. I have never had any sexual feelings for a man, or any desire to be spanked by a man, apart from those occasions.
Mike Hitchen 19 October, 1999
Mike Hitchen 19 October, 1999
Mike Hitchen: Playing with himself in the Shoutbox
Anonymous said...
rev ulc said -"I might add that I am deeply concerned about the behavioral accusations made about Hitchen"I was a member of the shoutbox several months ago. I asked MH what he was doing and he said "just playing with himself" -Not being lonely and desperate or in the mood for shoutbox sex I didn't take the bait, but I was quite taken aback by his comment.
26-Nov-2007 09:32:00
rev ulc said -"I might add that I am deeply concerned about the behavioral accusations made about Hitchen"I was a member of the shoutbox several months ago. I asked MH what he was doing and he said "just playing with himself" -Not being lonely and desperate or in the mood for shoutbox sex I didn't take the bait, but I was quite taken aback by his comment.
26-Nov-2007 09:32:00
Mike Hitchen: Saturday Night
It was unusual for Dave to spend the evening at home with his daughter, he was hoping to make the most of it. "How about a game of cards?"he asked, in a futile attempt at conversation with the uncommunicative teenager. Barely 18, Sally sullenly refused all suggestions of entertainment. She did not like being grounded - or the belt that Dave had used on her upturned bottom the night before. He could try all he wanted, nothing was going to induce Sally to co-operate with a man who had not only clipped her wings, but had put a sting in her tail as well. Now many may think that Sally was acting like a spoiled little brat, and some may even suggest another trip across the back of the sofa would be justified. However, Sally had a genuine reason to be aggrieved, for in fact she was innocent of the crime of which she had been accused.
Mike Hitchen, December 28, 1999
Mike Hitchen, December 28, 1999
Mike Hitchen: To me, reality is the keyword
The role playing you suggest can be very exciting and erotic, provided it is conducted realisticaly. I am in case you did not know, a switch, and have experience of both sides of the coin. The schoolboy fantasy is one I particularly like to act out, and vice versa, playing the schoolmaster with a naughty schoolgirl.
To me, reality is the keyword. Certain words and phrases as used in real life by teachers, especially the ones I remember in the 60"s of my youth. The ritual too is important. Most of the schools I attended, caned on the hands, which in itself can be very erotic. A few schools did cane on the bottom, always clothed. The phrase invariably used was "Bend over and touch your toes" which is highly symbolic.
Props too are important. I believe plaid is the common school uniform in US, whilst in UK and Australia the uniforms are very differnt. Most of the old conservative Catholic schools here have very "submissive" looking uniforms. Navy blue tunics, white shirts and striped tie. Navy blue knickers symbolise the "quintessenal" schoolgirl, although many schools also insist on bottle green.
A very good site is http://www.sixovthebest.com which sells school props such as Punishment Books etc. I must point out at this stage, that I do have a link to them on my site.
Mike Hitchen "The voice for Madeleine McCann", Feb 22, 2000
To me, reality is the keyword. Certain words and phrases as used in real life by teachers, especially the ones I remember in the 60"s of my youth. The ritual too is important. Most of the schools I attended, caned on the hands, which in itself can be very erotic. A few schools did cane on the bottom, always clothed. The phrase invariably used was "Bend over and touch your toes" which is highly symbolic.
Props too are important. I believe plaid is the common school uniform in US, whilst in UK and Australia the uniforms are very differnt. Most of the old conservative Catholic schools here have very "submissive" looking uniforms. Navy blue tunics, white shirts and striped tie. Navy blue knickers symbolise the "quintessenal" schoolgirl, although many schools also insist on bottle green.
A very good site is http://www.sixovthebest.com which sells school props such as Punishment Books etc. I must point out at this stage, that I do have a link to them on my site.
Mike Hitchen "The voice for Madeleine McCann", Feb 22, 2000
Mike Hitchen conning people even in 1999
Mike Hitchen" < newperspecti...@one.net.au> of New Perspectives - Small Business Solutions is a remarkable guy with amazing recuperative powers - or so it seems.
Just a couple of days after his wife, Jane, allegedly dies of cancer, a cancer that she concealed so very well from everyone including the customers of her "discipline" services, and a few days after Mike is threatening people with lawsuits which mysteriously get dropped, Mike is fine again.
In fact, Mike is so fine, that he's flirting outrageously with any woman that so much as blinks at him. He's so fine that he's engaging in flame wars all over the place. You'd hardly know that he ever had a wife, let alone one that had just died a horrible death. When my mother died, my father wasn't in much shape to be doing any of the things that Mike has been doing. He needed time to think, to be alone, to mourn.
I know that everyone reacts differently to a loss, but Mike sure has a funny way of mourning.
My sceptical side tells me that Mike either never had a wife, Jane, or that she never died. Whichever it is, Mike is having us on and appears to be one of the bigger phonies that has graced this newsgroup which has seen more than its share of phonies. Worse still, he's not even an entertaining phony and takes himself far too seriously.
Just a couple of days after his wife, Jane, allegedly dies of cancer, a cancer that she concealed so very well from everyone including the customers of her "discipline" services, and a few days after Mike is threatening people with lawsuits which mysteriously get dropped, Mike is fine again.
In fact, Mike is so fine, that he's flirting outrageously with any woman that so much as blinks at him. He's so fine that he's engaging in flame wars all over the place. You'd hardly know that he ever had a wife, let alone one that had just died a horrible death. When my mother died, my father wasn't in much shape to be doing any of the things that Mike has been doing. He needed time to think, to be alone, to mourn.
I know that everyone reacts differently to a loss, but Mike sure has a funny way of mourning.
My sceptical side tells me that Mike either never had a wife, Jane, or that she never died. Whichever it is, Mike is having us on and appears to be one of the bigger phonies that has graced this newsgroup which has seen more than its share of phonies. Worse still, he's not even an entertaining phony and takes himself far too seriously.
Mike Hitchen: If I remember correctly I didn't have any toe nail polish.

I have never spanked anyone on the soles of their feet, but I have been caned on my soles. It was quite an interesting experience that was heightened by the fact that it was something new, thus adding the element of "fear" or uncertainty into a disciplinary situation. If I remember correctly, I didn't have any toe nail polish. Mike
Mike Hitchen 19 October, 2001
Mike Hitchen: Dad's Chair and the Special Constable
"She may be 17 but not too old to feel the weight of my belt"
June started screaming "Report her Dad, Don't just stand there do something." Dave looked at her. "Yes my girl, I will do something. Something I should have done a long time ago." He strode over to her, and grabbed her arm. Ignoring her yelled abuse he marched her to the armchair - "Dad's" chair as the family called it, and with little effort bent her over the arm. He held her back with one hand, whilst trying to unbuckle his belt with the other. A discreet cough emerged from the Special Constable, and he heard a whooshing noise. "Maybe I can be of assistance" she offered, and handed him her police issue belt. Dave thanked her, and watched as Mary offered further assistance by pulling back June's skirt. "Drawers Mr Grace?" she asked. Dave was momentarily confused. "Drawers - up or down Mr Grace" Dave was about to say "up" when a torrent of abuse directed at both them changed his mind. "Down I think Constable, well and truly down."
The Special Constable dutifully obliged and Dave could see that Mary Atkins had been very diligent in her unofficial duty. June's bottom still bore the stamp of her authority. Undeterred, he raised his arm and bought the belt down on her upturned bottom. A loud yell, and a word Dave thought he would never hear a woman, let alone his daughter ever say. He looked at Mrs Atkins who smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, I have heard much worse Mr Grace." This startled Dave for a minute, but a cry from his daughter bought him back to the matter in hand. Again and again the belt came down, always accompanied by screaming and abuse. However defiant she tried to be though, June was starting to break.
Mike Hitchen 6 April, 2000
June started screaming "Report her Dad, Don't just stand there do something." Dave looked at her. "Yes my girl, I will do something. Something I should have done a long time ago." He strode over to her, and grabbed her arm. Ignoring her yelled abuse he marched her to the armchair - "Dad's" chair as the family called it, and with little effort bent her over the arm. He held her back with one hand, whilst trying to unbuckle his belt with the other. A discreet cough emerged from the Special Constable, and he heard a whooshing noise. "Maybe I can be of assistance" she offered, and handed him her police issue belt. Dave thanked her, and watched as Mary offered further assistance by pulling back June's skirt. "Drawers Mr Grace?" she asked. Dave was momentarily confused. "Drawers - up or down Mr Grace" Dave was about to say "up" when a torrent of abuse directed at both them changed his mind. "Down I think Constable, well and truly down."
The Special Constable dutifully obliged and Dave could see that Mary Atkins had been very diligent in her unofficial duty. June's bottom still bore the stamp of her authority. Undeterred, he raised his arm and bought the belt down on her upturned bottom. A loud yell, and a word Dave thought he would never hear a woman, let alone his daughter ever say. He looked at Mrs Atkins who smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, I have heard much worse Mr Grace." This startled Dave for a minute, but a cry from his daughter bought him back to the matter in hand. Again and again the belt came down, always accompanied by screaming and abuse. However defiant she tried to be though, June was starting to break.
Mike Hitchen 6 April, 2000
Mike Hitchen: Visible Panty Line Market Research

Which leads me to the question - do panties reflect the woman? I was thinking of standing on a street corner with a clipboard, and asking 500 women what type of panties they are wearing and what color. Then I would ask them a few questions about their sexual and private lives.
But these days, you just can't so anything like that without someone complaining. I know - I'll wear an ID badge as well with the word "Institute" somewhere on it, that would help. And to make the lady feel more comfortable, I will only ask those who are accompanied by their boyfriends or husbands.
Pity though. Using that info, I could get a good idea if "type of panties=the woman", publish a paper with my findings in "The Lancet", and become a Spanking Guru with the compulsory black suit, blue shirt and yellow tie with black spots.
Mike Hitchen 14 March, 2005
HeadKase to Headcase

"I have it figured. It's because I can design a woman to my specifications, guidelines and Quality Control Measures. I can make her do what I want, when I want, in a way that I want. Joking aside, there is a fair amount of truth in that. I like discipline/spanking to evoke certain feelings, attiudes and images in a woman. By writing from a female perspective, I am creating what I want a woman to feel. Also, I think there is a defence mechanism involved. Rather than writing as me, I write as a femail. My friends have always been femail, so in a way, I identify more with femails than to men. Oddly enough, one of my few male creations was Lord Warne, who I would hate to think bore any resemblance to me!"
Mike Hitchen gets even more lippy than usual

I am looking for a good quality lipstick that stays on.
Probably pink - definitely not red.
It seems most lipsticks either turn a different color once open, or fail to stay on. I want one that stays on and stays the same color as the display.
"Endless" is no good for some reason, so that rules that one out.
Mike Hitchen abuses a 62 year old man
I once appointed someone to a position who had been doing a job 4 years. The person who lost out, had been doing a similar job for 35 years. He complained to me that he had "35 years experience". So what! It means bugger all to me.
As with many who makes such a boast, he was also stuck in the same mindset as when he started. Whenever new methods were put in place, his response was nearly always "I have been doing this job 35 years".
Eventually he came under my authority, so I gave him all the crap jobs to do and included him in the heavy lifting duites, (he was 62 and kept complaining he was ill, though wouldn't submit to an examination, and the lifting was never more than the legal 16 kilograms anyway). Eventually, for some strange reason, he decided it was time to grow tomatoes. Don't know why - he always wanted to stay till he was 65. Funny how some people change their minds for no reason :)
Mike Hitchen January 7, 2002
As with many who makes such a boast, he was also stuck in the same mindset as when he started. Whenever new methods were put in place, his response was nearly always "I have been doing this job 35 years".
Eventually he came under my authority, so I gave him all the crap jobs to do and included him in the heavy lifting duites, (he was 62 and kept complaining he was ill, though wouldn't submit to an examination, and the lifting was never more than the legal 16 kilograms anyway). Eventually, for some strange reason, he decided it was time to grow tomatoes. Don't know why - he always wanted to stay till he was 65. Funny how some people change their minds for no reason :)
Mike Hitchen January 7, 2002
Mike Hitchen: A short story about mommy
On Monday the oven was used. My mother was out in the kitchen and I went out and started talking to her. Like an idiot, I forgot that the oven was on and that the top gets unbelievably hot (nothing like a hot top is what I always say). I leaned on it with my arm sort of diagonally across the corner. OWCH.
For the last few days, I have had a long narrow burn mark on my right arm. Today my mum saw it and said, "That look's nasty, looks like someones caned you on the arm. Decided to diversify have you?"
Mike Hitchen Jan 6, 2001
For the last few days, I have had a long narrow burn mark on my right arm. Today my mum saw it and said, "That look's nasty, looks like someones caned you on the arm. Decided to diversify have you?"
Mike Hitchen Jan 6, 2001
Mike Hitchen: The 'Voice for Madeleine Mccann' - pretends to be 'June' for his webcam rendezvous with a man

"Good morning. Rise and shine" I open my eyes and stretch. "
Good morning Sir, how are you today?" I ask.
"I am well thank you,, now come along get a move on." I get out of bed and open my underwear drawer. My hand lingers a fraction too long on a pair of black lacey knickers.
"Don't even think of it, if you know what's good for you" I pick the pink ones with blue flowers instead. My whole day will be monitored and controlled.
Some may think I am crazy, he is just a voice. I too sometimes think that, but then I think of Mary and Judy and many others. They have "live" men in the lives, but in reality they too are nothing more than just voices. My man does not lack soul or feeling. His presence may not be physical, but he provides me with the warmth and guidance I need. Yes, I know he may one day find another and that is a chance I must take, the same as I would in real life.
No doubt one day my feelings will change, but for now I say, "Do I really have to eat breakfast Sir"
Mike Hitchen 30 May 2001 (click link for full story)
Good morning Sir, how are you today?" I ask.
"I am well thank you,, now come along get a move on." I get out of bed and open my underwear drawer. My hand lingers a fraction too long on a pair of black lacey knickers.
"Don't even think of it, if you know what's good for you" I pick the pink ones with blue flowers instead. My whole day will be monitored and controlled.
Some may think I am crazy, he is just a voice. I too sometimes think that, but then I think of Mary and Judy and many others. They have "live" men in the lives, but in reality they too are nothing more than just voices. My man does not lack soul or feeling. His presence may not be physical, but he provides me with the warmth and guidance I need. Yes, I know he may one day find another and that is a chance I must take, the same as I would in real life.
No doubt one day my feelings will change, but for now I say, "Do I really have to eat breakfast Sir"
Mike Hitchen 30 May 2001 (click link for full story)
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